Storage Solutions Recommend external 1tb hdd

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hi all,

I was planning to buy a 1 TB external HDD. Which one would you all suggest?


P.S. Or should I just go in for a second internal HDD coz i already have a 500 GB external HDD. Darn I'm confused.:@
If you can, I would prefer internal hdds to external hdds. For most of my friends failure rate for external hdds had been far greater than external ones. As you already have got an external one, I think that can take care of your portability needs.
Internal drives run faster(even compared to esata), might have active cooling without much cost, run cooler and hence would remain healthier :).
External ones have the advantage of portability and power consumption as you use them only when needed.
WD 1TB green and seagate 7200.12 1TB drives are the popular options for internal drives.
Transcend Storejets are excellent for rough use. I've been using one 250GB for the last 7-8 months. fell 2 times from about 3-4 ft height yet anything to happen. The package shows that those HDDs are passed thru' US military drop test. The avg write time is about 22-25MB/s (from Vista Copy info :P ). but be sure that you really need an external HDD.
If your motherboard supports eSata then you can even think of it as its much faster then USB2.0 AFAIK.
eSata is as fast as internal sata drive..only the connector socket for the eSata cable differs from sata cable..
I got Western Digital Element 1TB 3.5" Black External Hard Drive from US through my uncle a week ago for $100.

Even though it is external, it is of the same size and weight as a standard internal disk. Of course it does have rubber protection at both ends.

Unlike smaller external disks, this needs to be separately powered.

The summary is that even though it is not ultra portable, it is a very good value for money.

Product URL: - Western Digital Element 1TB 3.5" Black External Hard Drive - External Hard Drives
I guess i should go in for an internal 1 TB considering the failure rate scenario as well as the price difference... seagate 7200.12 most probably

Thanks a lot everyone for giving in the inputs
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