Storage Solutions Recommend me a Good 2 TB HDD

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Well, I have had 1.5 TB of sorage space for some time now, however I am planning to take a leap and move to a new 2 TB HDD(this weekend).

I have heard good things about this Samsung SpinPoint HDD, what is your opinion on this?

Also Seagate have been doing good in Storage solution for long time now and I chesrish my 1 TB Seagate hardisk till now, never failed me.

So what will you guys recommend, and please do give me a qoute price of your recommend, and its availability in India, specially Chennai(as I will getting it from here)

PS : Also my UPS battery has completely died off - wont even allow my sytem to start on power,

I was using APC 650 Watt UPS, what is the current price of it battery. And should I buy APC only battery, or I could go for a good company`s battery with same Volt and Ampear Hour??

Hoping to hear from you soon.

I was reading some writups here and there, and I came to know about the two nice Hard disk:-

Samsung Spinpoint F4 2TB - Whats with the availability of this HDD in India, is it available already.

Seagate LP 2TB SATA - ST2000DL003 - I got a qoute of Rs. 4750 in a nearby place - Letz see what Richie stree has to say about it.

Well I would say the Black Edition of WD maybe good, but I am not in mood to spend so much :P

Samsung Hard drives are hard to find in India, never spotted them after my Samsung 40 GB IDE died way-back in 2003, so no comments but yes the performance of the SpinPoint series is exceptional.

The Seagate LP series hard drives are a reliable budget offer in league against the Western Digital Green's which it completely demolishes in the performance as well as reliability. I've seen more than my share of Western Digital Green edition drives going for a toss at the wrong time. I'll recommend you go ahead with the purchase of a LP edition drive because I think you'll use it as a secondary data dump, rather than primary drive.

For your Black Edition query, I'll say steer away, they are like drives which perform roughly ~5% above a Seagate Barracuda series drive and cost ~ 1000/- bucks extra. In my books a strict avoid this situation. Hope this helps.

Theitdepot - Seagate Barracuda Green 2TB SATA Desktop Hard Drive (ST2000DL003) -- Seagate ST2000DL003 2TB drive on IT Depot -- Chennai based online retailers.
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Thanks ALPHA17 for the piece of update and advice.

Any recommendation, of how I should get the partiton done:-

Currently I have:-

500 GB WD - dedicated to movie only.

1 TB Seagate HDD - Having three partitions, one 40 GB for OS, 600 GB for Games setup and installation, 300 GB for docs, videos

Now after getting the new 2 TB, I am thinking to remap no of slots. I am thinking to combine partitons in 1 TB into one, pull out 60 or 80 GB for OS from 2 TB.

Hence I will have a total of 4 HSS Slots.

What say, also which HDD I should use for OS preferabbly, 1 TB or the new 2 TB with lower RPM?

The Seagate LP editions might be slow but they are faster and more reliable than the Western Digital Green edition in my books. Plus I doubt anyone would use a 2TB as a primary. He might as well put a IDE as a primary drive in this case.

himanshuaieee said:
Thanks ALPHA17 for the piece of update and advice.
Any recommendation, of how I should get the partiton done:-

Currently I have:-

500 GB WD - dedicated to movie only.

1 TB Seagate HDD - Having three partitions, one 40 GB for OS, 600 GB for Games setup and installation, 300 GB for docs, videos
Put the OS in the older 1 TB hard drive, the 2 TB use as a data dump, get an external case and a eSATA port if you want to make it portable.
CA50 said:
^^choose the fastest for the OS

PS: your avatar give me a ... ;)

Yeah thats was what crossing my mind as well :D But Iwas indilemma.
rite said:
SD LP is damn slow compared to 7200.12 even I guess.

Samsung isn't readily available
If you didnt noticed, I am using Segate 7200.11 and not 7200.12, pushed hard to get it then but the place I was at that point of time rarely had 1 TBs so.... :(

ALPHA17 said:

The Seagate LP editions might be slow but they are faster and more reliable than the Western Digital Green edition in my books. Plus I doubt anyone would use a 2TB as a primary. He might as well put a IDE as a primary drive in this case.

Put the OS in the older 1 TB hard drive, the 2 TB use as a data dump, get an external case and a eSATA port if you want to make it portable.
So even the 7200.11 betteroff than LP`s!!

I guess what you said Alpha would still be best idea, cause it will save me from the hassle of re-installing of OS :D

Still I will like to know that which one is betteroff among them

Btw, I found off the price quotes from Richie Street dealer - Rs 4500. Weekend an I am gonna grab it./

Thanks everbody foe helping me out..
^^ Yeah the Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 series are in leauge against Western Digital Blue edition and earlier against the Black edition drives. They spin at 10000 RPM, while LPs spin @5900 RPM. Hence the performance difference between the two as well as power consumption is also lower.

The 7200.11 series were lambasted because of a firmware problem which caused several thousands to become BRICKED, it was resolved via a firware upgrade. The 7200.12 series has been fine so far. I'm on dual Seagate 320GB 7200.10 and they've served me fine over a year and a half now.

Western Digital Caviar Blue review by fellow TE stalwart Sorcerer.
Seagate's own Green edition drive performs faster than Caviar Blue Series. Ouch!!
-- in his own words.
IMO if you don't want to buy a WD Black 2TB, then get 7200.12 1TB from Seagate, I guess they are better than Seagate LP and WD Green 2TB ones.

So 2-3 x 1TB Seagate 7200.12 or even 1.5 TB x 2 would perhaps do the trick :)
ALPHA17 said:
^^ Yeah the Seagate Barracuda 7200.11 series are in leauge against Western Digital Blue edition and earlier against the Black edition drives. They spin at 10000 RPM,
They spin at 7200RPM and not 10000RPM as do Black edition. Only raptor and velociraptor spin at 10000RPM
I have 3 x 1TB Seagate 7200.1 Barracuda drives and (touchwood) they are still serving me well. I'd definitely opt for a Barracuda again when I need to upgrade.
My point is why spend 1K to 1.5K more for a WD for performance increase that is "relatively" faster. I mean, from your other post, if you are gonna spend most of the time watching movies or playing games, then you can go in for any drive and you won't really won't take such a bad performance hit. For games, the performance also depends on what kind of CPU and GPU you are using, storage is just one part of the system. But if its really "performance" that you want and you are ready to spend for it, try a 10K rpm VelociRaptor. :)
Well bought the Seagate LP 2TB HDD for Rs. 4500 (inclusive of taxes)



Its working all fine atm, speeds are good... I was shifting data and reshuffling stuff and I was getting around 60 MBps.

This disk mostly would be a kind dump disk, to store all my movies, games setup, videos etc.

Thankyou guys for helping me out choosing the right one, and clearing out my queries.
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