Recommend me books for Physics Hons 1st year

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Hi guys
as the name suggests, i need you to recommend me books to study for my 1st year at physics Hons course
I will be joining a college under the Burdwan University this year:-)
I passed out of school at 2008, but had to drop/sit at home 3 years due to health reasons

due to this gap i have lost my touch with all the subjects:ashamed:
so i need you to recommend me books that are easy to understand even for beginners

please help guys,
cause i gotta be up to date within 4-5 months before college starts
i don't wanna be "Uncle" in class:rofl:
I'm in 12th now , Well apart from Halliday and Resnick , you could start off with

Concepts of Physics Part I and II , HC Verma

NCERT Textbooks Parts I and II of both XI and XII Are pretty good for brushing across the syllabus , recollecting.

You really want to go bald solving problems : I E Irodov - Problems In general physics.

That'll take some time to digest , good luck getting bald

some folk suggested me to get BS Grewal's Higher Engineering Mathematics

so i got a piece from a local dealer,

but the book seems damn tough , cause there are hardly any explanations for the sums

it feels like the book has skipped a step between +1 +2 and the grad syllabus

so i need to get a book that can help me bridge the gap and understand the Basic Concepts in the Maths Syllabus without the need for teachers

Note:- i Prepared my 12th with the help of RD Sharma books which were easier to understand and advance to higher concepts gradually

For physics

i already have a Halliday Resnik, and it is a damn good book to understand the basics

I found HC Verma to have a very steep learning curve, so i abandoned it ( i wasn't aiming for IITs)
HC Verma is best for me.Theories are well and simple to understand, highly recommended for entrance exams.Halliday and Resnick is a very good book.It can get you deep inside the theories,as you already mentioned.These two books should full fill your all basic recommendations.As for 'Erdv' you wouldn't be able to solve the problems without the help of seniors(at least not for me).
contemplating to buy Feynman's Lectures in Physics 1st volume and problem solving supplement

worth a buy?
Er might be a bit out of league here but I found "pradeep fundamental physics" to be really good for basics and bridging the gap to advanced books
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