Car & Bike Recommend me new bike

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I'm using the age old Bajaj CT 100 condemned one. Too nasty to ride still more. So i'm going to buy new bike. Budget 70k on road price. I'm not going to Bajaj any more and also TVS. I'm into for Yamaha, Hero Honda and Honda.

I have choose few models to buy which is well researched after reading reviews.

Hero Honda - CBZ Xtreme
Yamaha - Fazer or FZ S
Honda - Unicorn Black edition.

which model above or any other model do you recommend. My needs are front disc brake, electric start, stylish looks and also should give good mileage but im not going below 150CC.
Get the FZ-16/FZ-S. Great bike. Truly Lord of the Streets :) Take a test ride of the bikes. Only downside is fuel efficiency :(
I would have suggested that bike too if not for the parameters he has set. Not one of them has all of them.
^ Riding the Apache can be cumbersome for long periods though since it vibrates at higher speeds and its seating position isnt that comfy. The most comfy is the Pulsar 180 IMO.

I learnt the hard way :(
Hero Honda - CBZ Xtreme
Good bike but not the best seller, in fact not even comes close to the era the first generation of CBZs created. I could only touch upto 120kmph. Fuel efficiency is also not to be boasted about. I personally din like the looks too. And ya Off topic - the worst part, the tagline "Thinking is such a waste of time". honestly thats the worst message u can spread amongst youngsters. And ya the ad sux bigtime too.. :P
Yamaha - Fazer or FZ S- Was selling like hot cakes when it came out. Now i don see much of it though. Dunno the real reason but from what i have observed after riding one, I din feel the performance was at par with what i expected of a yamaha bike, i myself could barely touch 117 (hopefully it was that particular bike). Also the fuel efficiency is bad. my friend said it returns around 38-41 kms for a litre, but haven yet known the actual figures. one thing i found amazing is the handling of the bike. great for city riding
Honda - Unicorn Black edition. - Still is one of the honest bikes out there which has nothing to flaunt except one of the most top notch engines ever designed in the indian 2 wheeler market. hardly any maintenance. the plastic/fibre parts are pathetic, but i honestly don think it should matter much when ur getting an amazing performance at the best of the fuel economies. Great handling too. Its the perfect VFM bike. The only downsides are the looks and the Honda servicing for which u mite find mixed reviews. i would suggest u this bike but i suppose till last month or so Honda had a pretty long waiting period for the delivery of their vehicles.

Apache - No comments as i am yet to ride the new one. Although i feel and i have heard the bike is good in all aspects. I still find it too short/small in size for an average built rider.
I personally din like the pulsars so wouldn comment on the same. Some how the handling of the bike scares the sh!t out of me once i cross even 70kmph. :no:
i suggest u to test ride all these bikes if possible. it will give u some idea on what suits u the best.
Everything has been taken care of by radiohead. By reading his post, you can clearly decide. But, you shouldn't really rule out tvs and bajaj at that price as apache and pulsars are still the better vfm bikes in that range. RTR 160 is the best in performance in 160 or lesser category at that price range. But, isn't comfortable for long riding and vibrates like hell. Pulsar 180 is good too with good mileage and performance.
Thanks for your suggestions. What about Honda Stunner 125 cc? There should really be an technology where one can change cc speed in a bike by pulling a lever or pressing a bike.
CC = the size of the engine. You cant change that on the fly, this aint overclocking.

Anyways I would suggest you dont pay heed to the mileage and go for the FZ. You will love it.
^^ FZ is definetely great for city riding. I myself could zip through traffic with ease eve though it as my first ride on the bike. A great handler. the only other bikes with which i could do all these zip zap was on a Karizma and the Unicorn.
OT: if budget is not a contraint then i wud like to suggest u the best bike amongst all these which i haven mentioned. Kawasaki Ninja. Nothing feels close to this bike as of now. In fact I am already saving up to see one in my garage . Hopefully by July i should be ready. :ohyeah:
ganesh_2218 said:
Thanks for your suggestions. What about Honda Stunner 125 cc? There should really be an technology where one can change cc speed in a bike by pulling a lever or pressing a bike.

And y wud anyone wanna do that in the first place :S
As far as honda Stunner goes, its got a solid built unlike the cheap feel of plastic on Unicorn and the engine should be good too since it comes from Honda. I hav ent ridden one yet but its a good bike for the 125cc category.
I'm now eliminating Hero Honda as CBZ Extreme is good bike but low mileage(40). Heard reviews that stunner gives 60 kmpl Max and vibrates in high speed. I'm now only in for yamaha and going for Yamaha FZ-S. btw my younger brother last week bought FZ-16 replacing First version of Unicorn(2005 model). And i test rided it and its very smooth and looks are killer never seen in 70k category.

Does FZ-S gives 45 kmpl? will it get decreases as age goes on. I will soon this week post pictures of FZ-S.
RadioHeAd said:
^^ FZ is definetely great for city riding. I myself could zip through traffic with ease eve though it as my first ride on the bike. A great handler. the only other bikes with which i could do all these zip zap was on a Karizma and the Unicorn.
OT: if budget is not a contraint then i wud like to suggest u the best bike amongst all these which i haven mentioned. Kawasaki Ninja. Nothing feels close to this bike as of now. In fact I am already saving up to see one in my garage . Hopefully by July i should be ready. :ohyeah:
And y wud anyone wanna do that in the first place :S
As far as honda Stunner goes, its got a solid built unlike the cheap feel of plastic on Unicorn and the engine should be good too since it comes from Honda. I hav ent ridden one yet but its a good bike for the 125cc category.
You say budget not a constraint when it has to be increased by a couple of thousands.Not 4 folds.
You need stylish looks, good mileage, front disc brake..

The all three bikes you've suggested comes with all your needs except the Good mileage which various bike to bike..

Yamaha FZ-16/ FZ-S - Truly amazing bike but as all guys said, fuel efficiency is low. So you want good mileage, that may not fit your needs.

HH CBZ xtreme - Looks amazing, mileage is good (~50kmpl, just called friend who owns the bike)

Honda Unicorn - My Only recommendation to you. It gives good mileage, absolutely low maintenance, looks good, engine is what Honda is known for, the bike has damn smooth engine. (for more concern contact @Sudarshan_SMD on this board, he owns unicorn since ~2 years)
^^ I too have one since 2005. from the very first lot. A very much proud owner of one. Have done torturous things to it. But now its almost time to move on. just waiting to "upgrade now" :ohyeah:

ultimabasher said:
You say budget not a constraint when it has to be increased by a couple of thousands.Not 4 folds.

unfortunately thats true.
I can vouch for the Unicorn. Have the "first" batch, October 2004 :D Haven't faced a single issue till date - except for one glitch in the first set with the rear tail lamp rattling, which was fixed later on. If not for the plain jane looks, would definitely recommend it. Driving is a pleasure :)
IMO,do a test ride and decide...also read ownership will reach nowhere if you ask people abt their opinion abt bikes and cars....
Update :- Sold CT 100 for 15k. Honda bikes takes 70-90 days delivery too bad for the company. Is it manufactured in the Andromeda ?
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