Recommend me some Song/Artist ...

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Other than that for melody in rock- 3 doors down, Lifehouse, Nickleback, Seether
Others - The calling, Hoobastank, Incubus, Rasmus,
I have all of the above's discographies. i dont have all my collection in doom/goth metal.. lol :rofl: :lol: :bleh:
RiO said:
Very mature reply... if it's any indication of your maturity wrt music, I'll walk away because I believe in this quote: "Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience."

You stumped me with your last reply, and now I'm beat - later!

Dont you mean "Dont argue with a fool, the audience dont know the difference" :rofl:

j/k man..... here, the audience is smart and know who is who :lol:
Breaking Benjamin
3 days grace
30 seconds to mars
In flames
Stone Sour (slightly on the metal side)
Trust Company
Unwritten Law
My Lady Peace
Breaking Point
Yellowcard (damn good)
Simple Plan
Billy Tallent

Dont remember all of them but those are some of the bands that fall into your category...
whats ur internet speed?? it would work smoodh on 256kbps+ maybe some interenet probs some ppl experiencing so u wait for somedays to get situation under control then it wont buffer and then will play like butter smoodh :lol:
KingKrool said:
delete this post....

but why?
neways i used pandora and found some songs which i liked the first time i heard is there a way i can download that specefic song while it streams..i know i am not supposed to do that..but i will delete the song as soon as i hear it once again..:hap2: .
i tried pandora jar but it didnt there any another ripper that can do the job?
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