Recommendations for the Web

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Hello! I have setup my new site at

I want recommendations on how to make it better and please check out the rent the dvd service and post your views on it.
first of all why .tk.. it shows up a ad on first page for first few secs.. try
in about me page, blue color is hard to read in red backgrnd.
also change the title frm my webpage to something else.. is the parent site of all .tk domains. They provide redirection facility to another domain. Its pretty neat actually and uses ads as usual. $ removes those. I used them for a while few years ago :)

Hmm looking at the site earlier there were popus now they changed the format :(

As for the site its nice :) reminds me of my webdesigning adventures 7 years back :)
Nice looking website, but maybe you should consider removing the mouse pointer trails ... it may look cool at first but it tends to get annoying if you just want to browse the site.
Hmm... Try .. Its better than .tk atleast ..

it_waaznt_me posted 3.22 minutes later:

Umm... Consider removing that background sound and that mouse pointer .. That looks childish .. Btw. . The layout is good ..
Yeah. I agree with Ujjwal. Here are a couple of pointers though

Work out a good colour scheme, and use the same theme throughout the site. You do have a colour theme already, but i suggest you make a few changes to increase readability.

If you have several sections on a single page, make sure they have enough text to support them, otherwise the page would look very empty.

If you're using images from elsewhere, make sure that the original background of the image doesn't show in your pages (i.e, if the image was taken from asite with a white background, in most cases, the image will have a white background as well)

And most importantly, never upload your picture to a site which could be viewed by strangers. Tis not a good idea. More importantly, with the kinds of guides you seem to write, it's advisable that you provide no photographs of yourself that could help someone track you down :P

IIRC, most of the DVDs u plan to rent are pirated. just let NASSCOM hear about ur idea, they'll take away ur comp, ur DVDs , put Rs50,000 fine and sue ur ass :ohyeah:
Though the site looks good at first but everything is vertically stacked up and you have to scroll up and down at least on 800*600. The rent a DVD link is hardly visible. If you wanna focus on it I would suggest you make it more visible. Sound is something I would suggest it shouldn't be there and as already stated the mouse trails.

If you are providing pirated disks for rent then beware you could be caught very soon. Even if its not pirated I don't think that you can simply put them on rent like this. Your idea in general also doesn't seems quite good from the economics point of view. When people can get the same DVD from there local market why would they risk Rs. 500 and and pay for the postage etc. Moreover the Rs. 100 they pay for their DVDs bought from the local market also entitles them to a DVD to keep.
well it was based on the availibility of dvds which isnt found in most of the places but if you say it is then i guess its no use it was just an idea.
@Sunny, good one
@arudit - Yeah, all those software pirates in India got busted just cuz they went and "TOLD" Nasscomm that they were into piracy :) Lol dude, they will find out eventually, and your picture on your site would make it easy for them to find you :P

Something to think about, huh ?
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