Recommendations on comedy movies..require urgently

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just go watch borat oh and being so special as you are you better keep some bananas with you :D

good to have you back monkey boy! lol :P
You need to play Fatal Frame games quick!!

And watch Borat (male nudity warning).

AND click this pic! (it is not a picture of shalebridge cradle level ^_^ )

Shalebridge Cradle Newbies! - TTLG Forums

Impression of me in Shalebridge Cradle.... - Forums

Is it really that scary?! I need to play this game...

I was scared the **** out of me, In Alone In The Dark, while in gameplay, out from nowhere lightning would strike and in that split second, you could see a crap load of mutated ghosts walking around right behind you. I returned the game after that scene, a year later bought it back and finished it like a man! I'm now afraid of nothing...nothing I say!
Sandy said:
just go watch borat oh and being so special as you are you better keep some babes with you :D

good to have you back monkey boy! lol :P

Corrected the word bananas for something even better :P

Params7 said:
You need to play Fatal Frame games quick!!

And watch Borat (male nudity warning).

AND click this pic! (it is not a picture of shalebridge cradle level ^_^ )

Shalebridge Cradle Newbies! - TTLG Forums
Impression of me in Shalebridge Cradle.... - Forums

Is it really that scary?! I need to play this game...

I was scared the **** out of me, In Alone In The Dark, while in gameplay, out from nowhere lightning would strike and in that split second, you could see a crap load of mutated ghosts walking around right behind you. I returned the game after that scene, a year later bought it back and finished it like a man! I'm now afraid of nothing...nothing I say!

Thx a lot params,for tht screenie...I am gonna get you back for tht,I hated tht elevator even though it looked like a cage.When I entered it the first time..a freaky sound made me run back to the starting area of the game and I waited there for 5 mins thinking wht my nxt move shd be.

Freefrag said:
u should watch "Monty Python And The Holy Grail".............hilarious movie

My frnds recommended tht movie for me..will watch it tonight.

Even though my fingers have calmed a bit,yesterday must have been my judgement day...cause the guy who brought me the movies didn't notice tht one of the covers had a different movie in it.

It was the god's must be crazy...but when I played the cd..How niccceee,it was @%@% GOTHIKA!!!!
madmonkey said:
As I am typing this with trembling hands now(no joke)..all thx to a game called Thief Deadly shadows namely the shalebridge cradle level,I would like to see some humorous movies which would make me forget tht level since I would like to forget abt it as quickly as possible even though I haven't explored a half of tht god forsaken level.I might play it again..after a month.

I thought avp2 & silent hill was scary..but tht's obviously a pipsqueak compared to this level,so would like the names of a few movie titles..I think I might have peed on my pants(checks pants)..No!it's still dry.And for those who haven't played the game and think tht it can't be tht scary..All I can say is !@$@#%# and btw play the game just to see tht I wasn't joking.

Oh and if medpal is online and if he is reading this right now...I need a pacemaker urgent!!

madmonkey :
i am here but was not online yesterday because of sunday and i was out of town..

any ways now you realise how much effect this kinda movie / game can leave.

but it is always temporary. try to enjoy your life.

seems you have stopped hanging out with friends, go out with friends / family / spend some really nice time with the person you really love to be in company of.

you will definitely be better of than. use your pal as your pacemaker :P

if the pacemakers were so easy to be placed those cardiologist would not have been frigging rich :rofl:.
madmonkey said:
It was the god's must be crazy...but when I played the cd..How niccceee,it was @%@% GOTHIKA!!!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

btw, I tried watching Gothika, but got really bored halfway through.
watch EuroTrip[2004] if you want a fun raunchy movie.

watch The Marine [2006] if you want to get a nice headache out of irritation.
Scary movie 1,2,3,4 are fun

It doesn't scare u away, don't worry. :)

after watching this you might make fun outta ghosts.

But PJ warning
Baby's Day Out,sonia gandhi speeches,hot shots 2,Buffalo Soldiers( very good movie),bad taste,team america:world police,jackass 1,2, borat, scary movie 3, gods must be crazy1,2.
yeah baby's day out and home alone series are hilarious..... if you like like desi movies then kya kool hain hum is for you
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