Laptops Recovery disc not burning in Acer 5740G


I bought Acer 5740G 434G50Mn couple of days back.
It's working completely fine but Windows is taking too much of time to boot? any tricks to improve that?
Moreover, I was trying to create Recover cds using Acer eRecovery software.
I chose the Create Factory Default disc, and it estimated around 9.7GB and informed that it needs 3 DVDs. So, I inserted the first DVD and began the process. It burned completely but during the verification stage it gets stuck on 29% (It was on it for almost 2hrs). The problem is whenever I start to create the recovery discs, it always starts from the first recovery disc and then gets stuck and hence I am not able to burn all the 3 discs.
Any solution? or workaround?
yes, plz try with another media, and try to write using at lower speed, if again fails use any disk cloning softwares so that it can copy exact hidden partion (OS+drivers)to an external HDD,so that you can reinstall the OS + drivers or format the lap hdd later .
please suggest some free 64-bit virtual dvd software.

I'll try burning on it.

Also, it provides no option to change the speed.
I am facing the same problem .... tried SONY,WRITEX and now IMATION same issue upon verification of Disk 1 it gets stuck for hours.

Same model, Purchased from STAPLES , Bangalore.

Disabled antivirus as well as all other programs in the background ... still no help.
I had the same problem with a HP laptop.Simply used ABR,downloaded a trial version of win 7(many still floating around),formatted the hard drive,did a clean install with the trial version and used ABR.Recovering a system with recovery discs take a hell lot more time and uninstalling those crapwares provided by most manufacturers these days is such a pain in the a*s.