Reddit vs Quora vs Techenclave vs REST CRAP ?

Vote among best sites in India ? ( is best)


    Votes: 8 29.6%
  • Quora

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • reddit

    Votes: 15 55.6%

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Best thread on GT right now with the likes of Rakakakaka and Being.Smart not showing interest in us.
And also 2 more the most active full-time persons around. Don't want to name them. :P
Regular viewers will get them.
Reddit is crap !!
Tons of reasons to state same !!
- They dont know to fix bugs/errors on there website.
- App is most buggy
- There are tons of variants supported, you install those and screw your account (NO SECURITY)
- There are few subs published as (LEGAL) for India, tone of contributors is just same..
(arre bhai, yaar chhood do na, maine bhi kiya, etc. etc. from multiple ids in same posts)

- Who else wants to be lawyer for REDDIT ? (DO POST)
Fake votes probably from reddit franchise !
Reddit is crap !!

Tons of reasons to state same !!

- They dont know to fix bugs/errors on there website.

- App is most buggy

- There are tons of variants supported, you install those and screw your account (NO SECURITY)

- There are few subs published as (LEGAL) for India, tone of contributors is just same..

(arre bhai, yaar chhood do na, maine bhi kiya, etc. etc. from multiple ids in same posts)

- Who else wants to be lawyer for REDDIT ? (DO POST)

Fake votes probably from reddit franchise !
Everyone knows reddit is a filthy cancerous sh*thole. But there are also times where you can find absolute gems in this pile of sh*t and has posts or communities that lead to something pretty good.
Everyone who uses reddit is fully aware of these facts and chooses to accept it for what it is.

The quality of content and bs allowed in any subreddit depends strictly on the moderators of the sub. If some mod is a douche then that means the subreddit is bad. You cant say reddit is bad because of that. Plus, if you dont like a subreddit then you have the option to just go make your own on the same website and have your own rules on it.

Many people find reddit useful for a lot of stuff. A LOT!!! Information, entertainment or promotion for a cause.
Many people dont and hate it. Everybody has their reasons.

What exactly are you trying to do with this post here? Did you have a bad experience with reddit and want someone to say the same things as you so that you feel okay? Or are you....trying to change people's minds about it by stating its negatives? Because I can assure you, a redditor will provide you with 10x more reasons than you did for reddit being a pile of sh*t.

Also? What fake votes? And what franchise? What are you talking about?:confused:
Everyone knows reddit is a filthy cancerous sh*thole...

I intentionally left out everything after your "but" because i want to address this point alone. What exactly makes reddit so bad and worse than other platforms? like facebook or instagram/youtube comments?

reddit is just another medium of information exchange. it's some users who are filthy cancerous shitholes. just because someone doesn't agree with one's ideology or political belief or fecking choice of icecream flavour means the whole platform is shit?

The OP's posts are usually bordering on trolling, making very little sense usually, but i can't believe even you people are supporting this nonsense.

i mean we had a literal discussion in another thread that just because nvidia made a couple of bad cards doesn't make them a shitty gpu manufacturer by any means. can you not apply this principle here too?

the bottom line is the entire internet is full of crap and filth, you have to know how to filter and get the information you want. i'm not defending reddit because i'm in love with the platform, heck i don't even have an account there. but i've got tons of extremely technical and detailed information that you can't get anywhere else on the whole fricking internet. because there are some real geniuses there. and when i'm done with that i don't bother poking around the 'filthy cancerous shithole' subs just for kicks.
I intentionally left out everything after your "but" because i want to address this point alone. What exactly makes reddit so bad and worse than other platforms? like facebook or instagram/youtube comments?
I never said Reddit was better or worse than Facebook or Instagram or anything else. If you read my 3rd para, it says that I think its based on people's personal preferences. I dont use facebook or instagram, heck I dont even have accounts there, but I do use reddit all the time because I like it better.
I said reddit was a shithole.....I didnt say it was sh*t. There is a difference which I thought the people reading my post would be able to see and understand what I'm trying to say. What I meant to say was that its a place where you have to sift through a lot of junk to find some real good gems. Which I even said in the next sentence. Maybe my words were a little strong so let me give another analogy. Reddit- swamp.....filth....lotus.
Now onto what made me use those strong words. Reddit sure is like fb and insta but its also NOT in so many ways. It differs in terms of moderation and also filters (which mostly dont exist). These are the best things about reddit but it also makes it the worst. People never have to use their real identity and can make multiple accounts so it makes them feel safe, but also brings out the evil in most of them. They say the worst things possible and try to make other people's lives miserable just for the heck of it. As far as I know, you cant make multiple accounts on facebook. You get banned once then all you new accounts get banned too if they're from the same location. Youtube is getting stricter every day. Even minor things dont get excused on it these days as far as the content goes. On reddit however, people can strech their luck pretty far. And I mean really far! I'm not talking about the usual heaps of shitposts or reposts or karmawhoring (they also play a part but its nothing big). The type of subreddits that are just focused on harassing people to some that even promote sexual assaults. These things go unnoticed by the masses unlike the easily discoverable facebook pages or youtube channels (which then face the well deserved backlash and scrutiny) and start festering in the darkness. These are just two examples but there are many more which I'm sure you know about and I won't go any deeper.
reddit is just another medium of information exchange. it's some users who are filthy cancerous shitholes. just because someone doesn't agree with one's ideology or political belief or fecking choice of icecream flavour means the whole platform is shit?
Read the 2nd paragraph from my previous post. I said the exact thing that you said, but in a slightly different manner. What are you upset about? And once again, I said reddit was a sh*thole where you have to get past a lot of sh*t to get to the good stuff. I didn't say it was sh*t.

i mean we had a literal discussion in another thread that just because nvidia made a couple of bad cards doesn't make them a shitty gpu manufacturer by any means. can you not apply this principle here too?
Again, read the 2nd paragraph of my previous post. I'm basically saying the same thing.

the bottom line is the entire internet is full of crap and filth, you have to know how to filter and get the information you want. i'm not defending reddit because i'm in love with the platform, heck i don't even have an account there. but i've got tons of extremely technical and detailed information that you can't get anywhere else on the whole fricking internet. because there are some real geniuses there. and when i'm done with that i don't bother poking around the 'filthy cancerous shithole' subs just for kicks.
It's true that there are bad things on the internet everywhere, but reddit is still a WEBSITE. So you still have to look at it AS a website. The OP is was also talking about it as a website. It gets you unfiltered, unadulterated content but this also means a lot of bad things come through this website. Compared to other social sites, its a lot. Now if you try to stop this, then you'll also have to give up the good things that you get with it. Most people see this and they accept it for what it is and use it for the good things. That is what I was trying to tell the OP.
But you're saying, "HEY NO NO THAT'S NOT TRUE!!!" and just repeating my point in a different way.
I don't know what more to say...:oops:
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I never said Reddit was better or worse than Facebook or Instagram or anything else. If you read my 3rd para, it says that I think its based on people's personal preferences. I dont use facebook or instagram, heck I dont even have accounts there, but I do use reddit all the time because I like it better.
I said reddit was a shithole.....I didnt say it was sh*t. There is a difference which I thought the people reading my post would be able to see and understand what I'm trying to say. What I meant to say was that its a place where you have to sift through a lot of junk to find some real good gems. Which I even said in the next sentence. Maybe my words were a little strong so let me give another analogy. Reddit- swamp.....filth....lotus.
Now onto what made me use those strong words. Reddit sure is like fb and insta but its also NOT in so many ways. It differs in terms of moderation and also filters (which mostly dont exist). These are the best things about reddit but it also makes it the worst. People never have to use their real identity and can make multiple accounts so it makes them feel safe, but also brings out the evil in most of them. They say the worst things possible and try to make other people's lives miserable just for the heck of it. As far as I know, you cant make multiple accounts on facebook. You get banned once then all you new accounts get banned too if they're from the same location. Youtube is getting stricter every day. Even minor things dont get excused on it these days as far as the content goes. On reddit however, people can strech their luck pretty far. And I mean really far! I'm not talking about the usual heaps of shitposts or reposts or karmawhoring (they also play a part but its nothing big). The type of subreddits that are just focused on harassing people to some that even promote sexual assaults. These things go unnoticed by the masses unlike the easily discoverable facebook pages or youtube channels (which then face the well deserved backlash and scrutiny) and start festering in the darkness. These are just two examples but there are many more which I'm sure you know about and I won't go any deeper.

Read the 2nd paragraph from my previous post. I said the exact thing that you said, but in a slightly different manner. What are you upset about? And once again, I said reddit was a sh*thole where you have to get past a lot of sh*t to get to the good stuff. I didn't say it was sh*t.

Again, read the 2nd paragraph of my previous post. I'm basically saying the same thing.

It's true that there are bad things on the internet everywhere, but reddit is still a WEBSITE. So you still have to look at it AS a website. The OP is was also talking about it as a website. It gets you unfiltered, unadulterated content but this also means a lot of bad things come through this website. Compared to other social sites, its a lot. Now if you try to stop this, then you'll also have to give up the good things that you get with it. Most people see this and they accept it for what it is and use it for the good things. That is what I was trying to tell the OP.
But you're saying, "HEY NO NO THAT'S NOT TRUE!!!" and just repeating my point in a different way.
I don't know what more to say...:oops:

I repeat, if you start off a post with "Everyone knows reddit is a filthy cancerous sh*thole", then everything after the 'but' is moot. You can phrase it with more tact.

All your comparisons with other sites are almost naive too. We all know how well FB is moderated, it's in the mainstream news right now. And all the SJWs on instagram and then the rape threats they receive on the same platform. Reddit's moderation is based on the community related to a particular sub. If you go into a cheese lovers sub and say 'cheese is the worst thing mankind invented, you would obv. be abused and kicked the F outta there'. The OP probably went into r/india and said some shit which the majority didn't like. I'm inferring this from his first post, and others he has made on the same topic.

The problem i have with statements like the one you made is that someone who's never visited reddit might be put off ever visiting just by the way you said it. And the way you keep talking about FB and YT is really funny, like they are somehow of a higher standard than reddit. Newsflash: these sites are owned by multibillion dollar corporations with an agenda. They decide what content stays up and doesn't. Reddit's moderation is by the community. It's the closest thing we have to free speech. That means a lot of filth and shit. Just like the real world. And if it's illegal it can and will be reported. One guy was drunk and posted on reddit that he was going to kill himself. The cops went to his house and by then he had sobered up. Changed his mind about the suicide too. But he ended up deleting his account because he had posted in anonymity, and was freaked out that they found him. The problem with us indians, typical example being the OP, is we don't know what free speech really means. The US supreme court allows people to burn the national flag in protest. A ghastly act without doubt. But it's free speech. As protected by the US constitution. There was this video where some crazies were about to burn the US flag. And a couple of off duty soldiers, stopped them and took the flag away by force. Because they have free speech too. To protect the flag they love, serve and honour at all costs. An incredible contrast and beautiful example of democracy at it's flawed best. We need to learn how to live instead of shitting all over the messenger.

Overall, by your reasoning as posted above, any forum or heck, even the entire internet if full of filth. Deal with it.
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It gets you unfiltered, unadulterated content but this also means a lot of bad things come through this website..

Nothing crap comes through reddit. I don't see a single bad thing on reddit. You know why? coz i don't go to any of those subs! not india, not politics, not anything that i don't want to see. in fact it's better than real life in that regard, because i could be walking down the street and some crazy fcker could accost me at any time. But not on reddit lol.

p.s. dude, just a friendly suggestion. It would do you good to see a person's posting trend and history before replying to them, thinking they're talking sense. I saw his trollbait post, the one just before yours and thought, not again. Also, no way i'm having a dialog with him. But then you replied and i just couldn't let it go. If you read through this thread from the beginning you will see what a riot this guy is.

p.p.s. it just occurred to me, the reason for all the crap posts on reddit are that it's literally 12-year olds posting there. Or at least people with the mental capacity of 12-year olds. Why anyone would waste time reading the shit those morons post is beyond me.
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I repeat, if you start off a post with "Everyone knows reddit is a filthy cancerous sh*thole", then everything after the 'but' is moot. You can phrase it with more tact.
I started with the line which every redditor knows very well. We say it ourselves when we see any sub going to shit or any meaningful post going to shit because of idiots.
All your comparisons with other sites are almost naive too. We all know how well FB is moderated, it's in the mainstream news right now. And all the SJWs on instagram and then the rape threats they receive on the same platform. Reddit's moderation is based on the community related to a particular sub. If you go into a cheese lovers sub and say 'cheese is the worst thing mankind invented, you would obv. be abused and kicked the F outta there'. The OP probably went into r/india and said some shit which the majority didn't like. I'm inferring this from his first post, and others he has made on the same topic.
You're the one who asked me to compare, didn't you? I already don't like those other websites and never visit them. I dont know much about them anymore so maybe my comparisons were off by miles. But that doesn't mean I'll say it's all peaches and fuzz at the redditland. Whatever you have see on fb and insta must be too much for you. But whatever I see on reddit sometimes also makes me feel like its a shithole, but I still like it better than the rest and use it because of the freedom it has and how non-PC it is. And again, YOU'RE the one who made me compare it with the rest asking me how its bad or worse.
My first post was a reply to OP's post which he made in the "Interesting Subreddits" thread which went "Reddit is crap and here are the reasons fo the same...". The mods must have deleted his post for copy pasting the same things and then moved my post over here. So I was only asking OP what he was trying to do posting such things in the "Interesting subreddits" thread. I wasn't saying reddit was bad or worse. I was telling him that "we know it has bad things but we also like it for the good things, so why are you posting this here. This corner is for the reddit lovers. If you dont like it, stay away."

The problem i have with statements like the one you made is that someone who's never visited reddit might be put off ever visiting just by the way you said it.
My post was a reply to OPs post on the "Interesting Subreddits" thread. It wasn't made for the "which website is better" argument or for slandering reddit. It wasnt a statement made against the trials that seem to be going on in this thread. It wasn't a review for everyone one to see and base their choices on or make assessments on. It was on a different thread meant for a specific person only. IT'S NOT MY FAULT IT GOT MOVED ONTO HERE.

Nothing crap comes through reddit. I don't see a single bad thing on reddit. You know why? coz i don't go to any of those subs! not india, not politics, not anything that i don't want to see. in fact it's better than real life in that regard, because i could be walking down the street and some crazy fcker could accost me at any time. But not on reddit lol.
Seriously? NOTHING crap comes out?? You just said that there is a lot of filth and shit in reddit. Still NOTHING EVER?! Google Sunil Tripathi. Also just because you dont visit those other subreddits you mentioned doesnt mean they dont exist at all on reddit. Doesn't mean people arent there on it right now posting dumb shit.
And you're the one who made me bring this all up. It's not like I was here just to list all the negative things about reddit. I was actually defending it.
Maybe this is the reason we are having this argument. I love reddit but I'm also willing to accept that it has a lot of bad things. You on the other hand saw my post, thought I was attacking reddit on this thread and went full on white knight mode for reddit as if nothing wrong should be said about it!

Reddit's moderation is by the community. It's the closest thing we have to free speech. That means a lot of filth and shit. Just like the real world.
I know.....:banghead:

Overall, by your reasoning as posted above, any forum or heck, even the entire internet if full of filth. Deal with it.
AGAIN! What are you saying??!!! Deal with it? I made my first post about how every redditor knows all the bad stuff going on over there but also knows the good and hence accepts it for what it is. Which also means I accept it for what it is! And still you're telling me to DEAL WITH IT????!!!!!
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p.s. dude, just a friendly suggestion. It would do you good to see a person's posting trend and history before replying to them, thinking they're talking sense. I saw his trollbait post, the one just before yours and thought, not again. Also, no way i'm having a dialog with him. But then you replied and i just couldn't let it go. If you read through this thread from the beginning you will see what a riot this guy is.

Guess the troll succeeded.
As I said, he had made the same post(which is just above mine) on the "Interesting Subreddits" which I visit to look for new cool subs. I didnt read or go through his entire post history. That is why I was also confused with his lawyer statement.
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And I'm saying no more. That was too much nonsense for today. Good night
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Seriously? NOTHING crap comes out?? You just said that there is a lot of filth and shit in reddit. Still NOTHING EVER?! Google Sunil Tripathi. Also just because you dont visit those other subreddits you mentioned doesnt mean they dont exist at all on reddit. Doesn't mean people arent there on it right now posting dumb shit.

I said nothing crap comes THROUGH reddit, as in it's not coming to you in direct form like an email link or something. You have to actually go to that sub to see the crap. Get it? I know there's a ton of crap on reddit, how come i don't see any of it is my point. A person can choose not to visit the bad parts of reddit. BAM! problem solved.

I had no idea this was moved here from the interesting subs thread. That makes it even more retarded. WTF would he go to that thread and post this shit. Man, i've just wasted too many minutes of my life even though i wasn't even talking to him. Guess i should have just ignored your post and moved on instead of replying.
I said nothing crap comes THROUGH reddit, as in it's not coming to you in direct form like an email link or something. You have to actually go to that sub to see the crap. Get it? I know there's a ton of crap on reddit, how come i don't see any of it is my point. A person can choose not to visit the bad parts of reddit. BAM! problem solved.
Yeah but i dont get why you're telling me this? I wasnt complaining about it or whining about it and using it to say that reddit is bad and nobody should visit it. I wasnt even asking for a solution. I am completely FINE with all the flaws that reddit has!
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I had no idea this was moved here from the interesting subs thread. That makes it even more retarded. WTF would he go to that thread and post this shit. Man, i've just wasted too many minutes of my life even though i wasn't even talking to him. Guess i should have just ignored your post and moved on instead of replying.
I didn't even know that the post was moved at first. Must have overlooked the notification. I didn't even get why you were so upset about me telling him off. Then I saw that this thread was about TE vs Reddit vs rest.... *facepalm*
Kinda going round in circles aren't we? if reddit is a shithole, so is every other site on the internet and maybe the internet itself. because reddit has good and bad just like everything itself. yet it's a shithole. but the bright side is you don't have to see the shithole part of it! you can avoid it by choice! so mentioning that at the start was kinda moot right? i dunno if you can get my point. you were defending reddit, but that was a really bad start.
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I'm half asleep btw. Good nite mate !
Kinda going round in circles aren't we? if reddit is a shithole, so is every other site on the internet and maybe the internet itself. because reddit has good and bad just like everything itself. yet it's a shithole. but the bright side is you don't have to see the shithole part of it! you can avoid it by choice! so mentioning that at the start was kinda moot right? i dunno if you can get my point. you were defending reddit, but that was a really bad start.
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I'm half asleep btw. Good nite mate !
Lemme illustrate
Op goes on the 'interesting subreddits' thread and says:
"Reddit is crap"
Me: "yes it is but we love it. Now shoo!"

Nothing else
Everyone knows reddit is a filthy cancerous sh*thole. But there are also times where you can find absolute gems in this pile of sh*t and has posts or communities that lead to something pretty good.
Everyone who uses reddit is fully aware of these facts and chooses to accept it for what it is.

The quality of content and bs allowed in any subreddit depends strictly on the moderators of the sub. If some mod is a douche then that means the subreddit is bad. You cant say reddit is bad because of that. Plus, if you dont like a subreddit then you have the option to just go make your own on the same website and have your own rules on it.

Many people find reddit useful for a lot of stuff. A LOT!!! Information, entertainment or promotion for a cause.
Many people dont and hate it. Everybody has their reasons.

What exactly are you trying to do with this post here? Did you have a bad experience with reddit and want someone to say the same things as you so that you feel okay? Or are you....trying to change people's minds about it by stating its negatives? Because I can assure you, a redditor will provide you with 10x more reasons than you did for reddit being a pile of sh*t.

Also? What fake votes? And what franchise? What are you talking about?:confused:
I am not promoting REDDIT !!! Where you are supporting same !
Just talk about /india sub-reddit rest covers everything !! Either bann that sub or dont promote reddit here... ty
Reddit means complete bann of best forums like TE..
Arguing about what is a shithole at 3:00 AM in the morning. Can't get any more techenclave than that.

And oh i voted for quora, those damn IITians do indeed give some good relationship advice.
I am not promoting REDDIT !!! Where you are supporting same !
Just talk about /india sub-reddit rest covers everything !! Either bann that sub or dont promote reddit here... ty
Reddit means complete bann of best forums like TE..

I propose banning you from TE instead

Arguing about what is a shithole at 3:00 AM in the morning. Can't get any more techenclave than that.

And oh i voted for quora, those damn IITians do indeed give some good relationship advice.

Ah, a fellow sapiosexual.
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I do feel that Google Plus/Hangouts/Picasa, Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Ticktok, Twitter etc are designed are designed in a way as to get people not think too far into history and therefore the timeline format. Everything in the internet is transient and even most older online forums are forever gone (including Erodov - iirc used to be a banned word here) but the separate threads and search function means that I can go back to older posts. In Whatsapp/Facebook I find it very difficult to track down a comment made even a week back.
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