reduce fat from body ?

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these belts do more harm than good better do exercise to loose wait there uis no alternative to hardwork if these belts would really work then no one would become fat just put on the belt and loose wait but thats not a case.
PiXeLpUsHeR said:
You have got to be joking... liposuction!! You have to change your eating habits and your exercise habits or you'll just end up putting the weight back on again. I have a female friend who did just that, she spent a fortune on "fixing" her overweight problem... within 8 months she had put most of it back on again because she did not change the bad habits that caused her to put the weight on in the first place..... She was wasn't obese, but definitely a little overweight.

OMG did you read the first page of the wiki that you so nicely gave us a link to... 4th line :huh: :huh:

"Liposuction is not a low-effort alternative to exercise and diet. It is a form of body contouring with significant attendant risks[1] and is not a weight loss method. The amount of fat removed varies by doctor, method, and patient, but is typically less than 10 pounds (5 kg)."

Liposuction is only for the vain trying to remove stubborn love handles or maybe up to 10lbs, not for people that are a little more than average weight. Larger overweight people can still exercise... they just have to start with less and build up more slowly. The key is to change bad eating and exercise habits. If it's Thyroid related there are many medications that can help with this, my wife takes thyroid medication it runs in her family and it's a very common medical problem and it's easy to fix with the properly prescribed medication. Liposuction can be extremely invasive and traumatizing to the body in that kind of larger scale use and is likely to be somewhat dangerous.

Along with this...

I suppose you would also recommend plastic surgery to remove all the extra skin...... OMFG !!! .... you should really check your facts before making these type of comments .... it could potentially be dangerous to someone that actually listened to you.....

Anyway I don't remember anyone saying they were obese... just a little weight loss was wanted.... :bleh:


As mentioned in my little tirade above :P you can actually take thyroid medication these days and it is easy and common... my wife takes thyroid meds and certainly does not have an obesity problem... in fact as I mentioned ... she lost 20 lbs by exercising and changing her eating habits... she looks great !!!

The bottom line ...people...... is that there is NO magic cure... only changing the bad habits at the root of the problem will allow you to change your health and become more healthy and losing weight will be a by product of being healthy.

+1. liposuction is not an alternative to wt loss :P
There is no use of using slimg belts.....Its a waste
If u r really serious in losing some fat then there r 3 golden rules....
Eat less n healthy
Do some sort of exercise
sleep properly n dont be stressed out

In the morning try to have some fruits ...dont be empty stomach. U can ve proper lunch and dinner but make sure u ve ur dinner by 8 pm and if u cannot by any reason then eat less dont overeat....

If u dont like to go to a gym then u can atleast walk......for 30 mins n take the stairs instead of lifts.....

Try to sleep atleast for 6 hrs...

If u can do the above I am sure u will reduce in no time.......Its not easy but not impossible

I ve done the above and ve achieved wat i wanted.......
Its just determination n nothing else:)

All the best:D
liposuction is needed for many.just check the is true that after removing excess fat ,you must follow a strict diet schedule for long time.

but when the fat become very excessive for eg: sagging stomach,abdomen,gynecomastia etc - you *MUST* go for liposuction.the only cure in such cases ,running or exercising *will* only increase the you think a very fatty person can exercise?he can get cardiac arrest ,strokes or cases with asthma,hypothyroidism -what is the cure?I am writing this after seeing what docs are doing with such kind of people.

liposuction essentially is a cosmetic surgery and I agrees.but it becomes necessity for very obese people that you cant expect.not all obese people have the capacity to even walk for a mile or so.consider that.

and I dont meant to offend anyone :)
liposuction is needed for many.just check the is true that after removing excess fat ,you must follow a strict diet schedule for long time.

but when the fat become very excessive for eg: sagging stomach,abdomen,gynecomastia etc - you *MUST* go for liposuction.the only cure in such cases ,running or exercising *will* only increase the you think a very fatty person can exercise?he can get cardiac arrest ,strokes or cases with asthma,hypothyroidism -what is the cure?I am writing this after seeing what docs are doing with such kind of people.

liposuction essentially is a cosmetic surgery and I agrees.but it becomes necessity for very obese people that you cant expect.not all obese people have the capacity to even walk for a mile or so.consider that.

and I dont meant to offend anyone

Dude..... it not about offending anyone... it's dangerous the way you are talking about it... Liposuction is designed to be a light cosmetic surgery...

Did you read the 4th line quote on the link to the Liposuction wiki... this is the stuff that you recommended people read and it says it as plain as day

and I quote again...

Liposuction is not a low-effort alternative to exercise and diet.
It is a form of body contouring with significant attendant risks[1] and is not a weight loss method.
The amount of fat removed varies by doctor, method, and patient, but is typically less than 10 pounds (5 kg).
Mouse potato == Someone who hangs around a computer mouse too much. +1 Liposuction is dangerous and is generally the ONLY path for people who are morbidly obese. Or if you're a [h|b]ollywood star who needs to become really thin really quick (again, dangerous and expensive).

[OT] Have you guys seen the Austin Powers movie where Fat B**tard gets his fat removed and has skin hanging everywhere? Which part was that? [/OT]
[quote name='viridian']Mouse potato == Someone who hangs around a computer mouse too much. +1 Liposuction is dangerous and is generally the ONLY path for people who are morbidly obese. Or if you're a [h|b]ollywood star who needs to become really thin really quick (again, dangerous and expensive).

The solution they use for morbidly obese people is stapling the stomach to make it smaller and is called a gastric bypass, liposuction is not used for losing more than about 10lbs and is considered more as a body sculpting technique. ;)

In Gastric Bypass a small pouch, or stoma, is created by the use of a line of staples forming a new wall. Unlike earlier versions where much of the stomach and intestines would be removed, bypass surgery drastically reduces stomach volume, restricting the patient's food intake.

This has worked wonders for many including singer Carnie Wilson and weatherman Al Roker.

The downside is that after a number of years, many end up at the same weight again, because they have not changed their dietary and fitness habits. So after losing an often large amount of weight from 50lbs and up, many find themselves in the same boat as when they started.

An estimated 0.1 to 2% of patients die as a result of complications of surgery, and about the same percentage suffer complications that leave them bedridden or unable to lead a normal life. The most common of these include respiratory failure, staple leakage, stomach obstruction, and bleeding.

Even after successful surgery, some patients suffer post-operative side effects such as abdominal hernia, vitamin deficiencies, osteoporosis, and vomiting. The possibility of these side effects can be lessened by careful attention to diet, chewing food thoroughly before swallowing, taking vitamin supplements, and any other precautions recommended by their doctor.
Oh yeah, I've heard about this stomach stapling thing. Sounds scary, gives you the image of the doctor trying staple your guts with a big red stapler (think Milton, Office Space). October 1 I will start going to the gym, I have been inspired and motivated. Sadly, I've never participated in any physically exerting activity since the 8th grade (I suppose someone might be tempted to crack an obvious joke in bad taste right about now :D ) so it will be really really tough and embarrassing for me.

I'm about 5'9 and weigh just about 67 kilos or so. Any tips guys? I don't care to be a 300 star but it would be nice to have clothes that fit perfectly :D So far we've been arguing about the merits/demerits of liposuction, how about some killer workout tips?

I'm 5'7" and ~ 70 Kgs, the body mass index is an old fad now, its the fat to muscle ratio in your body which is important. Just be active and eat healthy. Cycling, skipping and swimming can be complemented with running as the aerobic / cardio workout. There is no way one can just burn fat by pumping iron. You have to do these aerobic exercises. To build muscle you can use the equipment at the gym, and help yourself.

I personally never liked to go to the gym. However, I cycle everyday to office (14 Km to and fro), and usually trek / cycle on the weekends. Now have started a bit of rock climbing too. When I skip cycling, I do a bit of skipping and light exercises (push ups, sit ups and the likes). Planning to install a pull up bar at home to improve arm strength (to aid in rock climbing :)).

So start some activity in your free time which you like. I like playing sports, so had started off with squash. BTW I have lost ~5 Kgs since June by regulating my diet (not overeating :P). So hope you take some initiative as well, so that your sedentary lifestyle at office doesn't hurt you.

Cheers !


Thanks for the tips. The whole idea of going to the gym is to force myself to work out (atleast initially). Also I intend to work out with my flatmate so that either of us can kick butt when the other is lazy :D.

I don't like sweets or greasy food so I suppose I've been eating healthy most of the time (crunchy salads, chinese food with lots of greens).

Wish I could pedal to work, my house is just 6km away. The road however is way to dangerous. On an average 2 people probably die on Outer Ring Road, Bangalore every week. :(

Will definitely start on aerobic exercises and think about weights later. These days I'm making an effort to wake up early and do some sit-ups.
Most important is that you keep at it. Losing weight by eating more healthy and slowly building up an exercise regimen can take time. Don't give up, too many people start out with good intentions and do not follow through... if you start out with realistic goals and keep consistently working out and eating a healthy diet, you will see slow gains that will add up to a lot over time.

As far as food... if you are exercising try eating a bigger breakfast it will help kick-start you metabolism in the morning.

Eat a medium healthy lunch and then a small snack in the afternoon... eg fruit or veggies like carrots celery and cucumber.

Eat smaller dinners, eating large dinners before you go to sleep is not good for you.

If you can cut out foods made with flour you will be able to cut out a lot of empty calories.. even if you only do this for the 1st few months of dieting and working out.

Try and cut out sugar or replace it with an unrefined sugar with a lower glycemic index such as Agave syrup sweetener. You could also try Stevia, it is a sweetener made from a plant and has 0 calories. CUT OUT ALL soda's/drinks and foods made with high fructose corn syrup this is terrible for you. Also cut out margarine that has hydrogenized oils... you are better off eating butter than this type of bad fat.

As mentioned above, if you are going to work out or be active... try and incorporate something you like.. for some the gym can be boring. Or take an exercise class where someone is guiding you like kickboxing or something.
Spot reduction is a myth. If you want to get thin, do cardio, join a proteins, decrease your fat intake and regulate your calories.

And exercise...two hours on the dumb treadmill will not work if you eat 2500 calories a day.
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