The second box you mean which is above the vegetable box ?Didn't you miss the 'convertible box' for fruits in the 437/471L models?
which fridge is it ? brand & model #Found out the hard way that my fridge does not cool enough in the freezer section. I had bought ice cream and put it in freezer to freeze it and eat after an hour. After an hour I see it melting in puddle. Maybe the freezer was on defrosting mode but why should it melt stuff inside the freezer? I put a digital temperature meter in freezer and turned dial all way to lowest cooling which is 7 on the dial hoping the ice cream would freeze fast. No dice. After 3 hours the freezer was reading 0 degrees C and 16% humidity. wtf? Today moring I checked it and it was reading -4 C & 16% humidity. So the stupid freezer doesn't go lower than that. There was a small compartment in the freezer for fast chilling and no matter what temp is set in the freezer ( 1 -7) that area is around -3 C almost always. So seems I can save electricity by just using that small compartment to chill ice cream. But unfortunately, the ice cream even melted in that -3 C space and settled down. Looking at the ice cream carton it says to store at -18C.
How do new fridges get to -18 or -20 degrees while using less power?
which fridge is it ? brand & model #
Check your gaskets. Are they hard or soft. soft insulates better. If they're hard then its not doing its job. Time to replace them.
Check the back and ensure the evaporator coils are free of dust. You might need to do dusting & cleaning there.
Barring any other issues these two will have the biggest bearing on power consumption and consequent cooling.
How old is the fridge ?It's a 262L LG frost free. Model is 262GL or GP something.
Gaskets are soft. The door frame heats up during cooling to ensure a magnetic seal too. Entire back is completely closed since its a frost free fridge.
So according to the above diagrams. A setting of 7 where ?I put a digital temperature meter in freezer and turned dial all way to lowest cooling which is 7 on the dial hoping the ice cream would freeze fast. No dice. After 3 hours the freezer was reading 0 degrees C and 16% humidity. wtf?
A setting of 2 in the fridge is setting the temperature higher (low number means less cooling) in the fridge. That corresponds to the first diagram. Low numbers in winter, high in summer.The fridge was kept at minimum cooling from when I bought it. Even when packed it was too cold for my liking if I kept it at more than 2 in fridge and 4 in freezer. Nothing spoiled in fridge even when there was 5-8 hours of power cuts in summer. Milk never spoilt. Curd never spoilt. I stay alone and had gone away for a week and even vegetables didn't get spoilt but got dehydrated a bit. This is after changing the gas in fridge.
From the diagram above. The fridge temperature setting which is the only "temperature" setting in the fridge should be kept low in the cold months and high in the hotter months. This makes sense.I think maybe there is connection between fridge and freezer settings. The fridge gets extra cold air from the freezer through a large vent in the freezer bottom. Since I have kept the fridge main section setting at minimum, the fridge has to maintain that temp setting. So maybe it cannot cool down the freezer as much as the dial is set since it keeps rotating air from freezer to main compartment. If I blocked the vent in freezer, it would probably chill down very fast to -8 or even less probably. I don't know what effect it will bring on main compartment though.
the convertible box in my fridge has been moved to the top and is a sliding box with a pivoting door called fresh zone. It's the second fresh zone compartment to the one at the bottom for vegetables or fruits. I prefer this arrangement as it's less cluttered. Curious as to fruits you put in the fridge ?Didn't you miss the 'convertible box' for fruits in the 437/471L models?
Maybe its time you got a new one ?the fridge is about 15-16 years old now.
Interesting so 20yr old models also had the ever cool feature.Nothing spoiled in fridge even when there was 5-8 hours of power cuts in summer. Milk never spoilt. Curd never spoilt. I stay alone and had gone away for a week and even vegetables didn't get spoilt but got dehydrated a bit. This is after changing the gas in fridge.
ok so lets use the diagram above.It's very simple. The dial in the refrigerator compartment controls the temperature. The dial in the freezer compartment controls the opening and closing of a vent. Depending upon how cold you want the refirgerator section, you open the vent that much.
Setting fridge temp to a low number means less cooling in the fridge. If i further want that air not to come into the fridge i have to close the vent in the freezer so freezer gets colder this now corresponds to 6. I guess this looks like what 6pack did. Low in the fridge and high number in the freezer means colder freezer for a setting of 1 or 2 in the fridge.The evaporator coil is in the freezer section. A fan blows air over the coil and this air is circulated in both the freezer and refrigerator. If you don't want your refrigerator to be cold but your freezeer to be cold, just set the temperature low and the vent at the lowest setting.
Way i understood it is the temperature dial controls the temperature or lets say some minimum for both fridge & freezer. The freezer control modifies the share of how cold one gets at the expense of the other. Without temperature readings you have no clue how much warmer the fridge got or how much colder the freezer became and vice versa.It is counter-intuitive that the temperature dial is provided in the refrigerator section when it controls how cold the freezer will be and and the vent control is in the freezer when it controls how cold the refrigerator section will be.
Let's compare yoursFor me in the booklet, the settings are as below.
View attachment 82933
View attachment 82934
Also in troubleshooting section
View attachment 82935
Seems like setting the freezer at 4 is recommended for all climates.
I put a digital temperature meter in freezer and turned dial all way to lowest cooling which is 7 on the dial hoping the ice cream would freeze fast. No dice. After 3 hours the freezer was reading 0 degrees C and 16% humidity. wtf? Today moring I checked it and it was reading -4 C & 16% humidity. So the stupid freezer doesn't go lower than that.
Looking at the ice cream carton it says to store at -18C.
That link does not work
It's funny but i kinda suspected you did that, see this![]()
AcuRite Digital Humidity and Temperature Comfort Monitor 00613 - The Home Depot
Ensuring proper indoor humidity has important skin, allergen and other health benefits by inhibiting the growth of mold, bacteria, viruses, fungi, mites and other asthma inducing agents. The AcuRite
- Reads indoor temperatures ranging from 32 to 122 degrees F