Registry Scanners

Hi Am plannin to install a registry scanner for ma comp..fren's sugestion is that i install registry easy..can u all tell me the best registry scanner and also the advantages n disadvantages of using a registry scanner??& how frequently should i scan??
Registry Scanners , if u mean registry cleaners.

Then CAUTION my friend.

Its been more than 10 yrs i have been working on windows and i havent found a single registry cleaner or fixer that repairs without screwing something.

So my suggestion dont use any software that messes with the registry.

Some ppl say CCLeaner is good but i don't use any tools to clean or scan my registry.

If u mean to use it for spyware or adware etc..

I use Spybot and AdAware SE as spyware scanners which checks registry for malicious entries.
But do you really need any software optimizers or registry cleaners? I doubt so.

To keep your OS in tip top shape:
1. Avoid installing adware programs
2. Keep atleast 20% free space in HDD
3. Avoid installing more than 1 antivirus
4. Regularly scan your pc for spyware or have a realtime scanner.
5. Install the latest OS updates.
6. Defrag your disk once in a couple of months.
You can also Disable indexing and system restore if you do not use it. Do not experiment with a 18 process XP setup as it may do more harm than good stability wise.

As always having a balanced system with ample amount of ram helps.
Its been more than 10 yrs i have been working on windows and i havent found a single registry cleaner or fixer that repairs without screwing something.

well may be you mess with your registry too much?

i have used lots of reg cleaners, incl registry mechanic, ccleaner, easycleaner, never faced much problem except once in 4 years of my usage.

how much performance improvement we get is debatable for sure.
Well i use Registry Mechanic, Ccleaner, Keep System restore Off, Use Avast Home Edition with Ad-ware Professional, I have not faced any critical problems :eek:hyeah: I just make sure i keep my Anti Virus Up to date (it is critical)

1.make a new restore point

2. delete all previous restore points by disk cleanup

3. use ccleaner to remove a possible junk

4. now u can use regseeker by hoverdesk(free)

well mate it has a backup option.

so u got two helps last restore point u just created and regseeker backup

i have used them extensively and can say that as long as u have backed up all ur critical data, it shouldn't be a problem.

ps. u can expect upto 15% increase in performance of ur pc.
p_sam21 said:
well may be you mess with your registry too much?

i have used lots of reg cleaners, incl registry mechanic, ccleaner, easycleaner, never faced much problem except once in 4 years of my usage.

how much performance improvement we get is debatable for sure.

well it has never worked for me. :)
CCcleaner is good, dont know if it improves the speed wen it cleans the registry but its a good tool to remove temp files.
I second Hacker. i have tried many registry tools and I can say that CCcleaner does the job well. If u really wana try playing around with registry, i would suggest to take a backup of the registry. Manual for this can be found here
Registry cleaners do squat to speed up sluggish PC performance.
They simply clean your registry and provide a lot of mental satisfaction for people with OCD.

The best of the lot is jv16 RegSupreme Pro. Just don't use it's advanced cleaning mode, it tends to delete certain application settings.
well i just installed Reg Easy.. n i definitely did notice an improvement in the startup speed and my comps performance,i.e after cleaning my registry..but,yep i guess we hve to agree wth quad master tht we shouldn mess wth the registry to somewhere tht it can lead to a system crash..neways thnk ya all fer ur help..:)