It's with the advent of FUP, that the ISPs have now handicapped broadband in India. Airtel being the one to march forward with this torch. A lot of my friends, including myself, have booted them out. It's a shame our Telecom regulations authority feels 256Kbps is still the base for a "broadband" Internet connection. This is the biggest piece of horse dump decision taken by them. With such a narrow definition of broadband in this country, Airtel and other private operators can easily get away with applying FUP and limiting our connections to 256Kbps, which satisfies the "minimum" criteria. No wonder speed is reducing in India. With every ISP offering (read: advertising) 8Mbps+ speeds and then applying a fair usage to not utilize the speed in a proper manner, I'm confused what are we actually paying for? 8Mbps or 256Kbps? :S