https://www.amazon.in/PiBOX-India-Adapter-Compatible-Desktop/dp/B07V78GMXS/ but with one power input for 4 or more SSDs
Good call, I will test and report, if we use 5V adapter will the SSD switch to external power or not.Those DC Jacks are 12v only. ie.) For 3.5 inch HDDs.
You might not find any benefit for 2.5 HDDs or SSDs.
This is simply great!Lucky you caught me in my free time.
I designed this adapter which will use external power for all 4 ports and only use data communication lines for data transfer between USBs and Raspberry PI.
Here is the schematic.
View attachment 175629
How it will look like :-
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In 3D
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You will have to use 20watt 5V/4A power supply for this thing, if you want to supply 1A to each USB port one I could find is this one -
But normally using 10watt 5V/2A will also work fine for SSDs which will split into 0.5A to each USB port. I think that's what they require not sure.
You you can rig one yourself up using these of the self modules called USB Type A Female Breakout Boards, but I don't how reliable this will be. You will be needing 8 of these and some dupont wires for connection, a power connector and the schematic above.
View attachment 175632
I am attaching the 4 layer PCB gerber file for manufacturing if anyone wants to develop this board. I take no responsibility of it's working cause it's a fast prototype, but 90% sure it will work, don't plug the connections in opposite, something might go boom, because there is no protection circuitry involved.