Monitors Request For suggestion for a 19'' LCD monitor

Hi everyone,
Plz suggest me a good monitor of 19'' to 20'' monitor
i can spare 8K for that and that too im from Hyderabad
so plz tell me those monitors within that price range and
having good performance and where can i buy it hyderabad
as im new to hyderabad.
Samsung 2033 SW . It rocks in design & performance and will be in ur budget also. I can't tell u from where to buy in Hyd, as I m not from there, just check there with 2-3 dealers and u'll get it for sure.
+1 for the Dell E1909W. If you could source one locally, it should be priced anywhere between 7~7.5k.
i would like to know if the samsung 2033sw would be compatible with my system given the old config i have:p4 1.8GHz,82845G graphics card :S
could you guys please let me know this as i am planing to buy it..
I am using the 2033SW, for about two weeks, see this thread:

It is very good for viewing movies and photographs, but it has a drawback - it's vertical viewing angles are pathetic, move your head vertically an inch, and the complexion of the whole screen changes.
Moreover, my monitor developed a snag within one week of purchase- it's displaying a vertical line about 1-3 px thickness. To add to the problem this is an intermittent problem, sometimes it is there and sometimes it is not there, so I cannot call the samsung service.

Go for Dell Ultrasharp, if you are lucky enough to find one, otherwise there is not much choice except the 2033.

Asus 19" lcds are highy available in the market, are cheaper than dell or samsung and are quite good, especially for gaming.

Beware of the Dell s1909w it has 18.5" screen size, retailers like to pass it as the 19" 1909w.