Request or Offer Invites here (NO Trades!)

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Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite (NO Trades!)

SCC and GFT have two different types of seedbox users altogether.. SCC members are ratio whores , they download anything and everything to seed . GFT does not have that many seedbox users , and a torrent sometimes die when you are in the middle of download.
Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite (NO Trades!)

You should always check who you are inviting . They wont even bother about you later ;) .
Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite (NO Trades!)

xtremevicky said:
You should always check who you are inviting . They wont even bother about you later ;) .

Why do you think the BTN thread got deleted?

Well if you did not believe me then why did not you ask the somu guy? i even gave his profile link so that you can verify what i say is true or not......He was the guy who told me about the new rule and even his inviter to BTN got banned that way.Here is the quote from BTN itself :

2.3:Users are forbidden from giving away invites on any forum, whether public or private. This includes recruitment sections on other trackers, unless approved by staff here.
Users are responsible for their invitations and invitees. Users found breaking these rules will have their invites permanently disabled at best. At worst, their account and their invite tree will be disabled.

YOU CAN: Offer invites within a Private Tracker's class restricted forum such as a PU+ forum so long as it is not breaching that tracker's rules. If you are unsure, please contact a staff member prior to posting.

YOU CAN NOT: Offer invites on a public tracker's forums, invite-forums (not attached to a Private Tracker as described above), private-forums (not attached to a Private Tracker as described above) or IRC channels (public or private). If you are unsure, ask a BTN Staff member first.

Yes you did invite me to i should get banned like the somu's inviter to prove i care ? :( ...i even offered you a TL invite earlier please dont forget that mate .

Also since you made this public please tell what happened when i used the email you gave me on BTN to invite you the first time . Thanks.

With that said Even now i am ready to invite you to BTN if it does not put my account in danger....what more do you want mate tell me :(.
Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite (NO Trades!)

Vicky, if the trackers forum rules explicitly mention the rules for sharing invites, we should adhere to them strictly. It is not about bothering/or they not finding out. At times they might IP ban, then the offender(s) are a goner. Better play safe here. This place is not class restricted and can cause problems. Plus tracker staff have a keen nack of browsing/shadow trolling forums and catching people.
Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite (NO Trades!)

asingh said:
Vicky, if the trackers forum rules explicitly mention the rules for sharing invites, we should adhere to them strictly. It is not about bothering/or they not finding out. At times they might IP ban, then the offender(s) are a goner. Better play safe here. This place is not class restricted and can cause problems. Plus tracker staff have a keen nack of browsing/shadow trolling forums and catching people.

I told him all that....even gave profile link to that guy whose inviter got banned for giving invite here .....but still he comes here and says things like that what can i do? i think he already said one of his friends was ready to give him BTN invite ....also one other member here was willing to give him the BTN invite as well....dont know why they all backed out :S.
Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite (NO Trades!)

LOL..since when did giving an invite entitle you to get one?

It's called a giveaway, since it's assumed that there is no ulterior motive behind it, anyway I don't think Sam or anyone for that matter will be giving away invites, if they themselves see the risk of getting banned.
Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite (NO Trades!)

sam000 said:
I told him all that....even gave profile link to that guy whose inviter got banned for giving invite here .....but still he comes here and says things like that what can i do? i think he already said one of his friends was ready to give him BTN invite ....also one other member here was willing to give him the BTN invite as well....dont know why they all backed out :S.

Dude, I got the invite and you can enjoy your account and the invites you had as they are now expired . Also , You were giving sad reason as they only catch people who have the same username . There is no rocket science in that .
somu said:
LOL..since when did giving an invite entitle you to get one?

It's called a giveaway, since it's assumed that there is no ulterior motive behind it, anyway I don't think Sam or anyone for that matter will be giving away invites, if they themselves see the risk of getting banned.

When someone posts that he can give away invites and then backs out of it people are entitled to post there opinion .

I am not going to argue more .
Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite (NO Trades!)

My inviter had a different username here, than what he used at BTN, still he was banned. The admin over there is already aware of TE.

So the risk is real & no person in his right mind would have risked it (even u).
Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite (NO Trades!)

somu said:
My inviter had a different username here, than what he used at BTN, still he was banned. The admin over there is already aware of TE.

So the risk is real & no person in his right mind would have risked it (even u).

I think you really cant comment about me . He posted that he can give and then he backed out , Kind of pissed me of !
Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite (NO Trades!)

xtremevicky said:
I think you really cant comment about me . He posted that he can give and then he backed out , Kind of pissed me of !

Again more bullshit from you.....did i message you personally that i will give invite to you? you were the one who messaged me first and asked for the invite ....then you gave me a mail to invite you to BTN and when i entered that it said "email already in database" asked you to first check whats the mean time somu posted all that warning me not to give any invites to that site here to anyone as his inviter got burned the same way....then you come back and gave me another mail to invite you at which point i have already decided not to take any risk as its just obvious that i will get banned like somu's inviter.

In my reply to you i have clearly stated the reason as to why i had to back off and even told you to ask somu if you had any doubt but rather than doing that you came here and accuse me of being selfish ? :no:.

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somu said:
My inviter had a different username here, than what he used at BTN, still he was banned. The admin over there is already aware of TE. So the risk is real & no person in his right mind would have risked it (even u).

what now vicky? still not convinced?

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xtremevicky said:
Dude, I got the invite and you can enjoy your account and the invites you had as they are now expired . Also , You were giving sad reason as they only catch people who have the same username . There is no rocket science in that .

May the BTN staff show some mercy to the soul who invited you .

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xtremevicky said:
When someone posts that he can give away invites and then backs out of it people are entitled to post there opinion .

I am not going to argue more .

I gave you enough info so you can easily verify if things i told were true or not....did you even try that before badmouthing me in public here?:(
Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite (NO Trades!)

You posted in that thread that you had invites and you would give them away . I then Pmed you . I did not PM you out of the blue that give me the BTN invite .

Anyways dude , Chill man . I did not mean to offend you , I was just a little pissed !
Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite (NO Trades!)


Vicky understand the reasoning and logic why the BTN invite was not given out. :)

You were a victim of bad timing since BTN started the new de facto and the "giver" was made aware just before he launched it to you. Be thankful both of you are safe and they have not put an IP ban. Imagine if the put a range IP ban, then we all get jacked. These tracker admins are hardly lenient with Asian IPs, since most malpractices are sourced from here. Sad but true.

Anyways you got the invite so be happy. We all will remain dandy and SEED. SEED man SEED.

Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite (NO Trades!)

Well I have been just a watcher here on TE for a few years now..... I'll be grateful if somebody could invite me to something like a bwtorrent.

@Extremewicky: I would completely love to get that Bitgamer invite...see if my ULs at IPT can help me qualify :)



  • IPT_ratio.jpg
    77.9 KB · Views: 197
Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite (NO Trades!)

^ in case you didn't notice BwT has opened direct registrations for short period of time.

Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite (NO Trades!)

hey people may i know what are the best torrent sites?and why to use only these sites,i mean what is so special about them?can't we use sites like piratebay as well?or probably which gives results from a number of sites(very useful indeed).
Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite (NO Trades!)

sudhanshu123 said:
hey people may i know what are the best torrent sites?and why to use only these sites,i mean what is so special about them?can't we use sites like piratebay as well?or probably which gives results from a number of sites(very useful indeed).

firstly, it seems u are new to the scene. There are 2 types of trackers, public and private. Public trackers are open trackers where any1 can come and dump their stuff and there is no certainity of the material kept, wether if it is fake or scene content, security too is not good on public trackers and u can be vulnerable. Private trackers are a community of ppl who share within a community of that tracker. This means, no one outside that tracker can use that torrent on that site. It is safe, content is pure and security is good too. Private trackers, since is a community of ppl, there are certain rules which one needs to follow and the most imporant is the seeding rule. Seeding rules depend on site to site but mostly they are the same, for example, a certain site might have 1:1 or 36 hours and another may have 1:1 or 48 hours or another one might have 1:! or 24 hours. So, this is one thing u have to make sure to share on private trackers.

The best sites are IPT, Bitsoup. TL., RUtracker, and alot other more.

These sites are signup based and therefore, u will have to signup to create an account to use them.They are free of cost but u will need to maintain a ratio to survive on them.

If u are new, then my advise is start with Demonoid and get urself used to being on a private tracker as Demonoid is a semi private tracker.
Re: Post screenshots of Ratio Proof - Get an Invite (NO Trades!)

GFT Announcement.

In an effort to increase our User Database, you have been credited a temporary invite which will last for ONE week only. Please use it wisely and remember you are responsible for whomever u invite.

NOTICE: This is a mass pm, it has been sent to everyone
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