[resource] DNS based ads and tracking blockers | self-hosted | Public DNS | Open Source alternatives

I don't agree with the reddit OP's recommendation based on his testing methodology.
you are correct.
i just went thought it in details, seem lots of redundant information.
for example, hagezi use blacklist directly from their source, and not 3rd party, already curated lists.
Here is the sources disclosed here - https://github.com/hagezi/dns-blocklists/blob/main/sources.md
I waited for the Swiggy app to crash and immediately went to the Adguard Query Log and unblocked the most recent entry.
not sure how adguard behaves, but pihole has a delay in query logs.
plus if the DNS if is cached (3 min to 5 min TTL) is will use the cache and not do a fresh query, hence its always ideal to see the live traffic in terminal while troubleshoot.
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This is on Android for me. Happened when I used the hagezi block list both on PiHole as well as Adguard. Also affected a guest who came home and tried to access swiggy on android. It used to resolve itself when switching to mobile data, which lead me to beleive the issue was PiHole\Adguard. Will check out stevenblack.
it is even I have to unblock it in my next dns swiggy app always crashed but now no more
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