Restoring FF Bookmarks ?

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Dark Star

My FF was acting weird lately so I deleted the .mozilla folder but I copied the bookmarks backup folder.

Restarting FF restored it to the factory setting, no plugins ,bookmarks etc.

How do I restore the bookmarks that I have copied ? I even tried to copy the at the same place but it is not showing up under bookmarks..

Please help me restoring the bookmarks:P

Doesn't the restore bookmarks feature work..? You'll have to access it by going to "Organise bookmarks"; and here click on "Import and Backup" >> under backup you'll get a list of 5 previous backups FF has made by itself (it makes 1 backup a day, IIRC). Choose one which you want and hopefully, your bookmarks are restored.. :hap2:
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If you saved the bookmarks in html format just go to bookmarks-organize bookmarks-import & backup-import html. Select your saved file - and you're done.

You can also use the addon Febe in future- which backs up bookmarks, user preferences and cookies. You can even schedule periodic backup so that nothing is lost.

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1) Open FFox

2) Click On Bookmarks

3) Click Organise Bookmarks

4) Click on Import And Backup

5) Choose the file u had saved up previously.

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There's also a program named mozbackup which can save and restore FF profiles, including cookies, logins, bookmarks extensions etc. Try it.
Hey instead of using local firefox bookmarks, You could try storing your bookmarks on one of the many social book marking sites. I personally use Delicious with the delicious firefox extension....u can hide the firefox bookmarks menu and have all ur bookmarks on delicious...I moved all my bookmarks to delicious more than a year ago and have not looked back...its simple and easy access to bookmarks where ever you go...and save you time when you need to manually sync bookmarks to laptop.
my desktop used to crash every 2 weeks .. i have arnd 3-4 bookmark backups .. is there anyway i can restore them all at once???

coz when i try to do that.. i guess each set replaces another .. so i cant have 2 backups restored simultaneously.
+2 for XMarks. Now that I have 2 PCs, it is really great to be able to bookmark any page in a Temp folder and then it appear on the other PC in less than 10 mins. (or almost instantaneously after snycing manually). :)

Want to try out Mozilla Weave. Have heard that it also syncs the History which would be even better. :)
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