REVIEW : Beta Brainwavz Pro IEMs.

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Introduction :

There was a time I had no idea what IEMs were, and the stock earphones of my Ipod were enough to please my ears .Then came the EP-630 Group Order on TE . Back then the change in sound quality was huge and I instantly fell in love with them. I never knew anything could sound better, but then I was curious and couldn't even resist trying out some other IEMs like PL-30's by Sound Magic ,Head Direct's RE-2 and a few others.

All this while I've learnt that, Sound is very subjective and you can never have the best with audio gear .It just keeps getting better and better each time. Now most of the time I find my IEMs either deeply plugged into my ears or hanging around the neckline of my Tees. I found myself a new love, hobby and passion-Trying out different IEMs and audio-gear.

Today I have the opportunity to review " Mp4 Nation's Beta Brainwavz Pro IEMs" presented to me by Raz from MP4 Nation.



Specifications :

Though specifications don't really mean a lot ,just thought of listing them down.

·[FONT=&quot] Driver: 11mm CCAW (copper-clad aluminum wire) dynamic driver [/FONT]

·[FONT=&quot] Impedance: 24 Ohm (+/- 20%) @ 1kHz [/FONT]

·[FONT=&quot] Sensitivity: 110dB @ 1mW [/FONT]

·[FONT=&quot] Frequency response: 8Hz – 28kHz [/FONT]

·[FONT=&quot] Rated Input Power: [/FONT][FONT=&quot]10mW[/FONT]·[FONT=&quot] Max Input Power: [/FONT][FONT=&quot]40mW[/FONT]

·[FONT=&quot] Cable: 125cm, Y-style, 45° angled 3.5mm gold-plated plug[/FONT]

[BREAK=Packaging and Accessories]

Packaging and Accessories :

The earphones were shipped by Mp4 Nation from Hong Kong and I got it within a week. Even though this was a testing sample , I was amazed to find that Mp4 Nation had actually sent me a complete retail package. The box is infact one of the best I've ever seen and feels like the IEMs are of mid-high end segment . It has a sleek black pull out and another Black box which opens up to display the earphone on left side and some other accessories in the right side section. It would implicitly leave a good impression when kept in a shop for display .

Here is a list of accessories supplied with the earphones.
>> on the left side of the box along with the earphones we have.

*4 pair of eartips (2 straight cones,1 bi-flange and a pair of foams/sponge tips )

* a shirt clip (detachable)

* metal filters.(which change the sound slightly, more details in the next section)

>>On the right side when you open the box you can find

* a soft red velvet pouch by Mofi

* 2 clip like cable winders.

The bevy of accessories provided alongside the earphones with a black box en suite provides for a lucrative deal. It surely would have been a plausible experience had they been endowed with a few more ear tips like the normal S/M/L ear tip.

I would rate the overall package and set of accessories as 8/10.

(Recently I heard from Raz @ MP4 Nation that they have added 3 more foam tips and earphone gliders as a part of the accessories now . Infact they are shipping it free to all the people who have ordered it before. I will be getting mine soon and will add a follow up once I try them out.)

Packaging :





The Accessories.



Filter Tips and the Bi-flanges.


Cable Winder Clips.


Metallic Filters.


Different eartips.


From L to R : Transparent Bi-flanges,Orange straight cones,Transparent straight cones, Foam Tips.


Mofi velvet Pouch.


Shirt Clip

[BREAK=Design and Build Quality.]

Design and Build Quality.

Like most other earphones the Beta Brainwavz are made up of plastic which seems to be of formidable quality and has a black glossy finish to it . The upper half is shaped like an egg and in the centre it has a small silver emboss with the channel code printed on it . Also you can see small vents surrounding the small circle which I suppose are for better bass extension.

The lower part of the earphones which has the nozzle for the eartips is made up of aluminum alloy and has threading for the filters to be screwed on (More on that later).

If you notice closely you can see that the nozzle for the eartips is longer than most other IEMs with an augmenting diameter. So the ear-tips of most other IEMs wont fit easily.(Fitting the RE-2s bi-flanges took some efforts )

The cable of the earphones is quite soft and thin, yet strong. The crowded Mumbai Local train journeys will vouch for its durability. The place where the cable enters the earphone piece has been covered with an additional layer of transparent plastic since it is most vulnerable to damage. The 45 ° angled 3.5mm connector like most earphones is gold plated.

Overall the Build Quality seems to be really good & on par with most earphones, would rate it as 8.5/10.

The earphones were a bit dirty when i clicked the snaps . so please bare :ashamed:



With and without the filter.





[BREAK=First Impressions.]

First Impressions .

Ok now let's get down to the real deal , the Sound Quality.

Test Setup

To get down to a fair conclusion , I tried to test these IEMs with multifarious sources. The main sources and test equipments consisted of my Ipod Nano 3G,Iphone 2G, PC (XONAR DX sound card ),Fiio E5 (which was presented to me by Mp4 Nation again ).

Other than that, I also used these IEMs with meier corda Amp possessed by BF1983 for a short diration of time.(More on that later)

So to start with , after Mp4 Nation approached me for the first time for the review, I did a research on the headphones. The feedback that I got from other users got me all excited and I went ahead with the testing, pronto. The moment I got these babies, I opened up the package and plugged them into my ears. You will be surprised when I say that I couldn't really stand them even for a minute. Earphones are said to connect the listener to the music, but it actually connected me to noise that reached a crescendo. They had lots of sibilance and I felt as if my ears would bleed any moment hereafter.

I was somewhat disappointed and conveyed this to the Mp4 Nation .I was told that the earphones need a lot of burn-in and the sound changes after 100-150 hours of playback.

Did the sound really get better ? Yes it did ! The earphones don't sound their very best out of the box and need a lot of time for the sound to get smoother. For the detailed description on the sound check the next page .

[BREAK=Details on Sound Quality.]

Detail Sound Quality.

I didn't really try out the Betas during their burn in period .So the following details on Sound Quality are after the IEMs had burn-in for more than 100 hours.

For testing I played my usual collection of A.R Rahman FLACs,some Trance /Electronic FLACs, Radio shows, a few random rock, hip-hop tracks and the usual Bollywood Mp3(320kbps).

The Bass :

The Beta's are not too boomy or bellowing. It has a slight punch to it but it doesn't extend too deep. I found that the PL-30s from Sound Magic, the earphones that I used earlier, lacked in bass. This is not the case with these IEMs. Sort of perfect for my liking.(I am not a bass- head ).What's best about the bass not being too heavy is that each bass note has it's own distinct sound to it and I could make out the difference in the bassline of most EDM/Trance tracks.

With the Fiio E5's bass boost there is a noticeable improvement in the Bass but it's more of like a increase in the amplitude of the bass and nothing more .So the use of a amp for bass boost isn't really needed.

The Midrange :

This is one segment where these earphones dont really shine out . The Instrumentals sound decent and are above acceptable levels. Vocals(especially female vocals) sound very natural .The mid range is bit recessed and you can feel that there is something lacking. Overall the midrange is good enough but lacks the extra detailing and sounds bit hollow.

The Treble:

Most earphones’ sound signature is emphasized on the mids or bass but in this case it is the Treble that held me spell bounded. The Treble is very clear and detailed .The sound is slightly forward and analytical . With the filter caps on the Treble becomes smoother and more laid back. only problem is the sibilance which I was talking off earlier during the Initial Impressions. The detailing and clarity in this segment is phenomenal . The Highs are better compared to any other IEMs Ive heard under 40-50$.

Infact at times I feel the Highs are more detailed than the RE-2 as well but then RE-2 have blissful mids and the Beta's midrange cant match up to that.

Soundstage :

The soundstage produced by these earphones is pretty impressive for the price .It's on par /better than the PL-30s .The channel separation and cycling of sound is something that will impress you . Soundstage is something most cheap IEMs or infact even the expensive one's like the CX300/400 from Sennheisers lack. Another example would be the so very over rated EP-630.

What I've noticed with most Chinese and other Asian manufacturers of audio gear is that they lay emphasis on the soundstage even with the cheapest of their earphones.

Another reason for the better positioning of sound with these Betas might be the elongated shaft/ nozzle on the earphones which results in the earpiece sitting deeper and more closer to the ear, enhancing the higher frequencies.

Changes in sound with change in source :

*Ive added this section the Review so that people realize that even the source plays a important role in how your audio gear sounds.

Though the sibilance with the IEMs was reduced after the burn-in, it's still noticeable and can get on your nerves at times. The treble note get's a bit too high all of a sudden and you feel as if someone just rung a church bell in your ears.

Another important thing I noticed with the sibilance is that it is more prominent with the Ipod/Iphone ,could be because the Ipod's DAC by itself has a stronger treble . With my XONAR DX sound card on the PC the problem wasn't that big a issue.

When I used the Beta Brainwavz with Brendon(BF1983's) meier Corda amp , the sibilance was reduced by leaps and bounds and the sound was very clear and appealing . With the meier corda the IEMs sounded very smooth and they sounded the best with his amp but then not everyone can afford amps worth 5-6k.

I would rate the overall sound quality as 8/10.

[BREAK=Final Words.]

Final Words.

It took me a lot of time to make up mind on these . At first I didn't like them much but that was when they had not even burn-in. Soon it started growing over me.

Since last 1 month I've been using 2-3 different IEMs for my personal use .Initially I didn't use the Betas regularly but now I find the overall sound and detailing of the Betas much better that the other budget IEMs I have , also I have also developed a liking towards those ultra comfortable foam tips.


* Attractive packaging and accessories.

* Detailed and natural Highs.

*Good soundstage

*Decent build Quality.

*foam tips are very comfortable.

>>Cons :

* A bit recessed midrange.

*Sounds a bit hollow. There's room for improvement

* Bass might be low for some.(Subjective)

*lack of support in India. (will have to ship it back to MP4 nation for warranty purpose)


Conclusion :

To conclude, I wouldn't say that these are the best IEMs, because in this price range there are a variety of options flying under the radar. So ultimately it comes down to one's personal tastes. These are best suited for someone who prefers detailed highs with wide soundstage and and a decent midrange ,ofcourse the bass is there as well but not the kind of Bass which bass-heads crave for.

To sum it up , I would rate them as 8/10 overall and for the current discounted price of only 24.50$ (were selling for 35$ when i received them), these are well worth it if they match your listening taste cause as they say -

Music to one's ear maybe noise to others.


Just an Update. Completed almost 200 hrs of playback on these babies and they sound really awesome now.Just noticed that the sibilance is almost gone. sound has opened up little bit and the bass has increased and it's more of pumping bass now. I likes it. :D

Now I feel ,I can say that these are one of the best options around 1.5k mark. Better than the PL-30s as well :).

Anyone who get's these ,keep in mind that they really sound crap out of the box. Needs a lot of burn-in to open up and gets over you gradually.You will start liking them. ;)

*Special Thanks to Raz from Mp4 Nation for providing me with the review sample .

*Also would like to thank Sumchamp from TE for helping me with the snaps using his Panasonic LZ8.;)

Here are a few more pics of the Betas. Enjoy !



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Thank you guys .. looks like everyone's waiting for more. :rofl:

Spy king said:
Hey, I'v been using these IEM's for couple of months now(got them in the pre-sale)

few things,

-The wire has no actual strain relief at the y joint, so be careful!

-Out of all the tips, The bi-flange ones are probably the best.. the foam ones are rubbish..:P

-The phones do really sound much much better after burn-in. They sound like a totally different set of phones after about 100hrs of burn in..!

-I never for the life of me could figure out how to use those headphone winding clips.. could someone take a pic and show me?! :)

1)Didn't notice this until you mentioned it. Yeah the joint looks a bit delicate but Ive been abusing this a lot ,especially during the peak hours of Mumbai locals.

as of now its still working perfectly :)

2)The bi-flanges are good but not as good as the one with the Head Direct RE- series. Those are one of the most comfortable and better sealing bi-flanges Ive used.

Initially even I didnt like the foam tips but once you get a proper seal (which is a bit difficult :P) ,the foams are very comfortable and there is less fatigue during those extra long music listening sessions.

3)I had taken a pic of the cable winded using the provided clips , damn cant find it and forgot to upload it.Anyways will try to describe it in the best possible way.

The provided clips are like the Tie slides/ Tie bar.First you wind the cable around your fingers ,leaving the desired length of cable unwinded and then just stretch the upper part of the clip and slide the round winded cable under the clip, release the upper part of the clip. Now the winded cable should be firmly locked in the clip.

Hope that helps.
^ Yes . exactly . It's a good choice for some one who listens to lot of vocals too as the vocals are pretty upfront in these earphones. Soundstage is good \better than most IEMs in similar range. :)
Ah! yes.. Now I understand!! thanks!!

and thanks for the heads-up about the extra tips! getting them now! :)

and guys.. There is Christmas sale going on for the betas now! 25$ !!
Just an Update. Completed almost 200 hrs of playback on these babies and they sound really awesome now.Just noticed that the sibilance is almost gone. sound has opened up little bit and the bass has increased and it's more of pumping bass now. I likes it. :D

Now I feel ,I can say that these are one of the best options around 1.5k mark. Better than the PL-30s as well :).

Anyone who get's these ,keep in mind that they really sound crap out of the box. Needs a lot of burn-in to open up and gets over you gradually.You will start liking them. ;)
^ The RE-2 are a level better in terms of mids and soundstage. The Betas are better in the treble department.
pardon my ignorance
but a few things i like to know

>how much do these cost?
>what is soundstage?
>are these VFM??
>you talked about, its diff output with diff sources,
so given the fact that most of us spend most time on ipod
or some other players.....whats your view?

great review though faheem, if u can point me in the right direction
i will be obliged.
khaleelda1 said:
pardon my ignorance

but a few things i like to know

>how much do these cost?

>what is soundstage?

>are these VFM??

>you talked about, its diff output with diff sources,

so given the fact that most of us spend most time on ipod

or some other players.....whats your view?

great review though faheem, if u can point me in the right direction

i will be obliged.

Yeah sure I will help you out with your doubts .Here you go.:)

1)They cost 24.50$ (~Rs.1200) from Mp4Nations site. You can order them online.Beta Brainwavz Pro IEM **BLACK** [BetaB_BLACK] - $24.50 : MP4 Nation!, :: Low Priced MP4, MP3 Players and the latest scoop on the newest MP4 Player

2)Sound stage basically means how well the different instruments are separated and the spacing of the instruments. A good soundstage will actually make you feel as if you are in a concert/ recording studio etc and give you the feeling of how near/far the instruments are placed from your ears. :)

Here's the exact definition from wikipedia.

wiki said:
Soundstage of a sound recording

Soundstage also refers to the depth and richness of an audio recording (usually referring to the playback process). According to audiophiles, the quality of the playback is very much dependent on how one is able to pick out different instruments, voices, vocal parts, etc. exactly where they are located on an imaginary 2D or 3D field. This can enhance not only the listener's involvement in the recording but also their overall perception of the stage.

3) VFM ? Yes they are very much value for money. but before going for them see to it that it matches your taste in sound. ie.punchy and not boomy bass, decent mids and more emphasis on the higher frequencies(treble).

4)They sound pretty good with the ipod but most of the ipod's DAC(digital to analog converters) have a high treble output this at times makes the treble a bit too high with these earphones. Playing around with the pre-set EQ might help.

They sound really good when used with a Ipod lineout dock + amp or a dedicated ipod amp like Fiio E1.
thanks mate, that was faaasst!!!

1200 is a steal i believe....
right now going through the "audio zone"
looking for any comparisons made in this budget frame.

awesome review again!
thanks for ur help!
Yeah for 1200 it's a good deal, worth it if you like the sound .These are some of the options around that range,

1)Sound Magic PL-30 - if you are looking for fluid ,smooth midrange. a bit low bass and decent highs coupled with a good soundstage.

2)Hippo boom - lots and lots of bass, good mids ..recessed treble and decent soundstage.(bit expensive ~1.6k)

3)Beta Brainwavz Pro.- good punchy bass ( in between the PL-30 and boom ), decent midrange(more focused on higher range female vocals then instruments) and really good treble /highs.

So that sums up some of the options in the 1-1.5k range. I might be able to checkout some more IEMs in this range. Planning to do a small shootout later on .
Nice review, ordered mine from mp4nation.

Btw, I ordered two due to some confusion and they are already shipped so can't cancel. If anyone want one, lets me know - should arrived in 8-10 days. PM me.
^LoL .It's not my job.I dont get paid to do it. It's just a passion, hobby to check out new stuff and keep getting better and better audio gear till I attain audio nirvana.

Ofcourse these Reviews are especially there because unfortunately in India we dont get the opportunity to try out earphones before buying so I try to provide my honest and unbiased detail feedback on the IEMs i get to try out .:)


I've got lot of IEMs around (some really good ones:P) and I havent been using these Betas for a very long time. They are just lying around in the pouch .

I plan to give them away for a cheap price to fund a better amp for the upcoming reviews so that i do justice to the higher-end IEMs which need better source + amping.

If anyone's interested let me know or might just put it up in the market.
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