Bit Tech gives it 9 out of 10
Now, you all must be wondering how gfx cards fare in this game. Right? So, here you go
(Physx was enabled on all the cards)

PCGH - Review/Benchmark: Mirror's Edge: Graphics cards benchmarks plus comparative screenshots
As far as Physx is concerned this is what Bit-Tech saysWe like Mirror’s Edge. A lot. It’s smooth, quick, simple and well designed. It tries to do something interesting and it does it well. The kinetic feel to the gameplay is addictive and new, handling far better on a PC with a keyboard and mouse than it ever could on a console.
The game as a whole feels well designed, expertly crafted and perfectly presented. The combination of (skippable!) animated cutscenes both contrasts and compliments the frighteningly colourful playable segments. The controls are tight and accessible, making the game less of a platformer and more of a puzzler where the only conundrum is ‘How do I get over there?’
Really; we can’t stress enough how good the game is and much we adore it. We love it enough to go and buy our own copies as soon as we get chance, put it that way.
Objectively though, the game does have some fairly fundamental flaws and we’d be remiss if we didn’t at least mention them in between our bursts of worshipping hyperbole. | Review - Mirror's Edge PCOur opinion? The PhysX content is good. It enhances the gaming experience without infringing on it, giving a tangible benefit to being an Nvidia card owner. Running down empty corridors is all very well and good, but it’s always more fun if there’s stuff actively swooshing around you. Swoosh!
The PhysX content itself is toggleable using a simple switch in the graphics options, one which only becomes available if you have the required hardware. Above you can see the type of benefits that Nvidia PhysX brings to Mirror’s Edge. Bear in mind that, while it may not look like much, we found it doesn’t affect the framerate at all so there’s no reason not to enable it if you have the option.
Now, you all must be wondering how gfx cards fare in this game. Right? So, here you go

PCGH - Review/Benchmark: Mirror's Edge: Graphics cards benchmarks plus comparative screenshots