Linux Rhel5 on vpc

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it works on vmware...i am able to install it on vpc..but after booting i get this error...

browsing the net....i found it was related to amd's cool and quiet issue....i disabled it...even then i am getting this error..any linux me plz..
Give it a shot with kernel parameters noapic first and then try noprobe. don't forget to add single to the kernel command line to boot in single user mode.

AFAIK linux hosts are not official supported on Virtual PC but are (somewhat) officially supported on Virtual Server (not sure if it runs on Vista though)

If you must use Microsoft's (substandard) virtualization, try Virtual Server too.
viridian said:
Give it a shot with kernel parameters noapic first and then try noprobe. don't forget to add single to the kernel command line to boot in single user mode.

AFAIK linux hosts are not official supported on Virtual PC but are (somewhat) officially supported on Virtual Server (not sure if it runs on Vista though)

If you must use Microsoft's (substandard) virtualization, try Virtual Server too.

tried it(nopaic)...still the same result.
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