Riddick on XFX ATI 4890

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I am having an issue running this game at max details.
When i enable Ambient Occlusion Lighting, the game crawls at 10 fps and the graphics have wierd artifacts... mostly with shadows...

With this feature disabled... the game runs smootly at over 100 fps.

What could be the issue here?

I am using winxp and catalyst 9.4
And... March directx releases.
If I'm not wrong.. Ambient Occlusion Lighting is a feature on nVidia GPUs, and it's part of nVidia driver set. Does this game has TWIMTBP (The Way It's Meant To Be Played) badge on it? If yes, then I think this feature might not run properly on ATi cards.
first Physx and now "Ambient Occlusion" ; TWIMTBP (The Way It's Meant To Be Played)

Is there any list of Nvidia /ATI specific features

nice tips man ,thanks
I'm gonna have to disagree with the the way its meant to be played theory...
Saints row 2 uses SSAO and that works on ATI.
Burout paradise uses SSAO and that works as well.

SSAO is a feature in nvidia driver to disable it... so that games run faster (i think)
Its not something like physx
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