Rise of Tomb Raider - Discussion thread

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Sometimes the sales in units decides if the game has been received well or not. Because certain games are built to get benefited out of the fan base for the franchise. Which ever the case, UC3 has sold so will UC4 irrespective of the best game in the franchise to be UC2. :)
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^^ Yes thats why I have given the salman khan example. :)
UC 3 was not a bad game actually UC 3 completes the trilogy & after UC 2 it was obvious that it would do well. Killzone 4 (never played any kz game) was also a forced version it got the same treatment as gow Ascension. I was not referring to the sales only. I was referring to the quality too.
Rise Of The Tomb Raider A Timed Xbox One Exclusive, Not Platform Exclusive; Microsoft Clarifies .

Xbox Australia posted a comment on its Facebook post saying that stated that Rise of the Tomb Raider is an Xbox One exclusive, and not a timed exclusive. Gamers were immediately thrown into a state of confusion, and PC and PS4 gamers were not too happy to learn about this.

In case you're among those disgruntled gamers, here's good news for you.

Turns out, Xbox Australia made a mistake. The Facebook page posted an apology for causing unnecessary confusion over the exclusivity of the next Tomb Raider game. Rise of the Tomb Raider is still a "timed exclusive", as announced originally at Gamescom 2014, and will remain so. The game will come to the PlayStation 4 eventually, perhaps 4-6 months later.


Apparently they made it closer to the voice actor, supposed to help in lip sync or whatever. I agree, I really liked her PC look before they changed it in the HD versions.
Well I may be wrong but I don't think they have changed her looks completely. Remember in this game she is way younger.
If you have seen some of the recent videos then i wonder how many of you feel that some of the levels are direct copy and paste from the previous games. Even a certain level looks almost identical to underworld.

With a huge world to explore, heaps of secrets and puzzles to uncover, and some great action, this is the best Tomb Raider since the original Tomb Raider.

Attack of the Fanboy - 4.5/5

Rise of the Tomb Raider had a lot to live up to after a well received reboot, but there is no mountain that Lara Croft cannot climb. The gameplay is more balanced and dynamic than ever, making this mixture of combat, exploration and progression a compelling experience. Behind the depth of Lara’s character and the emotionally charged story, Rise of the Tomb Raider is the series at its very best.

CGM - 9/10

Ultimately, Fall 2015 is already shaping up to be one of the best seasons for this generation ever when it comes to the selection of AAA titles on offer, and it would be dishonest to say that Rise, even as an Xbox One exclusive, won’t have a difficult time standing out among the CODs, Halo 5s, Fallout 4s and MGS5s of the world. But if a solid story, a strong, believable heroine, Metroidvania-style world-traversal, and raiding dangerous, long-forgotten tombs are your jam, there’s no reason to put off picking up Lara’s latest adventure.

DailyDot - 4.5/5

Some of the best sequels are those that magically render the previous installments irrelevant (for example, Burnout 3: Takedown, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves). Rise of the Tomb Raider isn’t that kind of sequel, thanks in large part to the high bar set by its 2013 predecessor. If not for the human need for sleep, I would recommend newcomers to play both games in a single sitting. That’s how complementary these games are to each other. But where the previous game is an over-the-top whirlwind, Rise of the Tomb Raider is better as a savored experience.

Destructoid - 7.5/10

Rise of the Tomb Raider is better than its predecessor, but only because of its additions; it doesn't fix any of the things that were wrong with Tomb Raider (2013). The story is smoothed down, much of it hidden away in dull audio logs. It's not about "survival" as billed, given the ease of mowing down dozens of folks and plenty of resources. But finding tombs wherein to clamber about ancient Rube Goldberg machines, coupled with the gorgeous visual flair and diverse environments, make Rise's wilderness one worth exploring and elevate Tomb Raider's otherwise perfunctory take on the third-person action platformer. I still get a strong sinking feeling in my stomach when I've misjudged a jump and watch Lara careening towards a splat.

Escapist - 4/5

Despite the feelings of deja vu sprinkled throughout the 10-12 hour campaign and the flawed crafting system, Rise of the Tomb Raider is still a hell of a roller coaster ride, featuring fantastic gunplay, exceedingly clever puzzles, and a breathtaking world to explore. It may not rise above its 2013 predecessor, but it certainly meets it in the upper echelon of the third person shooter genre.


Rise of the Tomb Raider is a well-made game. It's a handsome and solidly entertaining, if seldom inspired, way to while away a dozen hours. It has a famous name and an avatar of real dynamic power at its centre. It has tombs to raid. That ought to be enough. It shouldn't have to reach. But reach it does - for an emotional hook it doesn't have, and for trendy gimmicks it doesn't need.

GameInformer - 9.5/10

Rise of the Tomb Raider captures the thrill of being an adventurer and leaves you thinking about Lara's next move. You have daredevil sequences, heroic moments, fun exploration, and exciting fights that even Indiana Jones would envy. If Crystal Dynamics keeps raising the bar from here, I can't wait to see what's next for Lara.

GamesRadar - 4.5/5

While essentially a retread of its predecessor, Rise of the Tomb Raider is a magnificent adventure game, brilliantly combining action genres and letting you play the way you want to.

Gamespot - 9/10

Rise of the Tomb Raider's first shot pans over the vast, foreboding landscape we'll soon come to know. In many ways, it functions as a promise on the part of Crystal Dynamics: there are big things ahead of us. And at the end of Lara's journey, after we've seen her through this adventure, and experienced everything the world has to offer, it's clear that promise was kept.

GiantBomb - 4/5

Nothing about Rise of the Tomb Raider is wildly original, but everything about it is executed with a high degree of quality and craft. The game nicely merges multiple styles of gameplay, tells a better story than the 2013 reboot, and leaves off with Lara Croft at the center of an expanding narrative universe that feels like it could become home to many more exciting adventures. The last game was a decent start, but for my money, this is where the new Tomb Raider really begins.

Gnarcade - 8/10

Whether you’re a long-time fan of the Tomb Raider series, or you’ve only just become acquainted with Lara Croft, Rise of the Tomb Raider is a worthy follow-up–not only for the rebooted series, but the franchise at large.

IGN - 9.3/10

Rise of the Tomb Raider raises the bar set by Lara’s last outing with a rollicking adventure story, strong villains, gorgeous vistas, and smart puzzles – go off the main path to find the best stuff in dastardly optional tombs. Though the mandatory combat doesn’t distinguish itself with challenging enemies unless you crank up the difficulty, Lara’s newfound versatility on the battlefield makes fighting a lot more fun. Once again it’s Lara herself, however, who steals the show, her complex ambitions and hardened resolve showing new sides to a character who has well and truly grown from survivor to the most fascinating action hero in video games today.

Kotaku - Should you play Rise of the Tomb Raider? YES

Rise of the Tomb Raider’s greatest success is in how it encourages exploration, which in turn makes you feel more connected to its fictional world. Every hapless corpse in the frozen Russian wastes is a reminder that Lara’s moving through a place that’s killed many others. As I played, she came across as increasingly gifted, with enough spirit and ingenuity to find ways to see herself through to the other side. This Lara isn’t a wide-eyed newcomer, nor is she a flinty veteran. She’s somewhere in between. Rise of the Tomb Raider makes me want to follow her where she goes next.

KultureShocked - Final Say: Play It

All in all, Rise of the Tomb Raider is a solid, cinematic action-adventure game. It’s focus on a cinematic gameplay experience may frustrate some players, but if you’re the type of person that doesn’t mind occasionally watching a game, rather than playing it, then you are in for a treat. The game looks great, plays well and has a ton of stuff to collect and do along the way. The Tomb Raider franchise has evolved significantly over the years and Rise of the Tomb Raider feels like a very natural, modern evolution from the series and a high note for the franchise’s storied history.

Polygon - 8.5/10

In many ways, Rise of the Tomb Raider could be viewed as a fairly modest sequel. It successfully builds off Crystal Dynamics' excellent reboot, but it doesn't introduce any massive changes; the scope is greater but still in spitting distance of the previous game. But successfully regaining the feeling created in an extremely good game is no small feat. This is the inauguration of Tomb Raider as a formula once more, but for now, it's a formula I'm happy revisiting.

The Outerhaven - 9/10

I don't know about you, but Rise of the Tomb Raider, while not a complete masterpiece, is pretty damn close to being one in the Action-Adventure genre. Lara is a character anyone can attach themselves to, simply because the moral trip that she goes on throughout her journey can easily be related to, while engaging gamers with a simple, yet extraordinary story-line that can stand the test of time. Rise of the Tomb Raider gets it, and is not afraid to show it.


Tomb Raider may have been built on a foundation of borrowing ideas from other games and developers, but the series has long since established itself, and Rise proves it: It's great when it's brave enough to be itself, and not so great when it's trying to be some other game.

The Verge

Rise of the Tomb Raider is a wonderfully pulpy title for what is either the second or eleventh Tomb Raider game, depending on your perspective. Following 2013’s successful reboot, it’s a conventional sequel in every way that takes a few steps forward and one or two sideways — and that turns out to be enough to make it one of the best games on the Xbox One.

VideoGamer - 9/10

Having enjoyed the Tomb Raider reboot I expected good things from Rise of the Tomb Raider, but those have been exceeded to a degree I didn't imagine. Crystal Dynamics has made a game that expertly rekindles memories of the series' triumphant past and yet still feels incredibly modern. In an era when triple-A blockbuster games often drown beneath a desire to make things more explosive or complex than before, Rise of the Tomb Raider shows how it should be done. This is captivating romp that should cement Lara as a modern gaming icon.

Looks like we have a winner here! Thoughts and comments?
tomb raider bring s old memories. I r remebember in school i heard rumors there was a cheat code to turn lara croft naked and i spent hours in computer lab trying to find it
tomb raider bring s old memories. I r remebember in school i heard rumors there was a cheat code to turn lara croft naked and i spent hours in computer lab trying to find it

Turn Lara croft or Mona sax from the max Payne universe? I recall you could play the entire game with a naked Mona doing back flips and what not!
OMG! Crystal dynamics did it! Well some of you may or may not know that I am a big fan of action adventue games & tomb raider is one of my favourites followed by uncharted series.
I really didn't liked the tomb raider reboot. It seemed like it wants to be an uncharted game with a weak story & somewhat okay gameplay. Thus I was really not that much interested in the reboot series.However with the rise of tomb raider it seems crystal dynamics really knew what they were doing. The rise of the tomb raider got matured! yes I mean it in almost every way. From visuals to gameplay. It borrows all the awesome gameplay elements from different games & successfully incorporates it into the original game. With this title they really challenges naughty dog head on. In fact if you ask me I would say this game is far better than the previous reboot version & even uncharted 4 to some extent.

The positive points are
1. Interesting & well thought out story
2. good character development
3. Level designs are good
4. good visuals
5. combat (stealth kills feels satisfying & are fun to execute)
6. crafting system
7. Music & dialogues (even the scattered audio logs or documents are interesting to listen)
8. exploration. the maps gives you freedom to explore & level up your character.
9. puzzles are not too hard.

Negative points
1.All tombs are somewhat same. After raiding 3-4 tombs you may loose interest to raid others
2. Some weak screenplay elements
3. Slightly increased length towards the end. But compared to uncharted 4 its very less, Uncharted 4 just drags too much in between unnecessarily where at some point it feels like irritating.
However these guys at crystal dynaimcs knew this & stopped the game at the right time.(just when you started to think its dragging too much)

Anyways as an action adventure genre lover I like both Uncharted & tomb raider. However I compared UC4 here just to show that crystal dynamics didn't disappoint with this game & they have improved. If you were like me who was disappointed by the reboot then please ignore that & do play this game you will like it.
Rating:- 9.5/10
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Yes.It was always a good good franchise. But the reboot is what got many of its fans like me disappointed. We were used to the old tomb raider formula like legends, anniversary..etc. However this game is a complete cinematic experience. Honestly they learned a lot from naughty dog. Now they know how to make a good cinematic action adventure game.
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