Linux Rock On with KDE 4.2

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Removed MDV with KDE 4.1.3 and Cooker .. Installed MDV Gnome. .Though can't find a better alternative to Kget.. Well KDE has some serious problem with GIMP>> The Kwin doens't adjust new GIMP interface.. So until it get fixed I am Gnome..
vishalrao said:
Beta 2 is out: K Desktop Environment - KDE 4.2 Beta 2 Release Announcement

Again, like the openSUSE 11.1 announcement mentioning "230 new features", this one says 1000+ bugs opened and 2000+ bugs closed... doesnt say how many were actually fixed :D Bloody marketroids

edit: wooo, this time no delay for kubuntu, packages already available for update!
KDE 4.2 Beta 2 | Kubuntu

Seriously Ubuntu is getting pathetic.. I tried the new 8.10 Ubuntu , Kubuntu and others.. kubuntu didn't moved further after Ksplash and Ubuntu failed to add its own entry in GRUB.. Can you imagine it ? how lame ! Maybe there is some problem with LFY DVD but 8.10 didn't impresses me . .Though Ubuntu has shown some great nifty improvements :P Till then sticking to Fedora and MDV :)
ehehe, too bad it doesn't work well for you :D

weren't you posting about getting new hardware? maybe your new PC will work better with (k)ubuntu...
Even if it I won't install it. .I don't see any reason to swicth to debian . .After astounding development in F10 and MDV 2009.1 ;)
updated to rc1 but didnt notice much difference from beta2 but then again i only occasionally boot into linux for some web browsing in konquerer. will most likely ditch gnome and move to kde 4.2 with kubuntu jaunty release...
I have kubuntu on hdd now.I was testing for sometime although I am a Gnome user for so many years.I finds the panel(kicker??) very irritating(as usual).then the various kwin thingies seems very buggy and nasty crashes(I am in no mood to give back to kde BTS).I tried compiz then.kind of OK.then ,Konqueror browser looks crippled for browsing with java incompatibilities.nor does gmail/ajax websites working.


then ,I found that unlike ubuntu/Debian Sid which I am using without even libqt3/4-mt installed ,this kubuntu needs lot of gtk libraries.I installed firefox and synaptic(adept is a goner!).the fonts of gtk applications looks yucky even with gtk-qt engine.I am with a nvidia 7300GT gfx card based system.there can be work arounds.

definitely kubuntu is not a real kde experience.I have to say kde3 is way better than this kde4.x thingies which are just cartoons look a like for me.may be I am too old for this colour game :S .

With minimum compiz effects and Gnome ,Ubuntu scores way better than Kde or Window$ for me.I dont have to worry for various crashing applications like in kde4.

I hope kde4 will mature in 3-4 years time.then ,it will kill Gnome(as every year we hear ). ;)

I am writing this frankly without mixing my bias towards Gnome.

@darkstar:ban tho nahin karoonga na? :D
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