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Shorthand for Rolling On the Floor Laughing, ROFL, or ROTFL, is commonly used to express that you are laughing so hard that you are rolling on the floor. ROFL is generally used in a text conversation. Users have also extended this shorthand into the below terms as well. Of course, this list could potentially extended into other variations; however, these are the more commonly used variations.
ROFLOL - Rolling On the Floor Laughing Out Loud.
ROTFLOL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud.
ROFLAPMP - Rolling On the Floor Laughing And Peeing my Pants.
ROFLMAO - Rolling On the Floor Laughing My Ass Off.
ROFLMAOASTC - Rolling On the Floor Laughing My Ass Off And Scaring The Cat.
ROFLMAOAY - Rolling On the Floor Laughing My Ass Off At You.
ROFLMAOWTIME - Rolling On the Floor Laughing My Ass Off With Tears In My Eyes.
ROFLCOPTER - An obscure method of laughing at something or someone, often associated with laughing over and over or non-stop. ROFLCOPTER is also associated with any type of ASCII drawn helicopter that contains ROFL as its blades.

Rolling On the Floor Laughing - ROFL :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:





Well, here is one by yours truly: -

ROTFLANRTYDSOAFMBANYACII - Rolling On The Floor Laughing And Not Realizing That Your Dog Shat Only A Few Minutes Back And Now You Are Cleaning It Involuntarily.
^^Yeah rit..but i guess writing, "Rolling On The Floor Laughing And Not Realizing That Your Dog Shat Only A Few Minutes Back And Now You Are Cleaning It Involuntarily." wud be easier than writing, "ROTFLANRTYDSOAFMBANYACII"..:bleh: :lol:

Damn..even i had to copy-paste the whole thing...:P
Private Ryan said:
^^Yeah rit..but i guess writing, "Rolling On The Floor Laughing And Not Realizing That Your Dog Shat Only A Few Minutes Back And Now You Are Cleaning It Involuntarily." wud be easier than writing, "ROTFLANRTYDSOAFMBANYACII"..:bleh: :lol:

Damn..even i had to copy-paste the whole thing...:P

So true :rofl:
Private Ryan said:
Damn..even i had to copy-paste the whole thing...:P
Harden the fsck up, soldier! What's up with you; you want to be a keyboard-commander for the rest of your life? You better get that a$$-bag of yours up-n-running, or I am making you an example for other Private Pyles to follow. Do I make myself clear, dirtbag? :@

You boys can't take sarcasm! :hap5:
Yamaraj said:
Harden the fsck up, soldier! What's up with you; you want to be a keyboard-commander for the rest of your life? You better get that a$$-bag of yours up-n-running, or I am making you an example for other Private Pyles to follow. Do I make myself clear, dirtbag? :@

You boys can't take sarcasm! :hap5:

Yamaraj said:
":|" what? No cookies for not getting sarcasm. :no:

huh... wat r u up to man..!!.. WTF r u upto..

Sarcasm... .. one more...:tongue: :tongue: :tongue: er..3 ?

lol... this guy got sum problem...

and wats the next guy up to.. eh... Multiple id's ?? :P
^Awesome Link dere :P

ROTFLBTCASTCIIHO : Rolling On The Floor Biting The Carpet And Scaring The Cat If I Had One :lol::lol:

RPG : Really Pathetic Gamer :lol:
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