RPG suggestions


Hey people,
I'm a massive rpg fan...these are the games that i've played so far..please suggest any if i have missed playing..

1.Elder scrolls 4:eek:blivion(My all time favourite)
2.The witcher(second best)
3.Mass effect
4.Diablo 2 and 1
5.KOTOR 2 and 1
6.Jade empire
7.Fable:the lost chapters
8.Mount and Blade

ill get my hands on fallout 3 in a couple of days

Please consider these points while suggesting...i hope i am not asking too much..lol

1.I dont like to play the type of rpg's where you can pause the game and use spells..everything should be in real time...

2.i prefer to play games with good graphics..so please suggest games that are not old..

p.s:i really feel bad for the people who lost their lives in the mumbai incident
you can try neverwinter nights 2 and it's expansions. the mask of the betrayer expansion is spectacular, and the new storm of zehir expansion released about a week ago.

also, in general the best rpgs are the older ones, so it's something of an oxymoron to ask otherwise.
pcgamer said:
if u r a RPG fan, u have TO play Gothic series

play Gothic 3 with all community patches

remember we were talking about the gothic 3 expansion in that other thread?

well it released and it was absolutely full of bugs and performance issues. it's so bad that jowood actually had to release a press statement publicly apologizing for releasing it in that state. this is how bad Gothic 3 was when it launched, and that's why i hate the game so much.
spindoctor said:
remember we were talking about the gothic 3 expansion in that other thread?

well it released and it was absolutely full of bugs and performance issues. it's so bad that jowood actually had to release a press statement publicly apologizing for releasing it in that state. this is how bad Gothic 3 was when it launched, and that's why i hate the game so much.

agreed, i am not giving certification that its a very polished game when released...

I am saying, that its a deep satisfying RPG for anyone to play it now with all the community patches done. I certainly liked it
No way i am recommending the recent expansion. It would need 1 more year to play it :bleh:

btw, it was made by India dev studio, not a good way to start when ur publisher is publically apologizing for the state of the game
I'm have been playing fallout 3 and i think its pretty good..but i have this tendency of comparing a game with games produced by the same developer...oblivion:eek:hyeah: ...i have never seen a game with such interesting side quests..
however, i feel the post nuclear setting of fallout 3 is a bit boring than the fantasy setting of oblivion..

I'm waiting for dragon age:eek:rigins and Elder Scrolls 5:hap2:
I SOO WISH Elder Scrolls V come .. OBLIVION OWNS any other RPG till date whether it's Fable or Fallout 3 .

Man 'o' Man , what a GAME !!!! :) Amazing Side Quests , Great Leveling system , The classes / race rocks !! .. Vampirism ..ugh !! can't stop !!!

It's AWESOME !! M 70 hours into the game and guess what ? LEFT TF2 [ for sometime ] for OBLIVION !!!!! and didn't even get bored playing it :) :)