RPG suggestions

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karanboochra said:
I SOO WISH Elder Scrolls V come .. OBLIVION OWNS any other RPG till date whether it's Fable or Fallout 3 .

Man 'o' Man , what a GAME !!!! :) Amazing Side Quests , Great Leveling system , The classes / race rocks !! .. Vampirism ..ugh !! can't stop !!!

It's AWESOME !! M 70 hours into the game and guess what ? LEFT TF2 [ for sometime ] for OBLIVION !!!!! and didn't even get bored playing it :) :)

you tried fallout 3? i liked fallout 3 much more then oblivion :)
karanboochra said:
I SOO WISH Elder Scrolls V come .. OBLIVION OWNS any other RPG till date whether it's Fable or Fallout 3 .

Man 'o' Man , what a GAME !!!! :) Amazing Side Quests , Great Leveling system , The classes / race rocks !! .. Vampirism ..ugh !! can't stop !!!

It's AWESOME !! M 70 hours into the game and guess what ? LEFT TF2 [ for sometime ] for OBLIVION !!!!! and didn't even get bored playing it :) :)

Though I respect your opinion

I find Oblivion as a very shallow RPG game, it has a very shallow main quest and repetitive side quests
There is not much to do in the huge landscape

KOTOR in my book is the best RPG i have ever played
yup, oblivion isn't that good. although i did think the best part of the game were the sidequests... the dark brotherhood line was amazing.
Yup, KOTOR was my best. But I still liked KOTOR2 almost as good as KOTOR 1. In fact I played KOTOR 2 7 times while I played KOTOR 1 only 5 times.
try other bioware games...
planescape: torment...

which version of oblivion did u play...vanilla???i was nvr able to play it beyond lvl 6 or 7(bcos of enemy lvling) :(
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