PC Peripherals RSI affected - maybe--need help with input devices.

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Stig's Indian Cousin!!!

there's this terrible pain in my right hand due to stress from the incessant typing i need to do.

i need a good comfortable ergonomic keyboard -- i can't stop using the pc even if the doctor suggests it.

1.i need something that would help me over extended periods of typing/gaming.

i have a cheap--benq keyboard with a wrist support and a razer salmosa mouse.

2.i also game(only Fps titles) a lot and would prefer a better more heavy & grippier mouse--my razer salmosa is a good mouse but is too light.

i can spend a combined total of upto 4000rs for the keyboard and mouse.

also does a good mouse-pad help in reducing RSI?

here are the damages to my hand



note in the pic - the dark area below my palm is totally numb and i feel nothing there---no sense of touch/pain.

was advised a couple of years back by my family doc to cut down on my gaming sessions to prevent damage to my hands.

at times my hands hurt like hell.

the chair and the table are properly adjusted according to my height. i just need a comfortable keyboard and mouse solution.
The pictures are not representative of RSI induced damage. That's just from resting your hand on the table too long, while holding the mouse. That spot on your right wrist is visible on any long time computer user.

Having said that, numbness, tingling etc. could be indicative of an RSI type injury. Consult a good doctor, someone who has experience in treating RSI injuries. You cannot just visit your family physician.

The doctor will examine your wrists and most likely prescribe a test on your nerves to rule out nerve damage.

I had a similar condition to yours some 6 years back. I visited a doctor in Apollo Hospital(New Delhi). Luckily I had no nerve damage(I underwent tests at Apollo). He said I had developed Tendonitis.

I wore casts that kept my wrists straight every night and I totally stopped using the computer. I was healed in a couple of months.

Don't take this condition lightly, as it can render your hands completely useless in it's advanced stages. Completely stop all activity on the computer and consult a doctor, immediately.
You need a wrist supporter. Nike makes some really good ones for sportspeople, costs approx 1.5k each. Keeps sufficient tension at the wrist while allowing free movement. These are also used for tendonitis nowadays. In the meanwhile look for a soft surface to rest your hands on while you compute away.
There is also a Gaming Glove available with Steelseries, costs around 1000/-. It keeps fingers grouped together to reduce stress on wrists, at the same time the portion touching the keyboard/wristrest is also covered, check it out.
But SahilM is right, buddy. Dont take this lightly. Better to stop using the computer for couple of months and healing rather than bring rendered unable to use it permanently, right?
i cn't stop using the pc!!

gt me job to do!!

anyways do please recommend me a good comfortable keyboard and a good comfy mouse--thought about the razer death adder.

what about a good comfortable soft mousepad?

could you guys recommend these quickly before anymore further damage to my hands? also do please post product links/images.

thanks a tonne!
axeman said:
You need a wrist supporter. Nike makes some really good ones for sportspeople, costs approx 1.5k each. Keeps sufficient tension at the wrist while allowing free movement. These are also used for tendonitis nowadays. In the meanwhile look for a soft surface to rest your hands on while you compute away.

niceguy1430 said:
There is also a Gaming Glove available with Steelseries, costs around 1000/-. It keeps fingers grouped together to reduce stress on wrists, at the same time the portion touching the keyboard/wristrest is also covered, check it out.
But SahilM is right, buddy. Dont take this lightly. Better to stop using the computer for couple of months and healing rather than bring rendered unable to use it permanently, right?

Please don't advise the usage of any products. Wrist supports are not supposed to be used while the wrist is under tension. The gaming glove isn't a medical device. It's just a glove designed to let you grip the mouse better.

It's funny how the OP wants people to suggest him products. No products will help your condition if you have already injured your wrists.

I just gave you a first hand account of my travails with Tendonitis and you still want products. Sure you can buy lots of fake devices(snake oil). Best of luck getting cured by those.

Oh and I hope you know, if you get sufficient nerve damage, you loose the ability to use your hands. You won't be able to hold a pencil leave alone operating a computer.

My last post in this thread.
i do know about the issues regarding rsi and tendonitis.

i can reverse the effects with a bit of medical help.in the mean time i would really be grateful if you could list the devices which would make computing a bit more comfortable and help me address this issue.

you do realize that without working on the pc i can't possibly earn me bread and butter!!

could anyone suggest a good comfortable keyboard within 1500rs with a wrist support---preferably from microsoft or logitech??
i also had a similar condition (darkened and hardened skin but not much numbness) due to my hands are bigger and the mouse I used was a tiny notebook mouse :@ on a hard wooden table without a mouse pad :no:

then I used the mx518 mouse (which is quite big) along with a cheap gel mouse pad.. then it used to feel comfortable :ohyeah:

i think you should consider the following products: (if possible get your doctor's opinion on these) and also get a fat mouse :cool2:

eBay India: SteelSeries Glove Gaming PC Mice Mouse Accessories (item 150394300172 end time 02-Jan-2010 14:54:50 IST)

eBay India: PALM GUARD - Brand:Conybio(Bio-Ceramic) - Free Shipping (item 220521310017 end time 11-Dec-2009 11:26:10 IST)

and the el-cheapo 99rs gel mouse pad.. change it every 4 months or so

for the keyboard the MS ergonomic keyboard will be better (the 11 degrees both side inclined one) but you can use any keyboard with wrist support and put a soft cloth on it.

but bro I should tell you one thing you will not know how will it be if you lose your hand's function. I have limited functionality in my right hand and lost function in both legs. It really is hell-ish :@

so take care of your hand and reduce your long sessions before the PC :hap2: wat ever f*king important that be. atleast take regular breaks and do CTS prevention exercises. bcos eating your bread and butter with your hands is much more important than earning it :ashamed:

(btw don't freak out.. I met with an accident to end up like this :bleh: )

i am getting a good deal on this keyboard Microsoft Multimedia Keyboard PS/2 - Retail (K49-00112(KB-MEDIA)) | Techbuy Australia

should i go for it???

btw the steel series glove looks wow!!!

@digitaldude!i've had bike accidents football accidents cricket accidents cycles accidents just normal accidents!!! i have broken my legs hands and even head! i am totally concussed!!! i walked around like a robot for 8 months when i broke my left leg in a football accident --i had steel braces---was damn cool my leg looked like robocop's leg!! chicks took a pity on me and i landed my first date!!(must stop thinking of them fond memories)!

the only way a guy totally looses the right to live is when his *ahem* area malfunctions!!!
yes go for it if you get it cheap. if the wrist pad feels hard for you, just use a soft cotton cloth on it ;)
btw broken hands and legs will set in a definite time frame man. but Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI) and nerve damages are not like that. they don't have a definitive time period for recovery. in extreme cases, you can't even say if they'll recover or not :(

for example a carpal tunnel untreated will lead to drastic consequences and loss of function (which may require a surgery) than say a broken hand.
atleast you were able to walk around the house like a robot. I can't even move the fingers of my legs. fortunately (???) mine is an incomplete sci my doc says confidently that I will recover for sure albeit very very slowly. it's been 1.5 yrs I'm bedridden and recovering damn slowly. hope one day I will be back on my foot :cool2:
better advice would be to fix your posture/table height/chair
current configuration is obviously forcing you to stress your wrists too much

and using all that snake oil may feel good for a few months till you start to get paralysis...say byebye to your bread&butter forever
this is a question for your life...you cant put a budget '1.5k or cheaper keyboard' on it

thats all i have to say about that
Wow, was looking for a discussion on RSI. I am suffering from pain in my right wrist and shoulder/neck since over 6 months now and not sure if its CPT, RSI or whatever.

I have got a MS 4000 keyboard since a few months but the microsoft basic mouse sucks. And the pain continues. The MS ergonomical mouse is just not in stock in India.

I am going for the MX518 by logitech for now also some exercises are really helpful in such a situation. here are a couple of links that a friend passed me

YouTube - video podcast - exercises for tendonitis and carpal tunnel

Heavy Computer User? Here's 7 Ways To Fight Repetitive Strain Injury - by Dumb Little Man
Met my Orthopedic today. He has asked me to get a blood test for Vitamin D3 and B12. It can cause RSI / CPT. will update if that is what troubled me...
Just anecdotal evidence, not solid scientific backing: Changing your keyboard layout to Dvorak might help reduce RSI.

I used to get wrist pains after long keyboard usage on the nomal QWERTY layout. I then changed my keyboard layout to Dvorak, and since then havent faced wrist pains.

FYI, the normal QWERTY layout was designed to make you type slower so that the old typewriter strikers didnt become entangled, while Dvorak was designed with a view to keeping the most frequently used letters on the home row.

Below are a few sites on the Dvorak layout

Dvorak Simplified Keyboard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Dvorak Keyboard and You

DVzine.org - The Dvorak Zine
Use a trackball.
I use one for browsing and normal computing needs, especially on laptop.

You will take time to get used to it but once you are set, you ll love not to move your wrist anywhere for moving the pointer.


PS:- Visit a doctor for sure.
Change your table. Your keyboard should not be at the same level as your monitor base.

Get well soon.
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