Heres mine..kindly disregard the volts, they are wrong..the values dint change a bit even on idle conditions.
Other stuff is fine.
CPU @ 290x9, 6600GT @ 535/1130
I'd run rthdribl earlier. With 3 hdds, 2 optical, and my gto2 @ 530/600, 12V rail was rock steady at 12.15V. I don't regret paying 5K for this Zebby hyeah:
With 12 pipes, gpu temps were max 57c. With 16 pipes, they're max 62c. CPU temps are around 43-45c. Hmmmm, I'll need a better heatsink. Anyone coming from the US?
Actually anything less than 11.6 on the 12V rail is dangerous.
And I che3cked my volts again with Everest...
and 12.03 at idle and 11.71(the lowest) on full load!!! YIIPPEEE!!!
@Saiyan --- Your Volts are quite low. Take care. It is on the borderline. But again, it is better if you measure it once with a DMM and know for sure whether Everest is correct or not...
@ nikhil the 7800gt & 6800gt use the same amount of power & according to the technical specs the 6800gt uses more power than the 7800gt. thats y i guess funky refered to the 7800gt.
Yes mate, me too was surprised at the results. Am just hoping the numbers reported by Asus PC probe is correct.
I'll get hold of Everest and see the reports. Will also try and get the 12v line measured with a DMM.
Am using a Powersafe 500W.
@Quady - Allright, here is the screenshot with Everest ( I was thinking your 12v lines were dropping maybe because you have oc'ed your cpu & gpu ).
CPU - from 2 to 2.2Ghz
GPU core - from 350Mhz to 425Mhz, gpu memory from 1Ghz to 1.13Ghz
here is mine screenshot ....... but even with TP 2.0 550 voltages are getting lower normally its 11.90 and with load it goes back to 11.84 ...... i have chked with all the softwares like speedfan everest PCprobe all are same ..... here is a screen shot. temps are little bit high because its a very hot day here .....