Rumour, New TVS Premium Bike ?

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woo...thats one thing i havent seen yet,,,,,on cars/bikes?
LOL on the Mumbai Pune expressways, the Volvo buses do 140 KMPH.
I have seen a Ferrari on the expressway do 300 KPH rough estimation ( was sitting on 140 KPH Volvo bus) obviously it could be lower but it passed my bus under a sec and I looked at the buses speedometer it was showing 140 kph !!
anupamsinha said:
Even a 600 CC wouldn't probably be able to achieve 230 kmph. Probably it was annother punny bike with a massive speedo error.
stock 97 CBR600 F3 did 240kmph in the Thoppur ghat sections :)

Whatever, TVS is a very conservative company when it comes to product launches, they used to be front runners earlier with the Shogun/Shaolin/Fiero but that was only due to their participation in national rally championships. Now that is killed, the only racing activities in India are the motocross and the national road racing championship. And going by the looks of it, the participation in the road racing championship is also dwindling :(

I guess this thread should be moved to the jokes section.
LAST ISSUE of some mag i don remember which had scoop foto of a performance bike coverde frm all around , the mag was most probably autocar india , or BSM, . And they said the spoodo showed 300kmph. indeed a performance bike is coming to india:hap2: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
hummer said:
LAST ISSUE of some mag i don remember which had scoop foto of a performance bike coverde frm all around , the mag was most probably autocar india , or BSM, . And they said the spoodo showed 300kmph. indeed a performance bike is coming to india:hap2: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Yeah. Indeed it was.

Read it again. The name of the bike was April fool.
ahmedabad vadodara expressway is also a place where you can enjoy speed driving for 90 kilometers.

i have traversed this road many a times at minimum 120 kmph which is limit of my car.

as chaos mentioned mumbai pune express way is another place where you can go overloaded. and its picturesque too.

Mumbai-Pune expressway sucks- concrete+not so even!!:@
But its the only respite for traffic crazed Mumbaites!!:P

I always took the older twistier route!!
more fun!!;)

Travelled all the way to Delhi in 2004, in an esteem, fully packed with luggage, even rear seats, just enough space for third occupant!!!!:rofl:
Only occupants- me and driver!!:P
Transporting friend's bro's car and stuuf to Delhi coz he moved there temporarily!!
Bro was at Ahmedabad for conference!!
Friend joined us there!!
Bumped off driver and asked him to take bus back to bombay and join at delhi later!!:rofl:
We 3 moved on!!

First stop Ahmedabad(me+driver), (we 3) next jaipur, third and final destination- Karnal/kurukshetra in haryana!!
3 days and all this while i was on crutches!!
Docs don't know this yet!!:P

Thats when i first encountered the Baroda-Ahmedabad expressway!!:clap:
Newly opened, 100 odd kms of fresh Tar and no lights!!
So markers glowed in headlights like diwali lights!!:hap2:
Amazing sight!!

Though the vehicle was so heavy, we had decided to cruise at 80-100kmph all the way!!

But when we saw maruti 800s and zens zip by, allowed the driver to pick up speed!!
Till i had to rein him in at 140kmph!!:rofl:
Didn't want any risk to engine and hanling as we had a long journey ahead!!

Yeah, and a merc went like ...!!:ohyeah:

Sent 40+ text msgs to all my pals!!:P

SAD- camera was at home!!:@
The ECR highway between Chennai and Pondicherry is pretty neat and has quite a few high speed twisties. WHen I got my Pulsar in Pondy, I used to run it in on the ECR. It was amazing fun.
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