

Been planning this since a long long time, finally made the purchase today, and this would have been impossible without Chaos' driving skills being put to the absolute limit *Thanks so much man!)

More pics of the cam once I'm back in Goa, get ready for some sets to hit the photography thread :D

Btw, I picked just the body, 44k all inc, will be using it with a 50mm f/1.8 and a 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 to be replaced by a 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS shortly.
I know !!! It's absolutely silent even when I set the volume on my speakers to max !! Oh man !! who would have thought that photographs could be so silent !!

You have a gem of a camera Anish !! congrats !!
^ Nope no in-camera NR or post processing with Noise Ninja or anything whatsoever, straight JPEG off the cam.

Thanks Nikhil :D
Firstly congrats on or SLR.

Chaos is the man when it comes to getting SLR's.

No noise even at ISO 800 is gr8 :)

some more night shots at higher iso plz.
congrats Anish ..the cam looks really good..

guys ..i always wanted to ask this ...questions ..maybe a very nooby Qs..as i am a noob when it comes to photography (but i am really interested in it)..

what do u mean by this low noise thing ??ive seen people discussing noise related to cameras..

but i really dont understand what it means ?

does the camera sensor produce some kind of noise when clicking photos at High ISO's

(by the way what is exactly high ISO ? high resolution/quality/details ??)

and how can you make out weather there is noise or not looking at the image clicked ? like some one did in the above post ?..

thought of asking these Qs here itself..if u want i will create a new thread...

but if possible please answer them 1 by 1..
look at a small section of the pic, preferably where the color is mostly constant

if the color is pure (like floodfill), thats no noise, if you can see lots of chromatic spots and abbarations, thats noise
Quad Master said:
No noise even at ISO 800 is gr8 :)
some more night shots at higher iso plz.
Not so sharp cause this was handheld at 1/2 second, but its at ISO 1600 and this should give you a good idea of noise control. It was a pitch black shot btw, no street lighting, some construction site outside my window :p

i still dont understand most of the things u guys talking about..i usually find all da pics taken from a decent digital camera good enough..

i am not familiar with the manual settings like ISO ,shutter speed and all in a digicam .

maybe i need to take some training in photography from the pros here..to make out the difference..