
^ Check first post, it was 44k body only.

Here another 1600 shot, this cam is so good at high ISO's that I doubt i'll shoot anything below 800 except for bright daylight lol

Edit : Okay it looks underexposed, the camera LCD seems a bit too bright :p
amazing cam, awesome purchase, great pics Anish. Congrats.

@faheem, i will show you a pic taken from N93, and then post processed to remove the noise. Tell me if you are able to notice the noise/grains before processing.
Image straight from the camera

After Processing

Its not out of focus. Its just blurred cause the software used a gaussian blur kernel all over the image. I'd take the noisy image with all the detail than the one that is blurred completely. For high ISO work, nothing beats a good DSLR.
^ Yup, basically NR is inversely proportional to sharpness.

As you sharpen an image, it gets more grainy so that converse acts as pseudo NR.

A 'proper' NR software like Noise Ninja or one of Fred Miranda's PS plugins, will analyse the image and selectively take off chrominance noise and luminance noise.
Anish said:
^ Yup, basically NR is inversely proportional to sharpness.

As you sharpen an image, it gets more grainy so that converse acts as pseudo NR.

A 'proper' NR software like Noise Ninja or one of Fred Miranda's PS plugins, will analyse the image and selectively take off chrominance noise and luminance noise.

are they free ?
^ Nope they'll cost you something like USD 20/30, but they're way way better than any of the freeware available.

Pretty damn simple to use as well :)