PC Peripherals :S SpeedFan nd Webcam Advice

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Hi Guys,

1st of all wanted to buy a Webcam, just name a few of the best or ny other options available in Mumbai offcourse :)
(will finally b able to take pics of my comp :ohyeah: )

nd secondly this is troubling me alot,

R the volts rite???
nd r the temps fine??

think this part will be solved quickly :)
Mainly the volts part....
but also r those temps fine

ny othr options.....:)
How much did u get it for??
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Rockyme2002 said:
ny othr options.....:)
How much did u get it for??

before the icam I had the Logitech cheapo webcam and the difference between these 2 is tremendous. I cant remember the price as I bought it along with some other hardware and I was not able find the bill. As a guess I think it is about 1200 - 1400.
Get the logitech quickcam pro for notebooks if you have the budget.(around 3K) It has a CCD instead of CMOS sensor. Awesome quality! Temps are fine :).
Chaos said:
Get the logitech quickcam pro for notebooks if you have the budget.(around 3K) It has a CCD instead of CMOS sensor. Awesome quality! Temps are fine :).

This Logitech seems to be a good one. But Pricey compared to the i.

I had the NON Pro Logitech Quickcam earlier and it was P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C image always looked out of focus no matter what I did.
Look for a good webcam with CCD Censor as they are the best when it comes to quality.
Dont know specific brands but look for the CCD.
Chaos said:
Get the logitech quickcam pro for notebooks if you have the budget.(around 3K) It has a CCD instead of CMOS sensor. Awesome quality! Temps are fine :).
btw only Logitech....ny high quality cams available...
Guess i will hav to find tht out tmrw

Thnx Chaos, Easy , Quady :)

K which model no..... ;)

dnt tell me to get the sphere :no:
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