Linux Sabayon 4 Released ..

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Dark Star


Sabayon 4 Released : The Best Live DVD Around
Sabayon4 offers an easy to use and attractive desktop coming with thousands of tools and applications, such as effortless connections to any kind of wireless network, Web and Multimedia applications (Java, Flash Player, Google Earth, Picasa, etc), browsers (Firefox, Opera, Konqueror, etc), instant messaging clients (Pidgin, Kopete, aMsn, etc), multimedia and playback tools (Elisa Media Centerl, GeeXbox, VLC, Smplayer), productivity tools (OpenOffice, Abiword, Gnucalc, Kontact, Adobe Reader).

  • Ext4, NTFS, AUFS and UnionFS Support
    • - Ready for the future today, Ext4, the future Linux Filesystem is now a reality!
    • - Does your Windows(tm) system contain music and photos? We support it out of the box!
  • HAL-based GPU and Input devices detection thanks to X.Org 7.4
    • - Supporting AMD Catalyst Drivers 8.11 and Open Source RadeonHD
    • - Supporting NVIDIA Drivers 180.11, 173.14.12, 96.43.09 and 71.86.07 through an automated selector
    • - One click 3D Desktop Effects support
  • Incredible set of ready-to-use applications and Desktop Environments:
    • - KDE 3.5.10 (Classic mode)
    • - KDE 4.1.3 (Advanced mode, available through our repositories)
    • - GNOME 2.24.2
    • - XFCE 4.4.3
    • - LXDE
    • - Openbox 3.4.8 RC1
    • - Fluxbox 1.1.1
    • - OpenOffice 3.0
    • - Firefox 3.0.4
    • - aMule 2.2.2
    • - Wine 1.1.10
    • - Google Earth 4.3.7284.3916 and Picasa 2.7.3736.15
    • - Adobe Flash 10
    • - Java and IcedTea6
    • - VirtualBox 2.0.6
    • - and other 1000 applications available!
  • Sabayon Linux Installer:
    • - Customizing your installation is now easier and faster
    • - Ability to choose between 5 different pre-configured installation profiles
    • - Faster post-installation configuration

Sabayon recently released an update for its version 4 fixing bugs and updating packages..With new kernel i.e , and latest drivers for vga card..

Download : Sabayon Linux Four Oh!

Release Announcement : • View topic - Sabayon Linux x86/x86-64 4 Revision 1 Rolling Release
Sabayon Wesite : Sabayon Linux Four Oh!
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Yeah, looks complete enough for me to try :)

btw, can anyone tell me al the distro's which support media ( audio & video) out of the box ?

Also is it debain based ?
^^ Linux Mint, Sabayon, Dream Linux .. and if you want debian get Linux mint but its Ubuntu based..

If you want a review of Sabayon, you will see it soon :D
Yea, i was reading up and says that the apps are compiled from source. So there is some hitch...

Ubuntu on apps have been pretty smooth whenever i have tried.

So I will wait for your review. :P
Well as far as applications are concerned I don't think there will be any problem.. The only problem I faced is poor hardware detection.. It failed to set my resolution correctly [ATI proprietary drivers Catalyst were installed] even editing the xorg.conf was all in vain.. All printer drivers were installed and I couldn't configure my Linux friendly HD AIO 1410... But it might work for you..

As far as review I can't provide it yet.. It won't be earlier than the next month .. Although I have finished it :P

Edit : There are quite a good aps. like Lightscribe Media labeler, which might comes handy for lightscribe drive owner :)

This MCE edition comes with Xbox Media Center so you won't have any problem as far as media needs are concerned :)
Hmm Sabayon heard a lot of this distro but never gave it try and but it does look pretty good but some how this logo for sabayon seems free to similar to one of freespire
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