Sad : 6-year-old student locked for hours in school. Dies a month later.

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Get the bloody sick teachers, some education first.

A traumatised 6-year-old student who was allegedly locked up for several hours by his kindergarten teacher last month for not doing home work died on Sunday night. He was recovering at the PGI Rohtak hospital for a month.

Pankaj could never recover from the trauma. The kindergarten student of Rajkul government school was not let off even when the school closed down and when his family finally found him, he was in a state of shock.
these teachers/people dont need education anymore.. they need an assylum to it in and some good treatment to counter thier phsyco state of mind
why was a kg kid given homework in the first place? imo, homework should be banned in schools till class 5. Its mentally stressing, with each teacher trying to outdo the other in giving the most homework.
why was a kg kid given homework in the first place? imo, homework should be banned in schools till class 5. Its mentally stressing, with each teacher trying to outdo the other in giving the most homework.

Well, homework is necessary but in limited amount. Homework for kg to 5th standard should be something that "Every kid will like doing it".
Teachers are stuck in stone age , they thinnk by giving punishment the kids will do better .The school and the teachers should be burned down.
Education has become so risky.

With both parents working becoming a norm, they are left with no choice but to trust the school to take care of their children. Only to discover that school have nowadays have become shops. And unfortunately, due to (deliberate) lack of political will such incidents will continue to happen.
no amount of political will will change the situation. how many rules will be made only to be broken by politicians and everyone connected to them.

people need to get away from the money making schemes so deeply set in their minds. with 24/7 marketing having brainwashed all people into thinking that better life = buying more costly goods, and consuming more resources, i don't see any other place than self destruction for humans in coming years. remember, those ancient civilizations that suddenly disappeared? maybe we're on the very same track without knowing it.
OMG a 6 year old kid! RIP.

That teacher should be charged with murder. What a shameless prick!
Cheap Teacher (by salary paid) cheap teaching methods as they NEVER WENT through ACCREDITED UNIVERSITIES & Other Activities for Teaching but local Diploma Coaching.

Now EDUCATION is business so maximum times Managment/Trustee hire cheap staff to maximize profits
Argg. DOn't go gaga over the news. If the a teacher wants to be resposible then he has to be strict sometimes. People are putting cases on him. What would be effect of this on the whole chandigarh area? Now the teacher will have another excuse for not punishing children. They will laugh between themselves about the one who wanted to teach some lessons to kids.

parents ovelook their childrens needs, They went to find him after 6 hours? They couldn't comfort him after he was found? If he couldn't recover then most probably the kid doesn't trust his parent himself. He died after a month. That itself is very suspisious.
Argg. DOn't go gaga over the news. If the a teacher wants to be resposible then he has to be strict sometimes. People are putting cases on him. What would be effect of this on the whole chandigarh area? Now the teacher will have another excuse for not punishing children. They will laugh between themselves about the one who wanted to teach some lessons to kids.

parents ovelook their childrens needs, They went to find him after 6 hours? They couldn't comfort him after he was found? If he couldn't recover then most probably the kid doesn't trust his parent himself. He died after a month. That itself is very suspisious.

Seems you are taking the proverb "spare the rod, spoil the child" too seriously. You need to understand the difference between being strict and outright harassment. There are much more efficient and humane ways to make children understand the importance of being regular in their work. Also the fact that you make light of such a serious situation is a bit unnerving.

As far as blaming the kids parents go, no one will get suspicious if the kid was away for 6 hours on a school day. Also, how the human mind works and how it deals with trauma is not the same for everybody so please do not question as to why death occured after a month.

It is sad to see how kids were and still are treated in most schools in India. It is commonly believed that instilling fear is much better than instilling values. I am sure many here would have faced physical punishments in school and they would agree with my views.
Poor kid. If this is the teacher's fault. He must be kept in a dark room for a month and tortured to death.
Both Teacher - Student & Student - Teacher relationship is worsening day by day. Parents don't have time to look after their Children leave it to the school to do their part. And Teachers who can't manage these large no. of Children resort to these brutal measures. In the end Children has no where to go to.

I feel this is only the begining. We can be another America within a couple of years.
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