Saddam Deserve Hanging?

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Maxguru said:
what r u saying. u sitting here and justifying saddam .. and blaming american presidents..... for wht but ?

if it was not america i guess saddam would have never been bought to trial . which other country has that much of guts in their ass with that much of money power like US. ..
Saddam may have deserved it...but the Iraqi people didnt deserve to be carpet bombed.

btw Saddams says "if u hv to kill shoot me n gv me the death of a soldier."
very dramatic...
afaik, he deserves it.
But his trail costed lives of 3 judges and lots of stuffs.
He deserve a fair trail, but again death will be the thing he'll be sentenced be it from Iraq or International Court of Justice.
its all a question of perspective.

saddam is being sentenced to death for killing what, 148 people ?

Someone Else meanwhile , started a war which is responsible for the deaths of at least 655,000.

All he has to worry about is losing his next election :|

kinda like jailing the local pickpocket while the Mob boss lives happily ever after in his villa
vij said:
Saddam may have deserved it...but the Iraqi people didnt deserve to be carpet bombed.

btw Saddams says "if u hv to kill shoot me n gv me the death of a soldier."
very dramatic...

vjj, they surely doesnt deserve carpet bombing by B52's but then again its the ideology that made them.
you cannot imagine how much dangerous it is to arm any Fanatic country with autocracy with nukes and I firmly believe Iraq was developing nukes and Iran is now going the same way slowly.
x86 said:
vjj, they surely doesnt deserve carpet bombing by B52's but then again its the ideology that made them.

you cannot imagine how much dangerous it is to arm any Fanatic country with autocracy with nukes and I firmly believe Iraq was developing nukes and Iran is now going the same way slowly.

x86, if india was taken over by a warlord , would you approve of your own home getting blown up by the US , just to make the warlord give up?
Maxguru said:
what r u saying. u sitting here and justifying saddam .. and blaming american presidents..... for wht but ?

if it was not america i guess saddam would have never been bought to trial . which other country has that much of guts in their ass with that much of money power like US. ..

oh please, Americas money is changing slowly.look at EU.

many countries have the guts tro attack iraq but they dont becuz sometimes love for oil can be solved siplomatically.

attacking Iraq's 20 year old SAM's and rusting Mig29's with rd33 "first batch" engines is not at all a problem, problem is keeping +ve in land warfare.
btw, Americas iraq invasion is one of most stupidest thing, surely saddam has human rights abuses but they were far far decades away from deploying nukes and cud have been solved diplomatically.
I can make you talk with 1 colonel of Canada and a bunch of other defence related peoples from US.

Today Iran is far dangerous than Iraq and Us simply cannot afford so many wars.but US wont attack Iran anytime soon, Iran is making very good ties with India/Russia and i believe Irans power thing can be solved diplomatically.

Lastly of not least u cannot clap with one hand, whole middle east needs to disarm with nukes be it americas bonhomie israel.

though india-israel are second biggest partners.
Thank god india is becoming self reliant, and we need to think we are indian not the american way.
jai hind
you do realize that iran's sudden rise to power is the consequence of its natural competitors/neighbors being incapacitated

though india-israel are second biggest partners.

Yeuch! despite 1962, I think we're better off with china
greenhorn said:
x86, if india was taken over by a warlord , would you approve of your own home getting blown up by the US , just to make the warlord give up?

haha, oh well NO COUNTRY in the coming decade would DARE TOUCH INDIA.
if US touches India without nukes it will be the downfall of both nations and uprising of China and USSR starting another war against weak US.

see the thing is ideology, Iraq/Iran didnt had a democracy but a fanatic government.When you couple Technology to what happened 3000 years back it becomes extremism.Iran wants to nuke israel, wth is this? religion shud never be the basis of ones life!!it shud be social harmony!

That is why no nuke in middle east, we are democracy and a totally diff in ideology.

but surely things cud have been settled by talks, but Us's love for oil sigh .
I agree with you US did a mistake attacking Iraq, now they have bigger problems.
but surely things cud have been settled by talks

there was no WMD's! there was no Al Quaeda, nothing to settle about in the first place.they just declared

"let there be WMD's " , and there was supposedly WMD's "

then they said "let there be wars", and there was a war.

what do you suppose they would have settled during talks anyway. the entire nuclear program was transparent , and UN inspected.

North korea would have been something. they for one DO have a nuke now , and didnt then.
Maxguru said:
death penaly should be avoided.. he should be kept in prison and made to suffer and made to realise what he has done.. death is inevitible. it will come one day but he should be made suffered for pains he has caused others. let him realise.. death is just last resort after it he will not feel any pain of suffering its one time........ he should have been made suffered in prison .

He hasn't realised this for so many years, do you believe he will realise it now?
Somethings are really not worth the effort.
You should learn to discard it.

You waiting for him to realise? It is like asking the blind man to see.
jayken said:
He hasn't realised this for so many years, do you believe he will realise it now?

Somethings are really not worth the effort.

You should learn to discard it.

You waiting for him to realise? It is like asking the blind man to see.

when you've got the rest of your life to introspect, It comes naturally :P. of course there are still guiltless criminals , but we cannot summarily judge someone
greenhorn said:
you do realize that iran's sudden rise to power is the consequence of its natural competitors/neighbors being incapacitated

Yeuch! despite 1962, I think we're better off with china
Yes we are but Israel Provides us some sensitive electronich tech derived from US.
SEE problem with indo-china is BOTH ARE EQUALLY POWERFUL MILLITARY WISE RIGHT NOW and both canont afford a war against each other so its a give-take respectful relation.even India is same as powerful as Russia now, except nuke deterrence of russia is world class "s-s-27 topol-m"!!

but pakistan is a pet dog of china, and the way China is arming another fanatic is creating problems for us and making the relation a bit weird.
see, pakistan IS ISLAMIC REPUBLIC, wthell is that ? I respect Islam but not a country who says "AZAD KASHMIR" and blah blah stuffs.

if someone fights for a religious cause in this century, hes the most problematic in world peace.

Iraq/Iran are DUMB WITH DUMB LEADERS, they shud learn from India.
Do you even know India's Agni 3 is a deliberately failed one?

temme one thing do you believe one who has designed indigenous CRYOGENIc engine, RE ENTREY tech in atmosphere"will test this december" , satellite with own vehicle to put stuffs thousands kilometres away, TES IRS"remote sensing" being worlds second best!!! better than china/uk/russia, cannot develope a simple puny ICBM?

we are not developing it because we are not feeling the threat from EU/US, if we develope it will deteroit our growth.
Iran dont understand this, they shud play cards diplomatically give up nukes and go under international community and improve diplomatically.
Israel being one of biggest reason for Irans nuke deterrent if Iran disarms Israel is bound to!!
any fanatic nation who lives by reigion shud be disarmed period.
we need knowledge, not religion.

In that way North Koreas Nuclear is much more for deterrance, and thanks to Russia/china they are getting in 6 party talks.

btw, good news India is preparing slowly as we speak for a huge huge war to save herself, even deploying space based weapons......and stuffs.
i see your Point x86, but we're going a bit OT. So mesa gonna can it for now :D

i suggest you also stick to the topic too :bleh:
greenhorn said:
when you've got the rest of your life to introspect, It comes naturally :P. of course there are still guiltless criminals , but we cannot summarily judge someone

Agreed! We don't have the right to judge others(human beings).
BTW, who does regard him as human? Not me. :tongue:

If you put him in the jail, he'll plan
1. how to come out
2. how to take revenge

Then another war, blah blah.. why waste time?
Smack the parasite! :@
No North Koreans are developing nukes to blackmail the world rather than for any deterrence purpose.Nobody would really attack that shiity regime if they didn't pose any threat to the outside world.N.Koreans aren't exactly sitting on an oil dump.

now coming to the chinese they haven't changed a bit.They are still the same back-stabbing suckers they were in 62.They have only gotten better. But as long as india is powerful they will dare not attack us directly.....They will just use their poodle , the pakis, to cause trouble here and make sure india remains fixated on the pakis so that they can get on with their world domination.

Now coming to saddam i don't care what he did or didn't do, i don't care whether the trial was fare or not, all i care is that his death will deepen the shioa shunni divide in iraq and make things worse.
Excatly my point....

My parents have been to Iraq twice.

The muslim mosque has been bombed to hell.

The Holy Quran has been shread to piece all by the Amrecian Forces.

They are doing more harm than good.
It would have been great if somebody invaded pakistan and brought general mush and his army and ISI buddies on trial for spreading terrorism and exporting nukes to other rogue states.

I Pray tat too....

But you know I have relatives in pakis, says that conditions in Pakis has improved a lot since Mushi baby took over.

Infact its supposed to be much safer to go out late in the nights now,
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