Maxguru said:
what r u saying. u sitting here and justifying saddam .. and blaming american presidents..... for wht but ?
if it was not america i guess saddam would have never been bought to trial . which other country has that much of guts in their ass with that much of money power like US. ..
We're all armchair experts here; myself not being an exception to this. :rofl:
Well, I'm not justifying Saddam and his actions (!), but you cannot ignore the fact
that he was basically a CIA puppet, much like OBL, which explains his 35 years of
rather peaceful ruling in Iraq. USA even assisted Saddam in war against Iran.
Consider this - in a typical bollywood movie, the villain slains or rapes a close
relative of the stereotypical "hero". What happens next? A series of action
assisted murders of the villain's aides, until our hero finally reaches out to the
big bad guy and finishes his revenge. The public, spellbound forever, takes it
all as the norm and goes home with this very mentality that we're now beginning
to see in the real World. "Don't mess with the good guys!"
You heard it! The good guys drop atom bombs on unsuspecting civilians, instantly
assimilating over 200,000 of them, and walk away untouched - victorious. They
carpet bomb entire countries in the name of "freedom" and "justice"; their B2's
and B52's laying cluster and smart bombs, napalms and whatnot on living beings.
Their public cheers and celebrates and the guinea pigs scream in fear and terror.
We, the spectators, discuss the burn effects, watch the nauseating action in
awe and praise their "modern weapons of mass destruction".
Yeah, I know what rubbish I'm shooting to the sky. Crazy Yankees are waiting
for time Saddam is executed, so they can cheer for their *Great President* and
his Christmas gift to the people. How sane, isn't it? It's all "entertainment" for them.
Trail and justice you said? Why the killing of 148 insurgents warrants hanging of
an illegally captured President, and carpet bombing of >600,000 innocents doesn't?
What's your definition of justice? How many were hanged for dropping atom
bombs on Japan? How many for the heinous atrocities in Vietnam and Korea,
for the cruel turture in underground CIA jails, for the illegal one-sided beating
of Iraq, or for the numerous ugly operations of CIA throughout the World?
American definition of *freedom* and *justice* stinks of personal vendetta.