Saddam Deserve Hanging?

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hi all!

Here is my view...

I must confess that i don't know the specifics of the case but i believe that the capital punishment must be reserved for the most henius of crimes and the most criminal of persons who have no chance of reproach.

IMO Saddam should be given a punishment that makes him realize the extent and the resulting suffering of his actions.If that can be possible,it would be more effective than hanging.A transformed person is more usefull to the society than a dead one.

my 2c

Maxguru said:
what r u saying. u sitting here and justifying saddam .. and blaming american presidents..... for wht but ?

if it was not america i guess saddam would have never been bought to trial . which other country has that much of guts in their ass with that much of money power like US. ..
We're all armchair experts here; myself not being an exception to this. :rofl:
Well, I'm not justifying Saddam and his actions (!), but you cannot ignore the fact
that he was basically a CIA puppet, much like OBL, which explains his 35 years of
rather peaceful ruling in Iraq. USA even assisted Saddam in war against Iran.

Consider this - in a typical bollywood movie, the villain slains or rapes a close
relative of the stereotypical "hero". What happens next? A series of action
assisted murders of the villain's aides, until our hero finally reaches out to the
big bad guy and finishes his revenge. The public, spellbound forever, takes it
all as the norm and goes home with this very mentality that we're now beginning
to see in the real World. "Don't mess with the good guys!"

You heard it! The good guys drop atom bombs on unsuspecting civilians, instantly
assimilating over 200,000 of them, and walk away untouched - victorious. They
carpet bomb entire countries in the name of "freedom" and "justice"; their B2's
and B52's laying cluster and smart bombs, napalms and whatnot on living beings.
Their public cheers and celebrates and the guinea pigs scream in fear and terror.
We, the spectators, discuss the burn effects, watch the nauseating action in
awe and praise their "modern weapons of mass destruction".

Yeah, I know what rubbish I'm shooting to the sky. Crazy Yankees are waiting
for time Saddam is executed, so they can cheer for their *Great President* and
his Christmas gift to the people. How sane, isn't it? It's all "entertainment" for them.

Trail and justice you said? Why the killing of 148 insurgents warrants hanging of
an illegally captured President, and carpet bombing of >600,000 innocents doesn't?
What's your definition of justice? How many were hanged for dropping atom
bombs on Japan? How many for the heinous atrocities in Vietnam and Korea,
for the cruel turture in underground CIA jails, for the illegal one-sided beating
of Iraq, or for the numerous ugly operations of CIA throughout the World?

American definition of *freedom* and *justice* stinks of personal vendetta.
Maxguru said:
what r u saying. u sitting here and justifying saddam .. and blaming american presidents..... for wht but ?

if it was not america i guess saddam would have never been bought to trial . which other country has that much of guts in their ass with that much of money power like US. ..
Kool quotes ,i dont think any others countries hv guts to drop nuclear bomb on a country and instead of apologising they made tht country to apologise for it.

Think twice before sucking American balls

p.s:. All the justice lover guys around here,who will bring an end to biggest evil in world
x86 said:
oh please, Americas money is changing slowly.look at EU.

many countries have the guts tro attack iraq but they dont becuz sometimes love for oil can be solved siplomatically.

attacking Iraq's 20 year old SAM's and rusting Mig29's with rd33 "first batch" engines is not at all a problem, problem is keeping +ve in land warfare.
btw, Americas iraq invasion is one of most stupidest thing, surely saddam has human rights abuses but they were far far decades away from deploying nukes and cud have been solved diplomatically.
I can make you talk with 1 colonel of Canada and a bunch of other defence related peoples from US.

Today Iran is far dangerous than Iraq and Us simply cannot afford so many wars.but US wont attack Iran anytime soon, Iran is making very good ties with India/Russia and i believe Irans power thing can be solved diplomatically.

Lastly of not least u cannot clap with one hand, whole middle east needs to disarm with nukes be it americas bonhomie israel.

though india-israel are second biggest partners.
Thank god india is becoming self reliant, and we need to think we are indian not the american way.
jai hind
I m amazed Y Iran is given priority over South Korea .
Well North korea is much more dangerous than Iran.
And it has given missile tech to pakis.

See Iran/NK needs a regime change.
America is much concerced over NK, because of the fact Japan arming itself again "rise of old japan" , nomatter how much they are US ally they have some deep rooted anger towards US.
So NK cant be given nuke instead given good trade relations and NK will dump its nuke aspirations.

Now coming back to a quick analysis,
Iran is a result of the cold start doctrine that was followed between USSR/US and which now India is following.
It is such a army doctrine that posses the motto of destruction of enemy towards maximum extent before it retaliates.

Now when a middle east's peoples mind is destructed over years like that and suddenly left unchanged and uncivilised for a decade it is bound to create extremism, IRAN/NK/ISRAEL both needs to disarm from nukes.

hmasalia> surely life has been better , afterall billions of chinese aid are flowing. but going outside night is the only thing? last time i checked lahore night marketing is really nice.

a country who lives with religious law"governed by mullahs the shariat" cannot agree on basic humanaerian basis.and which cannot agree on basic human sociological basis cannot gel peacefully with the rest.dont ask me to give examples, i'll be banned.

When Christianity reformed from inhuman practices of 15th century,
Hinduism reformed a lot of times though hinduism isnt a true religion "vedas says its a way of living your life as you wish"
why cant Islam?

There will exist extremism everywhere in every country, but it shudnt be encouraged with law that is the root cause of it but law shud be reformed in such a way to match social harmony.
look at egypt and turkey.much better than pakistan.
For gods sake Pakistan is Islamic republic means it is governed by a law which is already thousands of years old ,
without going in its truthfullness i'd say one thing what more can you expect from such a nation that is fed to belief something and not one has he right to belief something of own?
again i respect Islam! but every religion has its flaws which unfortunately is not acceptable by Islam.
surely we can say this practice is wrong that is wrong but they "no ours is the best".

when someone cannot respect other religion how is it possible to stabilize and get respect from others?

I agree, I am Muslim,

There surely certain flaws in our religion, but few people misquote it and sometimes even misunderstand it.

i.e Jihad its a holy war against war on islam, not on country, its surely not supposed to be motivated thru Money, but here we do come across such instances,

This conversation is getting no where,

Its not about convience of religion but verdic given by the Judge is appropriate???

War in the name of Self Defence????

is it justified??


You never know, it might just happened.
hmasalia > with all due respect i'm not even saying about Jihad.
I hope you know according to quran "allah is first", so if given a cause to fight for your country India against Pakistan "islamis republic the land of allah" wont you take up gun?
That means your voiding Quran!
but see how much it needs the much needed reformation!a example.

do you know by even saying "there are certain flaw i know" your going against quran? as allah "pbuh" said "you have to abide by quran its last and first"
problem is Quran itself restricts the reformation of Islam.

Bush staying in Iraq,
It wont happen, for these reasons.
1> money spend and lives spared wont be tolerated by american citizens, they are educated batch.
2> war will never end as its guerilla warfare.
3> they just needs to put a puppet govt and leave Iraq, its foolishness sticking the finger in Iraq.
Iraq war isnt much justified agreed cud have been solved diplomatically, now look US and the world have bigger problems i.e. NK and Iran!!

No dude!

I had nothing against you.

Chill da.. I should;nt be saying it, but reformation in islam is a difficult task, there are certain hardcore muslim who will totally oppose it.

Outlook has to change, and as you said we to an extend Believe Only islam is great others are less.

This is totally wrong.

I remember as a Kid had asked my dad

Since Ghandhi ji was a non muslim, does that mean he is not great????


There are no real answers to religious beliefs.

Ones view differ, but the perception of outlook towards life should be positive.
hmasalia said:

I agree, I am Muslim,
There surely certain flaws in our religion, but few people misquote it and sometimes even misunderstand it.

i.e Jihad its a holy war against war on islam, not on country, its surely not supposed to be motivated thru Money, but here we do come across such instances,

This conversation is getting no where,
Its not about convience of religion but verdic given by the Judge is appropriate???

War in the name of Self Defence????
is it justified??


You never know, it might just happened.

Your remarks r absolutley disgusting, first of all you call urself Muslim and you found some flaw in islam and then you r saying tht PPl r misquoting it.
Flaw doesnt lies in Holy Quran or sunnah it lies in your heart .

A Jihad is denotation is of a struggle, challenge, difficulty or (frequently) opposed effort, made either in accomplishment or as resistance.
Jihad has been classified either as al-jihād al-akbar (the greater jihad), the struggle against one's soul (nafs), or al-jihād al-asghar (the lesser jihad), the external, physical effort, often implying fighting.

There are five kinds of jihad fi sabilillah (struggle in the cause of God)

Jihad of the heart/soul (jihad bin nafs/qalb) is an inner struggle of good against evil in the mind, through concepts such as tawhid.

Jihad by the tongue (jihad bil lisan) is a struggle of good against evil waged by writing and speech, such as in the form of dawah (proselytizing), Khutbas (sermons), et al.

Jihad by the pen and knowledge (jihad bil qalam/ilm) is a struggle for good against evil through scholarly study of Islam, ijtihad (legal reasoning), and through sciences (such as medical sciences).

Jihad by the hand (jihad bil yad) refers to a struggle of good against evil waged by actions or with one's wealth, such as going on the Hajj pilgrimage (seen as the best jihad for women), taking care of elderly parents, providing funding for jihad, political activity for furthering the cause of Islam, stopping evil by force, or espionage.

Jihad by the sword (jihad bis saif) refers to qital fi sabilillah (armed fighting in the way of God, or holy war).

"Deaf, dumb, and blind,
They will not return (to the path)."
[Al-Qur’an 2:18]
x86 said:
When Christianity reformed from inhuman practices of 15th century,
Hinduism reformed a lot of times though hinduism isnt a true religion "vedas says its a way of living your life as you wish"
why cant Islam?
As all your replies has been out of reference and contex.
Dude can u you give reference of vedas where it says "its a way of living your life as you wish"

and yes ppl cant accept the concept of flat world for long time.

and why cant islam?

Allah (swt) promises in the Qur’an, in Surah Al Hijr, chapter 15 verse 9

"We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption)."
and can u pls explain the reformations you are talking abt in this forum...

There are certain flaws my friend,

dont want to bring it up here on the forum

This is not the topic we are discusing.

So lets refrain from posting it here.
hmasalia said:

There are certain flaws my friend,

dont want to bring it up here on the forum

This is not the topic we are discusing.

So lets refrain from posting it here.

I dont know which flaws ur limited knowledge abt Islam is tkling abt and yes no need to post it in here. Learn more abt Islam and other religions before posting and leting others abt those flaws.

P.S:. Nobody becomes Muslim bcoz he/she is born in Muslim family. Look urself in mirror before calling urself 1.

Dude i could go on in a discussion how every religion is flawed including hinduism and islam thinks "its not", islam thinks since it has not been changed its protecting itself from corruption.
provided the MODS gives me permission, i can seriously carry on a discussion with you.

Again i respect islam and i dont have any problem with islam/christianity etc etc as long as it doesnt imbalances the scientific balance of the society.

to me we need knowledge not religion..
hopefully, a alien attack from some stars far away will come soon to unite us all.
x86 said:
Dude i could go on in a discussion how every religion is flawed including hinduism and islam thinks "its not", islam thinks since it has not been changed its protecting itself from corruption.
provided the MODS gives me permission, i can seriously carry on a discussion with you.

Again i respect islam and i dont have any problem with islam/christianity etc etc as long as it doesnt imbalances the scientific balance of the society.

to me we need knowledge not religion..
hopefully, a alien attack from some stars far away will come soon to unite us all.

Kool tht you can go on with the discussions tht hw every religion is flawed tht sounds like you r some sort of geek in comparative religion , i asked you 1 reference and you were not able to give. You can come back again when u hv proper knowledge abt the religion and we dont give a shit whether do you want religion or knowledge.You hv ur life and you can pretty much live with it and dont try an imposed your fake ideology.

P.S:.There is not a single revelation in Quran that is against the established science(i dont know abt the other religions).It has revealed everthing from BIG BANG To Black Hole and yes Aliens too.Here is the ex:

The creation of the universe is explained by astrophysicists as a widely accepted phenomenon,popularly known as ‘The Big Bang’. It is supported by observational and experimental data gathered by astronomers and astrophysicists for decades.According to ‘The Big Bang’, the whole universe was
initially one big mass (Primary Nebula). Then there was a ‘Big Bang’ (Secondary Separation) which resulted in the formation of Galaxies. These then
divided to form stars, planets, the sun, the moon,etc. The origin of the universe was unique and the probability of it happening by ‘chance’ is nil.
The Qur’an contains the following verse regarding
the origin of the universe:

“Do not the Unbelievers see
that the heavens and the earth
were joined together (as one
unit of Creation), before
We clove them asunder?”
[Al-Qu’ran 21:30]
The striking similarity between the Qur’anic verse and ‘The Big Bang’ is inescapable! How could a book,which first appeared in the deserts of Arabia 1400
years ago, contain this profound scientific truth?
Scientists agree that before the galaxies in the universe were formed, celestial matter was initially in the form of gaseous matter. In short,huge gaseous matter or clouds were present before the formation of the galaxies. To describe initial celestial matter, the word ‘smoke’ is more appropriate than gas. The following Qur’anic verse refers to this state of the universe by the word dukhaan which means smoke.
“Moreover, He Comprehended
in His design the sky,
and it had been (as) smoke:

He said to it and to the earth:
‘Come ye together,
willingly or unwillingly.’
They said: ‘We do come (together),
in willing obedience.’”
[Al-Qur’an 41:11]

Again, this fact is a corollary to the ‘Big Bang’ and was not known to anyone before the prophetehood of Muhammad (Peace be upon him). What then, could
have been the source of this knowledge?
According to the famous physicist and Nobel Prize
winner, Albert Einstein, “Science without religion is
lame. Religion without science is blind.”
i thought the topic was on saddam.

Everyone here should watch southpark episode go god go part2.
What do you expect from the US ........

.........We have decided to reform Saddam into a true American citizen by sentencing him to 10 yrs community service? after which time he will become s CNN newscaster because of his extensive middle east experience? because we did not find any WMD's, and we did not find Bin Laden so we thought we would attack Iraq instead?:ohyeah: :ohyeah: :ohyeah: :ohyeah:


@troy : all religions may not be flawed, but the believers certainly are. without meaning to cause offense, remember that all religions are administered or in effect managed by humans, ordinary men. thats why we have so many problems, across the world where religion is the root. All religions preach honesty and good behavior to others, and what do we have in real life from our learned religious leaders? Any religious leader feels its his right to issue a fatwa asking for the death of someone, or declaring someone as non Muslim because they don't wear the burqa.
Heres the meat of the matter: People are sheep. They are guided by things like priests/pundits/mullahs and rabis. they are also guided by ad campaigns, tv commercials and propaganda. when people base their decisions on faith they are even bigger sheep. so if you told me a hundred years back that the quran says there was a big bang i would have said wow. but if my community leader said thats crap, then i would have agreed to that as well. :D

So today you're interpreting Quranic verses as proof of big bang. i hope your religious leaders do so as well. you never know they may call your statement blasphemy. Maybe today they agree and tomorrow they don't.

Anyway religion is about faith. you get told something - just believe it. don't confuse it with science please.
What is the objective of having a religion anyway? :D :D
how does it help? Whats the big deal?:huh: :huh: :huh:

What does it take to stop doing this ridiculous religious crap and just be a good human being, rather than a pious person who quotes from all holy scriptures but in every other way is basically a selfish self serving survivor?

No offense intended at any time to any one, and no animals were harmed when this post was written.:ohyeah: :ohyeah: :ohyeah: :ohyeah:
pastrykunal said:
What do you expect from the US ........

.........We have decided to reform Saddam into a true American citizen by sentencing him to 10 yrs community service? after which time he will become s CNN newscaster because of his extensive middle east experience? because we did not find any WMD's, and we did not find Bin Laden so we thought we would attack Iraq instead?:ohyeah: :ohyeah: :ohyeah: :ohyeah:


@troy : all religions may not be flawed, but the believers certainly are. without meaning to cause offense, remember that all religions are administered or in effect managed by humans, ordinary men. thats why we have so many problems, across the world where religion is the root. All religions preach honesty and good behavior to others, and what do we have in real life from our learned religious leaders? Any religious leader feels its his right to issue a fatwa asking for the death of someone, or declaring someone as non Muslim because they don't wear the burqa.
Heres the meat of the matter: People are sheep. They are guided by things like priests/pundits/mullahs and rabis. they are also guided by ad campaigns, tv commercials and propaganda. when people base their decisions on faith they are even bigger sheep. so if you told me a hundred years back that the quran says there was a big bang i would have said wow. but if my community leader said thats crap, then i would have agreed to that as well. :D

So today you're interpreting Quranic verses as proof of big bang. i hope your religious leaders do so as well. you never know they may call your statement blasphemy. Maybe today they agree and tomorrow they don't.

Anyway religion is about faith. you get told something - just believe it. don't confuse it with science please.
What is the objective of having a religion anyway? :D :D
how does it help? Whats the big deal?:huh: :huh: :huh:

What does it take to stop doing this ridiculous religious crap and just be a good human being, rather than a pious person who quotes from all holy scriptures but in every other way is basically a selfish self serving survivor?

No offense intended at any time to any one, and no animals were harmed when this post was written.:ohyeah: :ohyeah: :ohyeah: :ohyeah:

Well said kunal, if you hv read the post carefull i hv only responded to ppl who hv put some alligations and yes there is black sheep in every commutinity dont you know abt "sati practise" so need to associate them with particular religion and regarding the scientific fact , i hv only given an ex. as some ppl like X86 asked for it and regarding religious leader not giving the ex of it or not the fact which been mentioned 1400 years ago is not mention by me or my religious leader and those fact has not been tampered unlike other religious scriptures.

@Hacker: it would definately watch it out, i hope others guys too do tht instead of finding flaws in other religions
OKAY... We have grilled everyone on all their religious beliefs....

Now tell me whats Saddam planing to do



2.Kill Bush


4.Unite People of Iraq

5.Write a apology letter to Bush, for hiding the WMD too well,

6.Enjoy last few days

7.Claimed that it was not him who killed those people but his SHORT BROTHER (Manu), who was lost in a club in south delhi and had returned to make his life hell.

8.Write an Autobiography "MALANI Khraf"

9.Watch Item Number, from leading bolywood movies

10.Kill me for posting such topics on the forum, biased on H/M Beliefs

Edit: Any incident in this post is totally unintentional and purely friction

As if anyone will believe :P
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