PC Peripherals Samsung 2233SW heating up

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i recently got a new samsung 2233sw. very satisfied with it's performance but over the past few days, i've started noticing that it is heating up quite a bit and i'm wondering if this is normal. the actual monitor isn't too bad... on the sides, and the back you can't tell. but on the top though, it gets pretty hot after using it for a while.

this is not the real issue though... one thing i've noticed is that the air in front of the monitor gets very warm. at times, you can actually feel heat radiation right in front of the screen. right now i'm sitting an arms length away from it and i can feel the warmth... but it gets really weird when you feel the radiation. it's not very hot but it is noticeable enough to change the ambient temperature in the vicinity of the monitor. i'm pretty sure this shouldn't be happening... my last lcd never had this issue but then it was smaller too.

so i guess my question is... is this normal? i know a lot of people on this board have the same monitor so i wanted to know if they have the same experience. or should i call the dealer and ask for servicing/replacement?

thanks for reading this and i'd appreciate your inputs.
Well, heat vents are on the back of the monitor so they would be throwing hot air out and hence back would be always hotter.
But front, dat doesn't get hotter in my case. Though, i sit at a reasonable distance from my monitor and never felt any heat or radiation...:cool2:

U might wanna check with other guys as well...

Is that all the ventilation there is ? :S
And is it kept inside an enclosed computer table??

one thing i've noticed is that the air in front of the monitor gets very warm. at times, you can actually feel heat radiation right in front of the screen. right now i'm sitting an arm's length away from it and t can feel the warmth... but it gets really weird when you feel the radiation. it's not very hot but it is noticeable enough to change the ambient temperature in the vicinity of the monitor.

That's definitely not supposed to happen.

Wait for replies from other owners to confirm the same else call up Samsung.
Yes, it heats up, but not this much. One thing I noticed is that sometimes, a smell comes out of it, spindoctor do u too noticed it?
saqib_khan said:
Yes, it heats up, but not this much. One thing I noticed is that sometimes, a smell comes out of it,

Something fishy here.. Are you sure there is adequate supply of air to monitor? if not plz check it properly.. Normally it will be heated but radiation is too much..
as for ventilation, the monitor has a wall about 6 inches behind it. it's open in every other direction though. unfortunately my computer room isn't air conditioned, and by it's placement, there's hardly ever any fresh air coming in through the windows. all i have is a ceiling fan which again, is not directly over the computer. having said that, it's the rainy season right now and the general ambient temperature is cool (as opposed to how it would be like an oven in full blast summer).

i'm sure there is adequate voltage/power being supplied to the system. haven't noticed any particular smells either.

i just started my computer 20 mins ago after a complete shutdown for a few hours. so far there is no problem... no heating, no radiation. i'll keep a track of it and post back here when i start to feel it. i can understand a monitor getting hot after a few hours of use or something... it's just the feeling of radiation that has me worried. it's mild but it's certainly tangible and that's just weird.

edit - alright about an hour later, the top of the monitor has heated up again. i can feel the temperature difference a couple of inches in front of the screen. the screen itself is warm. also felt the radiation a couple of times... it's not constant, or rather, i can't feel it constantly. just once in a while. but it is there.
I have a 2 year old Viewsonic 22" LCD panel which a few days back was repaired by their engineer - problem was caused because of heat inside the monitor, 5 capacitors had leaked. This even tough I have a table fan blowing air on to the back of the panel from 6 inches distance !! My panel too emitted an electric burning smell for a while before I had the problem.

The Viewsonic engineer said that LCD panels should be powered for about 4 - 5 hours at a stretch to avoid my type of problem - I think that is B.S. !!

One thing he showed me was that when the panel is switched off from the monitors front switch this does not cut power to the monitor as the power circuitry is independent from the panels switch - which means this switch would actually function like a sleep mode like we do TV's from their remote.
i think there may b some problem with ur moniter as i have the same model and i dont face any probs and my moniter runs 4 10 to 12 hours...?

check out with the service center...!
Call and show the same to service guys rather than worrying about it.
Ideally, there should not be dat much heat from this monitor. Mine runs cool running 24x7...:P
@ spindoctor , have u tried calling Samsung's Customer Care ? Once I faced a small problem, and the technical department of Samsung is very good, they helped me to solve my problem. Its related to some settings. Mine problem was different, but then also, y don't u try calling them once.

Let me know if u know their call center number.
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