- Expected Price (Rs)
- 40000
- Shipping from
- Mumbai
- Item Condition
- 5 out of 5
- Payment Options
- Cash
- Bank Transfer
- Purchase Date
- Nov 2, 2019
- Shipping Charges
- Excluded - at actuals
- Have you provided two pics?
- Yes
- Remaining Warranty Period
- 10
- Invoice Available?
- No
- Reason for Sale
- Extra
For Sale !
- Expected Price: Rs 40,000/-
- Source and Time of Purchase: Bought in US in November 2019.
- Reason for Sale: Extra.
- RMA/Servicing history: Never serviced/RMA'd.
- Product Condition: Open Box, Mint.
- Purchase Invoice Available: No
- Company official Indian warranty valid/Remaining Warranty period: No Indian Warranty. 10 Months US warranty.
- Accessories Included: Original box, manual, charger, headphones.
- Product Location: Mumbai.
- Preferred Courier: No specific courier. Locals preferred.
- Shipping Charges: 50% - 50%
- Payment Options: Cash, Bank transfer.
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