Samsung Galaxy S2 i9200 tipped

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Lord Nemesis

Samsung Galaxy S2 has a 2 GHz CPU, 720p screen

Expected to be released in early 2011, here is a render and supposed specifications of what’s going to be the Samsung Galaxy S2. The Samsung Galaxy S2 is supposed to be the successor to the Samsung Galaxy S (Vibrant, Epic 4G, Captivate, or Fascinate depending on your operator) that’s only now hitting the market, and it’ll apparently come with a 720p HD-resolution display and a 2 Ghz processor.

We’re looking at a 4.3-inch screen that has a resolution of 1280 x 720. That’s insane. No other smartphone on market or planned for near-term release can claim a display resolution that high. That’s roughly 340 pixels per inch, aka “retina display†territory. Under the hood is a 2 GHz CPU (could it instead be dual 1 GHz processors?), 1 GB of RAM, and 4 GB of ROM. 32 GB of memory will be built in, and you can always add more with the built in microSD slot. It’ll have an 8 megapixel camera that can also capture full HD video. Whether that means 720p or 1080p we’ll leave to your imagination. Bluetooth 3.0, WiFi b/g/n, 3.5 mm headphone jack, accelerometer, and a gyroscope, all of which is supposed to be running Android 3.0, aka Gingerbread, due to be announced by the end of this year.

Just for reference, HTC and Motorola both have 2 Ghz Android phones in their product pipelines. If you thought the current lineup of 1 Ghz Android smartphones were already impressive, just imagine what the next generation of hardware will bring! We have some seriously high-horsepower smartphones to look forward to.
The main factor that come into picture is price. How much will it cost ?

With all that power in a 4.3 inch device, wont it heat up too much ?

Samsung has been known for slim devices. Will it be able to pull that off with this one ?
desiibond said:
wait wait wait! do you guys really believe this?
Its still a rumor at this stage, but I don't see any thing that's too hard to believe in terms of hardware specs. We already have confirmed news about about 1.5GHz dual core snapdragons for some time now. Theres the Dual Core Cortex A9 based Tegra 2 as well. If LG can make a 3.5" display @ 960 x 640 resolution, its only matter of time before samsung made 720p+ displays of their own and sub 5" displays of that kind are pretty believable. I personally believe they already displays with such resolution and size. As for RAM, we already have phones with 512Mb or more, so next step would be 1GB.
^^ Well going by the number of HTC Evo and Droid X fans, obviously a lot of people don't seem to care if their phones have displays to large to pocket the phone nor about their sub 1 day battery life. :P
ya honestly there should be some limit to how big these phones get... they jus getting too big..... im wondering when one of the big player will announce a 5' device. Oh boy...
I do not get the point of cramping a 720p resolution into a tiny screen such as a cellphone. :|
The battery life is gonna be so bad on tis thing.

I can't see why mobile phone's are becoming so powerful, in the end they have to be used for talking and texting, how safe is it to bring such high spec'd items to your ear for prolonged use, can they have any harmful effects due to the emitting of waves ?
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