Samsung Google Galaxy Nexus

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Being offered GNex for 19.6k in the local market. Was hoping to find it cheaper is always the case.:ashamed:
Being offered GNex for 19.6k in the local market. Was hoping to find it cheaper is always the case.:ashamed:

can be had for 19.1 k online from ebay. wait for a 10% off coupon.. today or tomo... last round of coupons expired yesterday...bUT ONLINE, ll be gamble with color.
Any good deals right now? Discount Coupons? I'm looking at buy the Titanium Silver edition with Hardware warranty (Servepro or otherwise) either online or locally (New Delhi)

Any help/leads would be appreciated :-)

I am looking for crystal clear hard case for my Gnex. Any Idea where can I get this online. I tried ebay, fommy but the particular case is sold out. Can anyone suggest any other source?
I think I will buy the Nexus 4. How much a 4 month old Nexus bought from play store (valid 8 month US warranty
) would go for?
Guys, I got the Galaxy Nexus from eBay around the start of this month for 22,499. If I were to sell it to one of you, provided one of you were interested, what price would you expect?

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