Monitors SAMSUNG LS24D390HL/XL anyone?

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I'm a newbie around here. I need help in selecting my monitor please.
I work 6-7 hours a day on my Laptop (13"). I wish to connect a monitor and work on the monitor instead of the laptop display. I'm looking for 20 - 24" monitors at around Rs 10k +/-.

After extensive reading on the Techenclave forum I've shortlisted:

Dell S2240L 21.5" for around Rs 9000 (Glossy)
LG LG 22MP56HQ for around Rs 9000 (Matte)

I thought the Dell looked sexy, and the LG did not look nice to me at all. External looks are important to me.

I then came across
SAMSUNG LS24D390HL/XL for around Rs 13,000 (slight matte)
It also had an excellent review here

Has anyone tried the above Samsung Monitor? The screen is described as "light matte anti-glare" in the review - sounds like its in between glossy and matte.

Do you think its ok to buy blindly without a demo if I can't demo the above monitors. Any advice or alternate models would be appreciated.
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Looks decent.
Current AH-IPS panels have a light-matte finish too, that looks on par with the sample shown in the review.
External looks are important to me.

External looks won't matter for monitors.

I then came across
SAMSUNG LS24D390HL/XL for around Rs 13,000 (slight matte)
It also had an excellent review here

The review is good. The issue with this monitor is that it will be difficult to get. Most of the showrooms will have only Samsung regular TN monitors.

See the user reviews in -

I would say buy it if you can get it.
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Thanks Eddie and Jose. The Samsung indeed looks interesting, but I'm wondering if its ok to buy without Demo-ing.

I was able to demo the LG monitor today. And although the display was sharp and pleasant, the body / stand was flimsy - terrible. I've dropped this particular LG model off my list.

Maybe I'll visit 1 or 2 more shops tomorrow and pick up something.
Thanks Jose. It was not available on Flipkart a couple of days back, but now it is.

I also could demo the Dell S2240, and initially the colour was too warm - but with a setting on the monitor, I could make it just right. But due to its glossy screen the relections are too much for my preference.

I found out its nearly impossible to demo monitors in Hyderabad before buying. I just may buy this Samsung without a demo.

And... does anyone know if its possible to buy on Amazon / Flipkart and if I don't like it I can return it by incurring just shipping charges??
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