Samsung S5 for 13,649 at ebay , chroma selling.

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Got a call from Croma Retail....
to cancel the order.... They are issuing some Rs500 coupon to every customer for cancelling the order....

haven't got a call or mail yet. Did they say they are cancelling everyone's order or something?
I will definitely be leaving a negative feedback....
I have not yet approved the cancellation... But with ebay that does not matter....
If I dont approve the cancellation... seller wont ship the product and after a certain date the amount is refunded...
He said they are cancelling all orders....
The whole deal was crazier than Flipkart's Crazy Deal and the people who have ordered should have understood that but atleast they got the coupons :)
Shit# all those who purchase it
leave negative feedback
so that in future buyer will be aware from purchasing them
How Leaving negative feedback will help did they cheated anyone ?

NO. Just coz there was a mistake on their side does not mean that they face loss of 20k on each phone. Shut happens. They apologising and giving away a 500 off coupon what else one want for a mistake.

Yep I agree mistakes happen but when a buyer completed a purchase of product on eBay, an instant notification has been sent to seller through Email & registered mobile number.
More than 100 phones have been sold out
Then how come seller doesn't get notification & realize his mistakes after a day.

500 coupons is only a compensation so that buyer doesn't leave -ve feedback. (this is want I thing & I can be wrong)
Just coming here to say I still haven't got any calls/mails from them yet and my ebay history still says my order hasn't been cancelled. afaik I ordered before @onlyravi , lets see.
If it was me, i would definitely gove megative feedback. Their customer service in store is hopeless. They purposely shove that Croma brand of electronic products in my face. This would have been my revenge.
Negative rating is actually justified.
Pricing error was Croma's fault. EBay didn't force them to sell at the given price did they?
Giving discount coupons is like buying your judgement. Not trying to sound like a moral police.
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