Sandisk Clip+ 2GB mp3 player (round 3)

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Any updates on this GO guys ? One of the friend is interested in the 4GB model and even I might go for it :P.
New Prices on amazon :

Red--- 40.69$
Black-- 40.99$
Blue---46.xx $

so for Red there is margin increase of 1.7$ from original 39$ quote.So I guess we might have to choose Red/Black for now
1xRed 4GB is needed, but I need an update and how am I supposed to pay? (Am a newbie, sorry)

Sorry, make it Black.
Yes, 1xBlack 4GB is needed.
damn blue version is so expensive ??? i will have to get the red n black ones.

petrol kmd will pm the account details along with the pricing shortly and then u can do the fundtransfer.
Can someone please tell me if the pricing is still the same for RED/ BLACK 4GB ? Is it 2400 :S ?
Can some one give me KMD bank account details for the GO.

As my stupid bank takes 3 working days to add an account for NEFT transfer.:@
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