Graphic Cards Sapphire HD5850, too hot?


Okay I recently bought a Sapphire HD5850 Card from ITWares, and I think that my card might be defective(i.e it runs too hot)
The card at the moment is idling at 55C (with the case sidepanel open, ceiling fan on full, and cool air blowing through the windows), and when I run FurMark (old version) the temps reach upto 88C in a few minutes. I tried touching the base of the card and its just too hot to touch for over a few seconds. So I was wondering if this is actually a defective card or if this is normal for this card and what would be the best course of action to take.

^ Yeah but you really cant OC the non reference ones a lot since they dont have the Digital VRM's.

The Pencil Mod is required.

What are your ambient temps BTW ?
sarsh11 said:
Okay I recently bought a Sapphire HD5850 Card from ITWares, and I think that my card might be defective(i.e it runs too hot)

The card at the moment is idling at 55C (with the case sidepanel open, ceiling fan on full, and cool air blowing through the windows), and when I run FurMark (old version) the temps reach upto 88C in a few minutes. I tried touching the base of the card and its just too hot to touch for over a few seconds. So I was wondering if this is actually a defective card or if this is normal for this card and what would be the best course of action to take.


Good to see that you are monitoring the temperatures of the VGA. But, they seem all right, slightly on the high side, but the reference cooler does not offer much. What are your room temperatures. Also, the 'Furmark Scenario' will never occur. You will be a good 8-10 degrees less while gaming, no matter how stressful the game is. Monitor the temperatures while gaming (hint RivaTuner), and let us know. Too early for RMA. Best of luck.
Okay then its safe to say that these temperatures wouldn't kill my card fast(er)?

Also I don't have a room thermometer to check my ambients, but I live in Chennai(but its been pretty cool today, cool breeze :))

I just tried cleaning and applying the Noctua NH T1 TIM that I got with my NHU12p and the temperatures are pretty much the same, so my best option would be to set hotkeys for the Fan Settings and change them when I am playing a game or something.

And I never really took into account the GFX heating up so much and so I neglected the VaporX/Toxic models. Also I don't suppose its a good idea to OC this card with these temperatures + how do I OC it anyway?
You can use the inbuilt option in CCC Overdrive, or Riva Tuner to OC. As always, the basics of OC apply. OC-->Stability Test --> Thermal Monitoring --> Benchmarking..!

Rest assured those temperatures will not kill the card or even expedite the process. The GPU cores do get that hot, good you realized early. Its a huge calculation engine. But chips are strong, since they are literally forged in the fires of hell. Great card, enjoy the games.
Idle temp on my 5850s is around 49 deg @ 23% fan speed (Default) while my i7 idles at 33-34 deg.
I guess 55 deg in summer isnt so bad ;)
vasim21 said:
Idle temp on my 5850s is around 49 deg @ 23% fan speed (Default) while my i7 idles at 33-34 deg.
I guess 55 deg in summer isnt so bad ;)

temps are not bad et all, especially considering the fan speed.
I also want to add in that keeping the case open would invite dust so just keep the case closed, improve airflow inside with good intake and exhaust fans+cable management.
yea that seems about right ... my 5850 goes to a max of 86C in furmark with default fan profile and 75c if i have AC turned on ... increase the fan profile to 50% and the temps at normal temp comes down to 76c in furmark.
temps are fine noo need to worry.. :)

if u still think that its over - heating it and re-apply thermal paste... factory thermal paste is always a junk !
im about to buy 5850 but im also having concern about the temperature getting to high for my liking...i already have this problem with my current card.

which one would be better MSI 5850 Twin Frozr II or Sapphire Vapor-X 5850

oc is not the main priority...but the cooling is.
-Guevara- said:
im about to buy 5850 but im also having concern about the temperature getting to high for my liking...i already have this problem with my current card.

which one would be better MSI 5850 Twin Frozr II or Sapphire Vapor-X 5850

oc is not the main priority...but the cooling is.

The temps goes beyond 80c only in furmark for me ... i have stressed the card or tried to stress it by running crisis @ max settings but it has not got the card to go above 65 c for me. Having said that anyone of those two cards or any after market cooler is a nice addition to that card. Personllay i will go for the Vapor-X because i like the support and package i get from sapphire ... buying my sapphire HD5850 gave me a gold membership with sapphire which entails me for 5 free offers and these offers could be Free full version games to discounts in future purchases so a big thumbs up from me for them.
kolguy said:
The temps goes beyond 80c only in furmark for me ... i have stressed the card or tried to stress it by running crisis @ max settings but it has not got the card to go above 65 c for me. Having said that anyone of those two cards or any after market cooler is a nice addition to that card. Personllay i will go for the Vapor-X because i like the support and package i get from sapphire ... buying my sapphire HD5850 gave me a gold membership with sapphire which entails me for 5 free offers and these offers could be Free full version games to discounts in future purchases so a big thumbs up from me for them.

are these offers valid in India ?
Damn I didnt get any bonuses/membership offers :(

Also like I already said, I have re applied the TIM and changed the temperatures by only a couple of degrees, this was before the benchmarking.


Is that an i7 930 and is it OC'd? If so, can you tell me what motherboard are you using and whats the batch number of the chip?

I have a pretty hot chip and I wanted to confirm some stuff :)

@everyone else

thanks :)
^^ Nope .. Thats Core i7 860 coupled with Asus P7P55D Pro mobo.
CPU is running at stock clocks .. Still need to learn to overclock ..:ashamed:

One of my 5850 idles at 49 deg & the other one at 51 deg at about 22-23% fan speed.
sarsh11 said:
Damn I didnt get any bonuses/membership offers :(
Also like I already said, I have re applied the TIM and changed the temperatures by only a couple of degrees, this was before the benchmarking.

the membership offers is only applied if you register your product in sapphire website with the unique identification number of ur card. the number in question is on the box plus on the card itself.
Great Ill have a look, thanks everyone.

Now I need to find out how to OC this card, just for the heck of it :)

Okay actually I am not happy with my card, I took some time to OC it today its currently at 900/1200 stable. But the temps are seriously annoying, I OC'd using MSI After Burner, set a good graph for fan speed to change with the temperatures and for some reason the things idle temps are now 65C! No one else gets that temps, even at higher volts/OC. And now I turned MSI AB Off and its at 157/300Mhz(default idle clocks according to CCC) and the temps are still 57-58C at idle w/case sidepanel open and an extra fan from my old case blowing air over the base of the card.

So I was wondering if I could just RMA it saying that I am unhappy with this cards temps?
Also would it be possible to actually get a VaporX model by paying extra while RMA'ing it?
Or any other suggestions?
I am not sure if you will not be able to RMA it ...i HD 5850 idles ar 34c with AC on and a fan profile at 50% which is slightly noisy but with chennai heat and with no AC i would suggest that you wait till mid august ... i have not overclocked the card with MSI AF ... reason being that i get more then just playable framerates with it on the games i play ... so unless i am trying to bench something i dont need the few fps i gain by overclocking it.