SAT Vocab

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Keane 16

Giving the SAT on the 5th of May. Am fine with everything else. Get screwed on the vocab section. Any tips for memorizing the stupid word lists ? :huh:
Mnemonics ? Just what I'm talking about :P :rofl:

I do use them in sentences, but they only stay with me for 2-3 days max :( ..
well, remembering what you already know is more important than learning new words and forgetting the old ones

make a song out of it :P
Akshit, do 10-20 words a day (based on your comfort level) and each day revise those 10-20 words plus do an additional 10-20 words..Does help!


Day 1 : 20 new

Day 2 : 20 new + 20 from Day1

Day 3: 20 new + 20 from Day1 + 20 from Day2

So on & so forth! Might sound crazy when you're thinking about say the 10th day but trust me it'll be easy by then.. ;) Try it!
yeah ppl, tips, me also giving SAT on 5th May, n english vocab is the only part which sux, specially in the sentence completion part
advanced users can figure out/learn the word by the word roots

like misogynist=miso(anti)gynus(women)=woman hater

get yourself the norman lewis book for lots of these

not recommended if sat is anywhere close by tho
Make word lists of only the words you dont know (i.e dont learn directly from a book) and go over them every day, preferably twice a day. You have almost a month, thats more than enough time..

Also there's a nice software called "Voca", see if you can get hold of it (dont ask me from where, I dont know). It helped me a lot in my GRE...

I wouldve said learn French, if you had the time. Most of these screwy words are basic French words :)
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