PC Peripherals SATA in A7N8X-X ?

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Hey Matez :D

SO far U guyz all have been pretty damn helpful :cool2: :clap:

So I am fallin back on my gud Samratin buddies again and again :D....

This time round I wud love to hear from U abt the possiblity of connecting a SATA HDD in my Asus A7N8X-X mobo.....

I am not sure if it supports it.....

But somewher near the bottom end of the mobo ther is sumthing tht says "Pri_Sata n Sec_Sata"

Wat does this mean guyz ???????/

Hop U will clear me out this time too matez :hap2:

Tnx as alwayz..........:clap:

N.B : Mods plz add this if ther is already sumthing of this sort....

Or even change the topic discussion grp.....I beleive General Hardware is where HDD is talked but since Mobo is also ther I am confused...

Cheerz :hap2:
Nope...not possible.....

The A7N8X-X and the Deluxe versions have the same PCB Layout...thats why u have SATA ports there....the Dlx has SATA, X doesnt.
As sunny says, the PCB is the same. The a7n8x-x though, doesn't have the ports, as well as the SATA chip (notice the empty space to the left of the place you saw Pri_Sata)
Well the S-ATA ports are there ,all u need is to solder the Si3112 chip onto the empty space and two connectors where it mentions the ports.Next use the promise bios editor to include the s-ata bios from the deluxe's into the -x's and u r set. :ohyeah: .LOL.
Better idea:Get a 1k S-ATA card if u really want S-ATA.
Hey M8z,

Thanz a lot to u 3 for answerin my query......

@ Undertaker......mate do u mean to say tht if I get a sata card for 1k indian rupees I can connect a sat hdd into my existin A7N8X-X ?

Thts all I need to do ?

So what should I luk for if I want to buy a SATA card as u said .....and is it worth it .....I mean will I be able to get the 3gb/s sata transfer rate with the card too ?

"3gb/s" Dude that is the "peak theoretical rate" for sata II drives(SATA-I is still 150 MB/sec.).No way u can get that rate even if u get go for Raptor-Raid setup.
PCI-SATA(I) cards are not worth it(the one integrated on the dlx. is pci too).The nforce2 did have a mcp2-S with native sata out last year but boards on that were never widely available b'coz by then, focus was on A64.
Hey U kewl guyz,

So u mean to say I cud do better with a 7,200 RPM --8 MB buffer -- Samsung 80 or 120 Gb than go in for a Sata card then a Sata Hdd...

I guess the 7,200 has a 133/100 Mb/s speeed rite ? Or is it sumthing else ?

Plz clarify.....

no point in going with SATA hard disks because the data transfer of your sata hdd will be restricted to PCI speeds ( if the sata pci card is installed ) . either get a new motherboard which supports SATA or just do with pata ( the normal ones ) . 8MB cache 7,200 rpm is your best bet yea they have max. peak speed of 100mb/sec . dont know about UDMA 6 specific hard disks .
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