Satyamev Jayate - Television Show by Aamir Khan


Oct 11, 2011
I hope people get over Aamir Khan. This issue is bigger than him, me or you for that matter.

This is like discussing about what Julian Assange is wearing rather than talking about the revelations by wikileaks.

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Mar 26, 2010
Whoa... Didn't know that there was a thread going on about this show!

I never saw the show and will not see it... Have better things to do!

But I met a few people who saw the show and were all praises about it!

One of them has 4 kids: 3 elder daughters and the youngest one being a son. They needed a son to take care of the business! I can bet they didn't kill the daughters only coz they are an affluent family and can afford 4 children.

Another one has 1 daughter and 1 son. While his son is doing engineering, the daughter was asked to do B. Com coz they couldn't afford to educate both kids in esteemed fields! And in any case, the girl is supposed to get married and go to another place!

The problem wit us is that we all are empty vessels. We make a lot of noise and yet we are just that... empty, worthless vessels!

Happens with the rich and the poor. No matter whether we eat at a 5 star restaurant or at a roadside dhaba... when the shit comes out, it smells foul in both cases!

And all we do is flush it down until one day, someone tells us that out shit smells foul (the way the show tried to)! Then, we ponder over it for a few days and conclude: SHIT happens!



May 27, 2008
#[member='asingh'] - Sorry the 2nd part of my reply was never directed at you - the Taare Zameen part. Though example on 3 idiots was. When you talk about "It is how a "product" is packaged for the media" you negate your own statement. The product media talks about is "XYZ" - including the new improved Aamir Khan
No Aamir, no talk. If no star was there,the product itself is incomplete and wont sell. So I think the question ""what if Aamir was not doing this" is still open.

The 2nd part of your reply seems to be about personally being aware about dyslexia or foeticide. Yes, I was not aware about dyslexia before the movie but you were - kudos to you. Was I aware of the foeticide numbers? No, but I think the show numbers are a fair estimation based on sex ratio, birth rate and population growth. Though saying that it is exact figure cause it was quoted in the show is incorrect(please dont take this as my apathy towards foeticide) Was I aware of it happening in urban socities? Yes, check out one of my previous posts. The guy I talk about had his last "girl" child 3 years ago. He doesnt really seem the type to give up so easy. You can imagine what he has been up to.


Staff member
Super Mod
Jun 13, 2009
New Delhi
#[member='asingh'] - Sorry the 2nd part of my reply was never directed at you - the Taare Zameen part. Though example on 3 idiots was. When you talk about "It is how a "product" is packaged for the media" you negate your own statement. The product media talks about is "XYZ" - including the new improved Aamir Khan
No Aamir, no talk. If no star was there,the product itself is incomplete and wont sell. So I think the question ""what if Aamir was not doing this" is still open.

How am I negating it. All media needs to be packaged, but that does not mean a message is not being sent across to the viewer audience, or not being tried. Aamir is just endoring it, and what is wrong with that. Initial pull is needed. And why are we even arguing about Aamir running it. I was talking about the concept. Most seem to say "just another show by another actor". I really do not feel that. It might just raise awareness, amongst people, and they can educate others. I all ready mentioned my stake on if Aamir was not doing it. But it seems like a strawman, if I applaud the current packaging, and you hold it against me.

The 2nd part of your reply seems to be about personally being aware about dyslexia or foeticide. Yes, I was not aware about dyslexia before the movie but you were - kudos to you. Was I aware of the foeticide numbers? No, but I think the show numbers are a fair estimation based on sex ratio, birth rate and population growth. Though saying that it is exact figure cause it was quoted in the show is incorrect(please dont take this as my apathy towards foeticide) Was I aware of it happening in urban socities? Yes, check out one of my previous posts. The guy I talk about had his last "girl" child 3 years ago. He doesnt really seem the type to give up so easy. You can imagine what he has been up to.

Ok, good you know too. At least this show showed you something.
Though why would you doubt those numbers...?


Jan 23, 2006
And all we do is flush it down until one day,


Your post was fine in its unedited form. Now its a bit too Sh!tty tbh. Doesnt matters whether u are stating the facts or not, some decorum is always needed.

And why is that members and even mod been getting away while using this word freely offlate?


Mar 26, 2010
Your post was fine in its unedited form. Now its a bit too Sh!tty tbh. Doesnt matters whether u are stating the facts or not, some decorum is always needed.

And why is that members and even mod been getting away while using this word freely offlate?

^ Honestly, That is another one of our problems... We try so hard to conceal our feelings that we end up having just words that sound sophisticated but do not convey the true feelings. Why speak at all then? Maintain the 'Ohh... so holy' demeanor and fool ourselves and attempt at fooling others.

Sh!tty or not, I wrote what I felt. I don't consider 'Shit' to be an abuse either. There are other abuses like the F word that people so casually use and which I abhor!

I am not against decorum either... but I do not think that using the word 'Shit' is so big an offence! Especially when we allow @ss, a$$, PITA, beech, biatch, fook, WTF and all sorts of 'sophisticated' abuses!

I am sorry if it offended you (or anyone else) in any manner... that was not the purpose. But I was talking about us as a general public and not any particular person.

If I feel like sh!t after reading a whole lot of sh!t about issues that we all are a part of, what do you expect to be reflected in my replies??


Jan 23, 2006
Well if one has the will, he will develop the ability to express the anger/feelings without using such words.

I am no way fine with the other words, but you can see the way i mentioned it, and the way you have. It simply depicts the semblance of hesitancy in going all out and using such degraded words which are best avoided on public forums and/or day to day life usage as well.


Mar 26, 2010
^ Well, I am a man of the law my friend. When we talk about sex, we talk about sex. We don't call it 'making love' just to make it sound better!

I too do not use those words in my day to day life or even on forums. But when I have to lay out facts, I think it is better to avoid the asterisks (*)!



Jan 25, 2012
Nagpur , Maharashtra
Today just saw some shocking facts about female foeticide. Most of us think that only countryside and illiterate people do it, but it's just the other way round according to facts!!
. Really man it's worrying


It's Nothing Personal
Nov 3, 2010
^ Well, I am a man of the law my friend. When we talk about sex, we talk about sex. We don't call it 'making love' just to make it sound better!

I too do not use those words in my day to day life or even on forums. But when I have to lay out facts, I think it is better to avoid the asterisks (*)!


Who man, you are a hero. You talk about sex and not 'making love'.


Jul 9, 2005
i just hope this is a permanent process and not just a temporary solution to garner votes..


Aug 17, 2010
Whoa... Didn't know that there was a thread going on about this show!

I never saw the show and will not see it... Have better things to do!

But I met a few people who saw the show and were all praises about it!

One of them has 4 kids: 3 elder daughters and the youngest one being a son. They needed a son to take care of the business! I can bet they didn't kill the daughters only coz they are an affluent family and can afford 4 children.

Another one has 1 daughter and 1 son. While his son is doing engineering, the daughter was asked to do B. Com coz they couldn't afford to educate both kids in esteemed fields! And in any case, the girl is supposed to get married and go to another place!

The problem wit us is that we all are empty vessels. We make a lot of noise and yet we are just that... empty, worthless vessels!

Happens with the rich and the poor. No matter whether we eat at a 5 star restaurant or at a roadside dhaba... when the shit comes out, it smells foul in both cases!

And all we do is flush it down until one day, someone tells us that out shit smells foul (the way the show tried to)! Then, we ponder over it for a few days and conclude: SHIT happens!


I dont agree with your point of view. If every human would have thinking like you, I really dont see how we got independence, how Greece and other middle east countries were able to pull down dictators who were ruling them for last 40-50 years, I also dont think that we got a very powerful act like RTI which unearthed many scams could see a light of the day(It took around 10 years for Anna Hazare and others to fight for it). And there were examples much much more in the history who thought beyond SHIT and did something which according to you could never happen.

So, I really feel that let the SHIT remain what it exactly means and let us do something which can make our society a better place to live. Go out, do something which you are capable of.

I know my post will be counter attacked with super duper arguments and make me defeat in it and I congratulate you on it, in the meantime, I would have done my bit for the betterment of the society.

Change can happen if we try.
