SC Double Agent Horrible Performance Issues

Not open for further replies. in darkness again and half the picture is the sky. i wish someone could post pics with fraps in the 4th level. everythings out in the open in broad daylight in that level. i remember one of the smooth running areas in level 1 to be that house as well.
anyway i just confirmed the game doesnt run properly @ max settings compared to chaos theory.
hope they release a better patch soon.
arun_rulezzz said: in darkness again and half the picture is the sky. i wish someone could post pics with fraps in the 4th level. everythings out in the open in broad daylight in that level. i remember one of the smooth running areas in level 1 to be that house as well.
anyway i just confirmed the game doesnt run properly @ max settings compared to chaos theory.
hope they release a better patch soon.

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