Scheduling task-cycle

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Well , i need to create a task-auto-run-kill-cycle.

I need to schedule a task so that it launches a desired program, and then kills it after say 10 Minutes. And after 20 Minutes of killing the program, it launches it again. So basically, it should run in a cycle of 30 Minutes, repeating itself, out of which the program runs for the first 10 Minutes and doesn't for the next 20 and then runs again and so on. Any way to do this in Vista ? Like using Task-Scheduler or/Batch files/other software's ? Even if this whole cycle is designed to run for say 12hrs (24 cycles) it would solve the purpose.

hmm :hap2:
it's possible most probably cause, during the times when people used to try to use my Ip on Sify,i had made a batch file to repair my LAN connection continuously without affecting the connection.

i think you can use some task scheduling software to run the exe file every 20 mins ..
but i dunno if any scheduling software also kills the process .
let me search :)

might be useful for me too in the future, you know why Phoenix heheh;)
^^ we are not talking about Linux darky :).hehehe.

anyways Phoenix can use task scheduler to run the program after every "X " mins .infact even the built-in task scheduler in Vista should work.

to kill the process after every "X" mins.

you can try creating this batch file,in notepad and save it as "filename.bat"

@echo off

taskkill /im processname.exe/f

taskkill /im  processname.exe/f

instead of processname in the taskmanager check the " image name " of the process you want to kill and use it in the batch file.


@echo off

taskkill /im foobar.exe/f

taskkill /im  foobar.exe/f

not sure if you have to include the *32 of 32 bit processes when using 64 bit Vista.

try both options.

once you get the batch process working.

just add it to the task scheduler :)

hope it works out .
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Had tried it yesterday itself, but it seems a little complicated and doesn't seem to work properly. Lemme try some settings and will let you know. Any software's that can do the thing ?
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